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 Feb 2017
Mike Hauser
Stepped out early this morning
The screen door slams onto the porch
As I commenced to toss my worries
Out into the waiting World

I know the World in it's spinning
Could use them better than me
And now that it has a hold of them
I can finally be free

They weren't much of nothing
Simple bills and state of my health
Most all the other worries
The World has for itself

With cruel man's *******
And all the civil unrest
There's the feeling it's losing
Most of itself at best

Not to mention pollution
Of both its land and its sea
Yes I think the World has
A lot more worries than me

So what's a few more tossed in
From my screen door opening
As I step out this morning onto the porch
And toss mine into the wind
 Jan 2017
Ola Radka
You can be either
your best friend
Your worst enemy.

Every thought matters.
 Jan 2017
Ola Radka
Discovering new realms of reality,
I expand myself
 Jan 2017
Julie Grenness
Does  this sound like you or me? You know!
When do chicks learn to say no?"
"While you're here--would you mind?"
"Can you do me a favour? You're so  kind!"
"Hurry up, we'll be late!"
Tell him to shut up, great!
Are you exploited, eh?
Let's empower little women--today!
Feedback welcome.
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
Your life is like a pocket
Shallow filled with mess
Pull out most things that you don't need
Leave behind the rest

If you went any deeper
What difference would it make
What you would have would be but lint
With hardly any change
 Nov 2016
Should you add
another cloud
to rain above my head,
I'll bring the light
to make it shine
and create a rainbow,

And should the day
turn into night
before we've had our time,
I'll sing for the stars
and the moon above
to see the black sky
She created
A doorway in her mind,
she always keeps one foot in
And one foot out.

Her mind is always lingering
On the other side -
She often feels the need
To breakout!

On the other side,
The trees are wise ancient
Majestic giants,
Rustic leaves
Cover the fertile ground.

The moon is always full,
It is always perfectly round.

The sun is always shining,
But sometimes she has it rain -
Just to hear
The sweet serene sound...

She loves the smell
Of the earth afterwards -
The damp rich ground.

On the other side of the doorway,
Her soul is free -
She is immune
From emotional stress,
Strain, and pain.

Inspiration is carried
Through the wind,
There is nothing to lose,
But everything to gain.

Is always most accepting,
Embracing her essence,

Here, she is alive,
She has an illuminated spirit -
A pure white glowing presence.

She never needs to struggle
For her every breath...

Everything is truly alive -
Nothing, at all, resembles death.

Rivers, crystal-clear,
Flowing with vitality,

Flora and fauna,
Beauty in an abundance -
Celebrating their precious Individuality.

Magnificent mountains
Reaching into heaven,
The bluest ocean,
Wrapping itself around
A breathtaking coast,

Everything about this place
Is what she adores -
What her soul absolutely loves
The most.

On this side,
Nobody can disturb her peace,
Nobody can break her spirit,

Nobody can take her freedom,
Nobody can invade her tranquil thoughts - that's all there is to it!

Butterflies and doves
Glide through the air,
In dance -
Touching her eyes
With a heavenly love -
So pure.

She always keeps one foot in
And one foot out,
But her heart and her soul
Reside here -
Because here,
Less, is more!

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
while it is true
that i am not you
and i've no idea
where you've been
or what you're going through

i know the race
we are in is human
and we can run it together
no matter the color
of skin we're in

we all have a desire
that clearly beats from the heart
to live in peace
and harmony
whoever you are

and one day we will step
over the finish line
one people
hand in hand
all color set aside
 Nov 2016
Cedric McClester
By: Cedric McClester

Though it may not appear
That you are what they fear
And it may not seem
Like it’s low self-esteem
Look a little closer
And you’ll often find
That’s what’s behind
A hate-filled mind

They try to act superior
While feelin’ quite inferior
Ya don’t havta state it if it’s a fact
They’re only projecting what they feel they lack
Look a little closer
And you’ll often find
That’s what’s behind
A hate-filled mind

They’re just frightened people
That’s all that they are
Yet that doesn’t stop ‘em
From baring the scar
Of their hate-filled actions
Fueled by their bigotry
Although frightened people
Is what they well may be

Hateful actions and the rhetoric
Of a minor few who are clearly sick
Permeates the atmosphere
You can find it everywhere
But look a little closer
And you’ll often find
That’s what’s behind
A hate-filled mind

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016.  All rights reserved.
 Nov 2016
Sincerely Em
For it is a soul like yours that brightens up your day ..
Sincerely, Em
 Nov 2016
Sincerely Em
Independence .. From the shoulds and shouldn'ts  
Independence .. I'm thirsty to explore
My soul yearns to sail at sea .. My body chains me to the shore
Chains are only people .. Only minds afraid to look

And I .. I slowly start liberating from the rules in their book
Part 5
 Nov 2016
The Dedpoet
All the silence does not mean
You are alone,
It is the world waiting for you
To listen;
And in the darkness you are
Found by the light
Of your hope.

And in the tears of your
Pain you are born,
There you become stronger
And it creates order.

Pick up your flesh as your spirit
And speak your happiness
As if the tip of your tongue
Was the mountain's peak
Speaking at the sky,
The burden is a caged bird
And only the conscious can set
It free.
And sing to yourself so that
You know you are never alone
In your body.

Know that your crazy is beautiful
Because it makes you YOU,
Wear your skin like
Your cozy blanket and cuddle
In the warmth of yourself.
     You are not broken,
But scattered like the night
With pieces like stars shining,
    Open your pain and yourself
To the wound of the world and heal
Whatever you choose.
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