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  Apr 2019 dadens
Bipolar Hypocrite
I don't know what changed
Because I never stopped giving
Even after you stopped accepting.
I don't know what I did wrong,
When you started pushing me away,
When you slammed the door in my face
I still stood in the rain,
Waiting patiently for you to open up.
I gave you time that I knew was just an excuse
For you to distance yourself from me.
My love was falling into an abyss, into this infinite space between us.
It was grasping at air hoping it would reach you but
We were falling from your hands that once caught us,
And you were too far away to realise you dropped us.
You were my universe,
And I let it come between us so you could have space.
I did it all out of love,
So, tell me,
Tell me
Why was it not enough?
Temporary infinities
  Apr 2019 dadens
Sharmila Juliet
I want to be a magic like nature
Unpredictable but admirable.
dadens Apr 2019
I think the saddest part of it all
Isn't how you hurt me
or how I hurt you

But that when I wake up every day
I wish I could erase all memory of us

Because I would have rather not
known you

Than to know a life without you.

But that's just the truth you'll never hear.
© d.a.dens
you showed me the greatest joy of life, love, and lots of it. but that only means I've dealt with the greatest loss as a result. and, well, some days I'd rather not know what it was like to have that joy and passion turn into pain.
dadens Mar 2019
as spring awakens
so does my heart

it's been packed away for
the cold of winter

but now my heart is thawing
the soil is softening
and i need someone to plant
their flowers here

because my heart is ready
to be nurtured
to feel nourished

and to flourish into the
beautiful blossoms
that deserve to grow
in my vacant heart
© d.a.dens
dadens Mar 2019
i'm sorry to the people i cut out of my life recently.
it's not your fault you thought i would stick around.
you witnessed me accepting mistreatment left and right.
so of course, you thought i would allow you to treat
me the same way with no reproductions.

but what those of you failed to realize is that i didn't care how everyone else treated me because in my eyes, those closest to me put the sun and stars in the sky.

so forgive me for letting you go when you so carelessly allowed the sun to turn dark and let the stars come crashing into my life like meteors.
© d.a.dens
dadens Mar 2019
why does the world drain me of all that I am
but then expect me to fill myself back up like its nothing?
© d.a.dens
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