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Your words pulverized me again and again
I saw each little arrow
that lead me in circles
back to your doorstep,
wanting to reach out, touch you
but was afraid you weren’t there,
Did you understand the love we shared
Deeper than the depth of the Pacific,
but the schism of the abyss deepened,
like a cracking Mariana, imploding unto itself,
as I play each scene through my mind
what did I do to make you turn away
I wonder…
it was hard to say
good bye…,

My angel, it has been long, since I saw you
yet whatever little moments that we spent
were blessed pearls in shining oysters,
worn around our hearts
I aver it still hurts to know
you are still there somewhere
How I miss…
the endless, senseless talks
wishing for more of those precious moments,
but life, does it value treasured seconds?
I wonder…
then why is it that
I miss the most…us?

I hope to awaken when the sun comes up
and rubbing my eye, I see the dream crash
see you standing before me
as if you had never left my side.

The parallel worlds.
My princess, just peep out of the castle window
Do you see that glorious steed?
A knight atop, in his shining armour
Perhaps not…
Since with changed time’s dimensions
I stand on the tor while your castle is in the vale,

Each looking at the other as a mist
Yet still there, where we were…
Nothing has changed, yet there is no constant
The eye of the storm has changed the breeze
The sailboats changing tack, yet on the same course
All a matter of perception…*

Look out of your dream and you shall find
Us, standing on the same shore that we last left,
The travels and travails seem to keep us adrift
Bobbing up and down, times tides
Synchronous, dancing to the beat of the waves…

Debbie Brooks.
Thank you Dee.. its an honor to collaborate with you
 Oct 2014
Mike Hauser
what if i told you i love you
on a day so bright
with no shadows to mask it's glow
and will continue to do so for life

what if i told you i love you
in the middle of a storm
in your fright could i hold you tight
until i calmed you down

what if i told you i love you
in the changing of the wind
back and forth for all it's worth
to love you then again

what if i told you i love you
in all of seasons change
from days of warm to bitter cold
on the promises i've made

what if i told you i love you
because that's all i can do
when times fabric tore and you were born
i was meant to be in love with you
 Oct 2014
She's an alphabet artist
she paints in words,

from a palette of adjectives,
nouns and verbs,

the landscape she finds
in the folds of her mind

she exhibits in volumes of verse.
 Oct 2014
Bipolar Hypocrite
The fire flickered as the orange flames flew up to the sky.
The sight was mesmerizing, but then again, what more can I love in this empty world? 
I was sent out into the harsh life and had nothing to love except for the fire. Running away was my only chance, after all, I have lived to learn only about loneliness. 

Abandoned as a child, no one loved me. I ran from home to home, searching for something more in this world than anger only to find nothing.

So now, I write my story next to my best friend, the fire. He didn't want me away, he didn't want to burn me. He flickered with delight at the sound of my voice, and whispered for more when I was done. 

I had never loved something as much as it. It had a beauty, it had the love, it had the patience.
It was everything I wanted.
A thousand sands in time
holding hearts sublime
crying their tears again and again
watching as they slip away
what will be will be....

Wanting what I can't have
and scared to try something new
please let me just stay here and hide
bring me my surprise
kiss my lips one more time ...

You are so full of laughter
so full of love
its not that simple
don't you understand?
love is a beautiful dream
it's just waiting for me ...

Life is not what it is
life is random pen musing
a unhappy cry
crying the blues
no more songs,
It will be new for me
don't you see ...

What will be will be*

Debbie Brooks 2014
 Oct 2014
Tyler James
A Tree of Life with roots of evil will die in the storm,
before it’s ever born.
The sun will be its father, and it will be raised by mother earth.
If it soaks up knowledge it will survive its birth.
Sprouting ideas while growing its spirit.
There’s a whisper in the wind... be quiet and you can hear it.
Doesn’t need to fear it, when the weather gets cloudy.
It knows its true colors and reveals them proudly.  
It cannot be not shy, because when it looks around.
It realizes every other tree is similar,
Just different branches in the ground all waiting to be found.
Discovered and loved; nourished by nature.
It realizes its reflection is its only true stranger.
Covered with bark so you cannot see the inner.
Shadowed by the dark, transforms to a sinner.
A stump at worst, and a home at best.  
Too much is in between to explain the rest.
Now let it be known, when the red leaf falls,
It’s the end of a season for no apparent reason.
Time to change its ways; it won’t take a few days.
Give it time to mature to reach its full potential.
It sounds so simple, yet gets complicated.
When it timbers down, something new is created.
It went from a seed to sprout, conquered any drought.
Now with a shout of thunder, it just can’t help to wonder.
"Why am I here, and what is my purpose?"
But if it received the answer, would life really be worth it?
 Oct 2014

Violins sing of purest flame,
alluring harmonies warm the air
Heart beat crescendos keep time
as ember’d flutes whisper beauty
and misty cellos lull wondrous dreams
on the aria of our love

Treble clef desires
curve softly upon your tender heart
while clarinets breathe amorous
melodies of soothing affection,
enchanting serenades
caress our every silent sigh

Forever playing an eternal
symphony of fire,
burning euphonious,
heated temptations
in ever lasting
*orchestral bliss
Inspired by a conversation with an angel who has completely touched my heart
 Oct 2014
I fear my dear my ****** dreams of you,
the longing for salacious contact;
the rousing impure dreams of your
naked body is dementing my soul.

Often in my dreams, I think of
myself as a vampire lusting for
your juicy young flesh.

I know one day our bodies will be
one again in heavenly blood, our
blissful coupling will float forever,
my dear sweet succulent angel.

My whole being shall mingle with
yours; only the most boundless
abandonmen can satisfy my lust
for you; for our love consists in
a mysterious fusion of our most
carnal personnal experiences.

Since your death dear one my desire
for you only increases and flourishes
my need to in twine firmly forever
with you my beloved . . .

To recieve you into my inter-most
being, and be one with you till
eternity is all I long for now.

I know you are an apparation that
has deranged my spirit; but please
dear do not resist my satonic
passionate dreams of you, for I
would die so that we could feed
on each other, on each other alone.
Maybe we're words left behind by night,
Beneath bounding silhouettes of guiding stars,
Or waters of memory lapsed into rain;
As mind of man bleeds his dreams into day.

If there opened a window, none can know why-
When breath counts the years, and moments bide time,
For the hidden soul's body must ever grow older-
Another years living, in the sacred bowl smolders.

The offspring of earth, or day-star's bright child,
Dancing on moonbeams in scintillate shoes,
And impassioned questions, from spirit begotten-
Whatever magic made him, the secret’s forgotten.

The mold has been shattered, the bird has flown;
The seed too far from the father’s blown,
But it’s the secret we hold true because
The world's more beautiful now- than it was.
Mother warned, lest I serve myself a ruthless course
To each, only one is bestowed, in all its rarity
For it, build Towers of stone devoid of frailty
With coats and cloaks knitted of seams impervious
Rid it of stark embrace, of the harshness of Age
And in this perfect solitude will its solace still yet lay
So shall thee in perfect peace remain,until that day
When this little gem will cease to be held hostage
Fluttered away by the fairness of coy chairty
And drenched in the hollow waters of flattery
Oh this tender heart of mine,in all these thrills did'st it find delight
Suddenly it tasted pain and in misery it did wallow
But fought in futility to rise, and thence-forth did it stay so
Mother warned, yet my new dwelling is found in irredeemable plight
...borne of a broken heart... an agonized soul....
A dance in the face of roses
rejoicing in each teardrop of the bud
making us more joyful with each light
dancing in the rain with each drop
that composes ...

From the burning of the gut
and the flow of the air
the blossoms follow them
from time to time in mind ...

Red roses flies all around
pink roses sing their tune
yellow knows their names
purple holds them down ...

Nothing can become more
delightful that pose,
as roses splashes down
a reflection of true love
stillness of their souls
loneliness of a world of nothing
after they cry their tears of joy
and dance the dance of roses...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
This is dedicated to all the love birds..
 Oct 2014
Sia Jane
I'm made of all;
The books I've ever read
Poems I've ever written
Faces who have smiled at me
Hugs that have wrapped around me
Caresses that have graced my inner thigh
Countries & continents my feet have touched
The lovers as we simultaneously reach ecstasy within
Lonely nights shedding tear drops
Nights gazing black skies moon & stars
Children falling asleep to my heartbeat
Animals whose soul was found through reflective eye stares
Conversations spoken in French, Spanish, Italian, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Norwegian, German
Years of ******-, cognitive-, dialectical-, art-, drama-, music-, mindfulness-, trauma-, psychiatry-; therapies
The drinks & drugs & mind altering substances dispersing my mind
In all I'm made of;

In all I'm made of;

A soul; securely contained within a body of battled scars;
pain & triumphs, losses & gains, rejections & acceptances, dishonours & accolades...

With the hope; she too, can live life through.

© Sia Jane
Written at 1.53am
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