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 Jun 2016 courtney jean
gray rain
There's no love in my life
which caused the death of my heart.
I can't even begin to explain how much it hurt
when you ripped out my heart and tore it appart.
Alone again, on the same furrowed land
Knees trembling to much to stand
I find my feet firmly planted in quicksand

I'm sinking yet AGAIN
There is no need to pretend
My situation is to much to comprehend

I'm tired of all the abuse
Forced into being a lonely recluse
I once again raise my flag of truce

This suffering is way to much to bear
So I let go, raise my hands into the air
To an uncaring entity, I offer my last prayer

I hear the last toll of the bell
As the tears in my eyes swell
Sinking into my own personal hell

I watch my life slowly dissipate
I listen to the last beat beneath my breastplate
I could no longer carry the weight
Missing the feel
Of a blade on my wrist.
Missing the sting
Of where the metal has kissed.

But I'm over six months clean
And my friends are finally proud.
I guess I'll push this down some more
To keep these voices from getting loud.
That first drink I took I
It was only a few shots but I
Got ****** off my head
Got so drunk so I could forget
Ecstasy so powerful, a craving so
Who knew I could break the law?
At 13 this happened
Right when most worried about
I stole of my family to fund
Now I live right, but my childhood is
 Jun 2016 courtney jean
 Jun 2016 courtney jean
you touch my world so delicately
and i love it that you do
all we have is gentle
and i love that about you too

you listen so attentively
care for my heart so blue
talk to me so kindly
in everything you do

friends that found such passion
a tiny seed that grew
you make everything so easy
easy to love you

i hug you tight throughout the night
especially when i'm blue
while you bring comfort to my life
i love you through and through

with the kindest heart i know
you take me away with you
for us this feels so beautiful
i hope you feel it too

— The End —