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 Jun 2017
These faulty
Words without
An *******
Days on end
I can't get in
No thought
No release
No conception
My words
Must have
An infection
I should
Have used
Traveler Tim
 Jun 2017
Why shout out to the mountain
It's time to fall on me
The sky keeps turning darker
So why pretend to see …

Love so often cast
Like pearls to the swine
The dog returns to his *****
He calls it  holy wine …

There’s a new day on the horizon
As our lungs gasp for air
Existence remains unsolvable
Yet on ourselves we swear

Eternity holds no definites
The equation six feet deeper
Wake up and do some living
Or be an eternal sleeper
Traveler Tim
An older poem of mine
I wrote it in 2004
Re To 06-17.
 Jun 2017
Now I am tranquil-
ized with the low light
of a fairly good star
planted serenely
in my Atlantic
and out there where
a lonely gull cries
dipping a wing
to the sea singing
a sleepy lullaby
in a language that Vargas
and I know so well
so, goodnight my angels
tomorrow will bring us
something akin to
a new day we can say
in one voice, Hallelujah
I am alive.
Goodnight, my friends. Tomorrow we smile singing Hallelujah, all will be well.
 Jun 2017
Lora Lee
Lay me down
      in those fields  
         of silken flowers
        where the buzzing
        over our heads
       whirls us into
   lightspun holy
my dress a metaphor
for loneliness
as you lift it off
and let it disintegrate
into the evening's
electric ether
your lips
    undoing the tight
       leather laces
        that have held my
     heart in place
until now
undo them
   in unfurled totality
let my feminine essence
drip, in non-verbal words
onto your fingers
let my elements
   light you up
    from within
firebrand sunset
in molten metallic sheen
indigo lip of ocean
melding into crackling
            hiss of earth
               and humming
                   under this
                dark rich loam
              tiny vibrating buds
     sprout from fossils
trilobites become
hazy with new moss
seething insects
lay eggs and spawn
feeling the bloodpulse,
that simmer of surface
in slick magnet energy
Curled stems of wild
poppies and zinnia
tie down my wrists
snake around my thighs
clasp my
tender-***** ankles
as if to open me
up even more
than I thought
            my soul
                   could go
and I do not resist
for soon they will
accompany you
as you decorate my
deepest womb
              with blossoms          
filling me with your
soul's seed
your musk-scented fervor
nestled, subaqueous
into the root of
my sweet
This song. Just says it.
 Jun 2017
Paul Jones
Beautiful sadness,     walk with me awhile
and let me tell you,      stories of sorrow.
18:30 - 12/06/17
State of mind: sadness; acceptance; peaceful.

Thoughts: from memories - past.

Questions: none.
 Jun 2017

crow's nest's

quo warranto,
obliquity weaver...
10 w
 Jun 2017
Sally A Bayan
Once upon a time,
i had a book i read nightly....without fail.
t'was a compendium of impossible dreams,
big plans, summaries of late night talks
on "long-shots-but-worth-a-try," stuff,
...our very own fairy tales, where we
wished for magic wands and wings,
written on nights when sleep was elusive,
when bottles of cold beer had lost their effect.
talks were fingers grew tired, for,
my guitar wept with sad songs....t'was then
i learned to pour martini...into my coffee.

lost my guitar one day, got busted....but, life's
many notes and tunes, played on with time.
eclipses shaded the already dimmed horizon,
floods ruined boxes of souvenirs...stamped,
handwritten...with ribbons of silver and gold...
people died, some left...some fell out of love,
moved near the mountains, others left their
preferred milieus...for uncomfortable zones...

the moon, looking down from mountaintops,
was a witness to tears...of sufferings,
.....realization, and of acceptance.

when nights refused to end,
when the howling of distant dogs, echoed
and shattered the stillness of the night,
i question marked our tales with suspended
endings...tore off  unfulfilled, hopeless pages,
i crossed out those with "no forever afters,"
only a few pages were, i began
creating new plots......and new settings
i added new characters, and new twists,
all written in the midst of unholy hours
.......til a new dawn....proclaimed itself...
to this day,
i write my own fairy tales, with no beer, definitely
i still have my night coffee...though sans martini could be black, or with its mating cream,
....and all the dark curves and swirls, in between...
"a long shot, but worth a try," it may seem,
...yet, i do wish, i could put some sugar and cream
......upon everyone's dark, and bitter coffee...


Copyright June 6, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(This is the shortest I could make of
   this poem...i apologize....)
 Jun 2017
South by Southwest
I didn't really want too . . .
I didn't want to go there . . .
I didn't want to test it
You see I still have
all of my fears

Still I couldn't help it . . .
I hit the button play . . .
And as the music started
Please God I prayed

The room turned to purple
As Prince began to play
I looked back upon the memories
Of a love I held once upon that day

As the purple rain fell in torrents
My purple tears began to fall
Now all I have to hold on to
Is the music between these walls

"I didn't want to hurt you
I didn't want to cause you any pain"

And as the tears turned into rivers
They overflow with purple pain
 Jun 2017
Evening has subsided with a whisper in the west.
It chased the sunset's final rays as she prepared for rest.

Night has dropped her curtain but the moon has come to play.
The overture begins, as lonely crickets have their way.

The breeze begins to soften and the grass is standing still.
The leaves no longer beckon in the trees upon the hill.

I huddle in the darkness and await the rising wind.
A prayer is formed upon my lips, in homage to a friend.

And there ... I feel the sweet caress, a hand upon my cheek
A breeze that comes from someone ... from the passing soul, I seek.

And as I watch the lingering stars and hear the rustling leaves
I know that she has left this world and heavenward, she weaves.

I bid farewell to one, who loved this life, and all it gave
I dedicate this poem to her and toward the moon, I wave.
...and her memory, I save
i went back and forth on the last line.
RIP Carrie
forever in my heart, sweet one
you shall remain young
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