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dadens Mar 2019
why does the world drain me of all that I am
but then expect me to fill myself back up like its nothing?
© d.a.dens
dadens Feb 2019
we were too much of everything
to just be nothing
© d.a.dens
  Feb 2019 dadens
No Nahme
How is it that
I feel this connection
With such
Intensity and rarity
My bones
My soul
As if
Our souls are tangled
Together repeatedly
without knowing
One lifetime
After another
A magnetic force
That pulls me to you
I want to give in
Snap into place
  Feb 2019 dadens
The daydream of desired second chances
Is easier on the soul
Than accepting
That you’re lost in the heart of someone
With their mind on another
  Feb 2019 dadens
How is it
That I love him
Yet when the moon is bright
I think of you still
  Feb 2019 dadens
Madison Greene
if you remember me
remember me curled up in your duvet watching you play guitar
remember my hair caught in your mouth and the way we'd laugh in between kisses
remember our firsts and how wonderful they were we couldn’t help but come back for seconds and thirds
remember how the parts of me and the parts of you kept getting tangled in each other
how when we walked away we were both left trying to separate the two
remember me and I hope it's easier to breathe knowing the kind of love this world has to offer

if this is what the wrong love feels like can you imagine us when we find the right
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