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 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
She sleeps as I watch her breathe
Looking so small in her railed bed
I think of smiles and laughs and lessons
Dreams wrapped up in things she said

So, I pray and wish for many more
As we so selfishly often do
And give my blessing to send her home
The strongest woman I ever knew
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
Absent in one's own life
Hovering just outside of yesterday
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
i remember that day in the afternoon sun
the garter snake passed lazily through the tall yellow-headed sourgrass
or maybe time was edging toward stillness
as it so often does in mental replays

there was cold, clear water in a tall, clean glass
that sat still at the end of your fingers
the sunlight hit the sides and it came through the water tilted
at the same angle as your head as you smiled
i saw the condensation on your hand
and wondered if it would feel cool against my skin
or if all I'd feel was the warmth of you
i could feel the glaciers melting
drop by drop by drop

and a warm, soft wind
covered up everything
on the day your love came screaming through me

you had oranges and lemons in a canvas bag beside you
different hues of summer in that pouch you brought along
there were seven different kinds of light welling up inside of you
you smeared citrus pulp all over me, in laughter like song
gone too quickly to tell you I longed for you to stay
gone to good old east rutherford three thousand miles away

i felt the warm surge blast my mind
coming in from behind
on the day your love came screaming through me

in the fresh light of day
i felt something falling away
on the day your love came screaming through me

                                                 *i remember that day
                                                  time was edging toward stillness
                                                  as it so often does in replays
Such an honor and pleasure working with Dagoth I Am. He's so talented and kind. :)
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
Find a reason,
To love,
To laugh,
To be kind,
For it may not,
Add years,
To your life,
But surely,
Add life to your years.

Make your life,
Worth living for!
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
lapses into yesterdays
at the very thought
of you
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
Knowing you love me
Is exquisitely painful,
My fervid desire
10w senryu
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
I pull out your picture
Smooth skin and hazel eyes
Even in photographs they hypnotize
Calling my name in whispers
Pounding at my *****
Electric shocks to the groin
Waking the senses
Feeling revived
Revitalized, alive
There, ever unchanged
Your gaze upon mine
Motionless, emotionless
Frozen, in time
When you realized I was she
An alternate reality
Returning affection
A two way street of romantic love
Unseen. Unnoticed. Unrealized
Yet real just the same
Innocent, unthinking
With no one to blame
Knowing you want me
That you always did
Nothing but glimpses
Of an awkward kid
Turned man
Turned desire
Lascivious by design
Liquifying resistance
Wasting no time
A bit of shy
A hint of coy
Vanish all remnants
Of that innocent boy
By the light of the screen
I lay here
Feeling the heat of you
Making me moan
Desire unabated
I finish unsated
Abusing your picture
In ways you condone
 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
I want you*

Alas, the obstacles outweigh the need

 Dec 2014 Dagoth I Am
There was no choice Darlin'
For I already loved you
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