I go out for coffee
with my best
friend every
And see the thorns come out of
I people In ways I wouldn't expect.
D One woman moves away from us. One
R boy calls her a terrorist. One man threate
I ns to have her deported Even though she w
N as born in New Jersey. America the free....?
K I drink coffee with my parents in the morning, My
C Dad's daily dose of poisons called Fox and Friends
O Hannity The O'reilly Factor Cause my ears to bleed.
F They say that while not all Muslims are terrorists All ter
F rorists are Muslim. They use religion as a scapegoat
E What they don't know isThese radicals do the exact
E same thing. I drink coffee by myself in the afterno
on. Somewhere, during that time Personality Ru
pert Murdoch blames all Muslims for terrorism.
He says they all must take responsibility for t
his "cancer". Then must I, as a Christian, tak
e responsibility for the KKK? Must I, as a
member of your religion, Rupert, take
responsibility for your ignorance? I
stand in solidarity with these Mus
lims who would never rip a hair
off my head or a bone from m
y body. We can do without
people like you, who mak
my coffee taste bitter.
#rupertsfault #stopislamphobia #stfufoxnews #muslims #solidarity