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We need some light.
The morning sun,
the breaking dawn.
Midday warmth
and basking in the sun.
The setting sun,
the dying light.
We need some light
to see the truth.
I missed sharing my words. I don't dare call it poetry. I just missed it.
It was subtle
But I noticed
The way you lightly touched my lips
When you grabbed the cigarette out of my mouth
It was a small yet huge gesture
Not to be easily forgotten
The whole experience seemed unreal
You were the pinch I needed
To realize I wasn't dreaming
Sometimes when good things happen
It's hard to believe it's true
Thanks for reminding me
It's not always a bad thing to be me
Especially since I met you
I lost nights of sleep,
  Days, and weeks
    To these words I weep;
They've coiled around my soul,
  Wrapped me up tight,
    And swallowed me whole;
My blood runs black with ink of the art,
  Beneath the skin pale as paper,
    Words beat through and through my heart!
I am the poem come alive,
  I write and write
    Just to survive.
i am tired
of asking people
to love me

flowers do not
beg honey bees
to land

shores do not
beg ocean tides
to return

if my sweet scent
does not lure you
nor does the moon guide you to me,
i do not want you,
if anything less than gravity pulls you
to me
Your words, linger against my skin,
holding me until i wander off.
Until i'm in your arms,
I will not sleep again.
No matter how hard,
no matter how long.
Hold me again,
longer this time.
As my
mind drifts
 Jun 2015 Colten White
A life without love
Is like a night sky without the stars.
It's still there,
Just not quite as beautiful
 Jun 2015 Colten White
I had expected the stars to be close
Enough to touch
Hanging like stranded diamonds
Deep within the confines of
The rambling universe
 Jun 2015 Colten White
Alice R-P
The sky above us is ablaze,
You can almost feel the heat
From the colors of dark orange and red.
Your presence is putting me in a daze,
And up me You lift,
With all that's being said.
The sea has quieted down,
And the wind is noiselessly
Swishing through the straws, the sand, my humid hair.
Looking deep in Your eyes I know
I can say those three words finally,
I am certain I am there.
You can see bones in her slender neck—
like ******* knuckles gripping the back
of a dining chair.

She hums a love song while staring at the pages of a romance
novel, grey tea cooling beside her, sun fading from the room.

Her canary dropped dead in its cage. The mailbox hasn’t been
checked for days…

She has ‘Once upon a time’ tattooed on the inner lining
of her lungs, ‘Happily ever after’ carved in each finger-bone.

She is the one roses wilt for—the ghost of a fairy tale left
to a room with only the memory
of birdsong.
 Jun 2015 Colten White
Can you breathe just that
little bit slower
can you speak just that
little bit softer
I need to show you something so important
all else can wait

Can you dream with me
can you fly with me
enter into worlds unknown
with me

Answer questions with me
question answers with me
lose perspective of yourself
with me

Through the lands unknown
where thoughts are more than known
Seek out your purpose little one

Guide your soul back home
A place where you will grow
You will be all you need to be

Just come
just come with me
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