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 Mar 2015
Shiennina Marae
How will you watch the love of your life love someone else?

 Mar 2015
Sydney Ann
"I don't know if I can trust you"
I don't think you really care
Can't believe the things you said to me
Didn't think fate would dare
Laugh like it's a joke to me                          
Smile and ask *what's wrong
Just like all the others                                              
Ask me why I sing this song                                        
I don't care about you                                              
I wish that I could die                                            
I'll leave a thousand times                    
Before I let you see me **cry
An original work.
 Mar 2015
Sydney Ann
he never lets
anyone in

and probably
never will

he keeps it locked
away inside

so good at secrets
no one is even suspicious
 Mar 2015
Sydney Ann
-You impress me in so many ways
No, the only thing that impresses me now days is your closed mind and your closed imagination
-You never intend anything bad; you're pure hearted
Sure, Unless it's an authority figure in your way, and with your nasty comments you aren't pure
-You never give up on the things that count
Except grades and morals, not to mention my beliefs.
-You're modest, smart, funny, a good talker, and a great person. This is why I love you unconditionally as a human being.
You're an idiot most of the time, I can't text you for 5 minutes without getting bored, but I remember how I loved you.
-You're polite, not critical unless you need to be
To me, at least**
-You have a sense of humor
-You're not fake and you don't pretend to be what you're not
-You own up to your mistakes
I know everyone says their love was the strongest, but I think ours was really something. I just now found out how people called us Romeo and Juliet, EVERYONE, even people like three grades above us and two grades below us knew about us, we were the role models. We never fought, we were the perfect little comedy act, we never realized at the time, but even in public we would stare, literally stare for like forever, at each other and life would move on around us. It wasn't coincidence that 2 seats were always left on that bench because people were waiting for us. I ask a friend, to this day, if she's in love with the guy she's been dating for months, and her automatic reaction is "I guess, but not like you and ____ were..."
 Mar 2015
The darkness that shattered her world was left behind. Ashes to forget, memory lost in the wind of no rewind
She finally took the narrow path towards a new life. Today, she stands so tall and bright. No one can bring her down, solid as a rock. There's no turning back.

Selfless, relentless to fear
Everything that mounts to heights of frights, she's the warrior. Inferior to nothing. Candors of cadence impossible to break. Her heart made of mettle steel, nothing can make her falter.

All phobias are mundane
Except for one. That's when she met him at edge of the unexpected.
He sits at the rooftop alone everynight. Smiling to himself as he gazed into burst of constellations brimming with life.
"Is this love at first sight?", she thought
Past of men that broke her,
made her who she is today.
But this boy with a smile that could break her Titanic's Ice,
made her vulnerable.
With a smile that could break
the ice in her temple.

The power he illuminates
can set her eyes on fire.
Her fast beating heart is jumping out
Thoughts scribbling every night,
'This is going to be a mess,
I can't decide'

He closed his eyes, feeling the euphoria flowing inside.
The chimes and the chill of wind are all he can hear. He slowly touched
his chest and feel the bliss
As he opened his eyes,
a scintillating star in his sight.
Their eyes didn't meet, yet,
He glances back without her knowing tilting his head to the left, as she watched him from her window.
He was falling and sinking into her ocean eyes. Each glance makes him drowned and drawn deeper to her.

Yesterday was a blur, tomorrow is a vivid life. Within her is starting to tear with fear. Prayers of hope she will win and take the climb. She wants to grab the chance and be happy for once in her life.*

Both having the intent to speak.
Both prepared to make the first move
But bartered smiles was all it took
Heart's stolen, melting ice
They somehow knew this love will last..
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
Looking out my window at the snow covered ground ,knowing that even at this moment spring is on its way.
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
I've looked and sought through the days
But still I do not see
Any mother made from the mold
That shaped the mother God made for me

My mother so loving
My mother so kind
She knitted her family
With ties that bind

O mother I miss you
Your tender voice your joyous laugh
your gentle smile
I know I shall see you again
But I must remain for yet a little while

My mother she waits
On heavens sweet shore
To welcome us home

This past week my mother would have been 70 years young. She was such a kind and gentle lady. I will miss her till that day we are reunited.
 Feb 2015
Robert Blankenship
Today,my memory has taken me back
To a time when all was good
Back to when I was just a boy so young
Playing cowboy in my old neighborhood

I suppose there is not enough ink and paper
To record this young cowboys dreams
If I were to settle down and write
And record each cherished scene

Of days that are so distant now
And of images that are fading fast
When I begin to recall how it was I wish
These days could forever last

The hand of time changes all it touches
A childhood lingers for only a while
But the hand of time cannot take from me
Childhood memories that cause me to smile

At the old home place I see a simpler time
And I hear old familiar sounds
There dwell the voices and faces I used to know
I see my footprints embedded upon the ground

These old memories I hold so dear
To recall them I shall always endeavor
I carry them deep within my heart
These days that I  wish would last forever.

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