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 May 2015
Andrew Tinkham
Did you ever think it would end, this dream?
This dream is on the frying pan.

Did you ever think that moan you heard would turn into a
For shame, it has; she's boiling, you know.

I want to tell you everything, so you can tell me anything.
I've found the center of your mind.

Did you ever think you'd eat again, after that meal exploded?
It was the boiling fat.

I want to tell you, love me do.
When'd you dream of that?

"No," she said, "I love the girls."

My heart feels sorta flat.

Dreams come true
And sometimes they lie.
Tell me true, am I just a guy?

Me and you
Oh, how time flied.
What's it mean?
Still glad I tried.

I'll move on.
I'll find a straight one.
With burnt edges,
Who makes sounds like bacon.

Every time, that I see you...
I know I'll be
The one in your eyes.
But it's plain to see
Today is just some cloudy skies.

Mourn for me,
But then move on.
I'll swim the sea
And find my own.
 May 2015
Andrew Tinkham
Keep yourself.
Take it much further.
Punish the hammer.
Dance on the ledges.
Increase your wedges.
Eat the pie.
Eat the pie.
Eat yourself whole.
Grace the covers.
Take a holiday for granted.
Don't act like you didn't earn it.
You are the last of a dying breed.
You are the start of a coming race.
You are the zenith of civilized humans.
Culture your neighbors.
Show them behaviors.
Actions are louder,
Especially dynamite,
But you know to listen.
 May 2015
Poetic T
My voice is my bars that caged me ,
My thoughts my cell that are sealed shut,
My body now kept in this living hell.

A voice has power to change with but
An exhale, but winds that blow in a
Certain direction can be stopped as
Others may not like the change
That this wind bring upon it.

A thought can be shared, never
spoken but told over a million times.
But one voice may not be heard but
When one word is spoken a thousand
Times at once it is heard everywhere.

My conscious thoughts were voiced
And now I pay the price that is worth
This hell, for my thoughts became words
And words became voice heard around
The world, here comes the wind of change.
political prisoners behind bars for voice and thoughts heard by those fearful of a wind of change..
 May 2015
Jason Cole
To make love is a wonderful thing.
An irreplaceable feeling of sheer ecstasy.
A man and a woman sharing their very souls.
An emotionally charged volcano with an eruption of love.
Literally a bonding of mind, body, and soul.
And, quite simply, emotions in motion.
 May 2015
Poetic T
"Where do I begin"
It was mostly normal, then it wasn't.
I'd say it was *quick
but it wasn't,
**** the pain, never felt anything
like this, my flesh as if it was pealing
One layer at a time.

"I felt clammy"
"I felt bleak numbness"
"Then I felt nothing"

DAY ONE (Death)

I was eyed open, I had pasted in
Fear, vision bleached as if
No one was longer here, but
I saw all the tears, hands upon
My cold ridged chest. I could
Make out voices as if spoken
Far, but all was unclear.

DAY TWO (morgue)

I felt each blade cut upon me,
Violating my flesh, had  I not
Suffered in life, pain, anguish.
Now they handle me as if I
Were nothing, but parts to be
Throw on scales, is life weighed
Out, no dignity even in death.
I hear the voices, footsteps pass
My eyes are still open, my vision
Of aluminium surrounds. They
Stitched me, but I am neither
Whole or one. They took from
Me, I have no heart it is gone,
They itch its maddening I need
To touch but they rub on cold
Flesh touching dead bone.

WEEK  ONE (Coffin)

I hear tears as my gaze is forward
Never closed, no coins for the
Man of the river to find peace,
I'm now travelling all alone.
My eyes wide open, they touch
Upon my artificially kept skin,
Make up to hide those spots
Where death has prematurely
Set in. They cry their tears on
Wood they fall, some are
Meaningful, sorrow sensed
In there voice. Others are just
Show boating their grief, only
To see if there was anything in
The cookie jar now I'm gone.  

MONTH ONE (Enclosed Isolation)

The darkness is never changing,
Time has no meaning underground.
I scream in silence, my lips, vocals
Do not move but inside it reverberates
Around. Nice interior, soft on dead
Flesh. I saw it land on me, that blue bottle
Buzzing around, It sat upon me, did
What it wanted, now I feel them within.
If I were alive would this be a sensation
Of being ticked or horror as they eat
What is now decaying within.


"I miss them"
But time moved on they feasted
For what was an eternity, consuming
Me, then upon themselves. Till all
Was still, and only death was
Welcomed once again in this
Lonely place of wood and bone.  
I am pure of the mortal world,
No flesh, sight unseen that went
Long ago. I am so isolated down
Here, no longer do I sense footsteps
Above, the mumbling of voices
Silenced never returning to this
Casket of torment in the darkness
I am trapped within alone.


I can see why the dead hate you all,
Leaving us in these dark prisons,
Why leave us like this, why not
Cremation let us in the essence
Of ash be free. I am trapped in this
White cage of bone, waiting  for that
Time when to dust it falls. I am a
Dead man hear me moan, You hear
Those noises in the graveyards, when
All is still. it is the dead in there prisons
Never free, till bone is to dust. I give
One warning to those above, burn
Your dead lest yourself you find
Trapped within a prison forsaken in this *shell.
 May 2015

two little love birds
sitting on a cloud
one said
"Kiss me!"
right out loud!

they flew down
upon a log
they preened each other
and they


and they snogged
A snog is a deep, passionate kiss

I wrote this poem for the
kissing site

 May 2015
Keva Minus
Men:   I will bring you the moon.

" Can you just bring me a sandwich?"
Those Promises are empty.
I hate empty Promises !
Where is that moon you promised me?

By: Keva Minus ©
 May 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
There are no answers
In these stanzas
Neither incarnation
Nor inspiration

No soothing word
No good, no bad
Not a single joke
Or remedy for block

There's no sweetener
Like a listener
But there's no ear
Around here

There's no room for hate
No time to contemplate
Otherwise I'd write
Perfectly to evade spite

Believe me you there's no time
Not enough to sweetly rhyme
Yet I have always tried
Rather than shy away and hide

There's no solid hope
But I refuse to stop
The top gets higher
Yet I refuse to tire

There's no peace
Not a single piece
Not a single soul is
Finding total solace

There's no tomorrow
It isn't assured
No permanent joy or sorrow
No deep wound scar-less cured

Everything is nothing
Anytime is no time
Everywhere there's crime
'Cause everyone's hurting
 May 2015
Kelly Rose

She is nobody
Not very memorable
She is a  ghost in life
Never making  or
leaving her mark
Easily, she could fade away
She knows not how to connect
Out of sight, out of mind
Lives too much within her head

She is...
too odd
that brick wall that is impenetrable

Never to be remembered
Never needed
Really nobody
She is loneliness

Kelly Rose
May 10, 2015
Sometimes how I feel
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