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 Oct 2014
Third Legacy
My Heart

is heavier than

My Eyes
 Oct 2014
Joelle McCook
One : night
Two : drinks
Three : words, I love you

One : morning after pill
Two : times no period
Three : words, not my child

They all say, just get it taken care of
And by get it taken care of
They don't mean to care for it,
But to get rid of it / her / him...

Time ticks faster
The stares linger
Judging eyes gawk at one
But sees two
Wagging tongues race to spread
Their supposed never - ending knowledge of my story
Forcing me to embrace the shame
Like a coat to warm my growing belly
Growing life
Replacing life
Demanding my four-year-plan to master a disappearing act

Just like mother
Listening to lust-filled lies of love
Love that won't help me
Love that mocks me
Love that scorns the ground
that I trudge my heavy laden body of two
To The Women's Centre
Love that can't take me back to my high school
Love that won't pay for it's future/ his future/ her future
My future
Just like father
My coat of shame gets heavier on my stretched skin

They say you might get sick
They say you could die
They say I might get sick
They say I could die
They say the mortality rate is higher
Because the age is lower
Will we survive?
Survive the pain of growing
Survive the pain of coming outside our wombs(shelter)
Survive the looks, the talks, the lack

One : cry
Two : undone hearts
Three : steps trudged forward
This poem is based on some of the  challenges that teenage mothers face during their time of pregnancy.
( I might do a revised version of it ... Maybe)
 Oct 2014
Megan H
Be very careful
With your flaws.
They can be something
To love about yourself
Or they can be something
People hate you for.
Your destruction.
Be very careful.
 Oct 2014
Vanessa Gatley
The sun is rising
Heat is arriving
Birds start chirpping
  Good day  As
   A  bit of light appears
From the sky above
       I call to you
Time was...
Stranded in your present
laying in your loving arms
you reaching for my form
stimulating my lips
plunged restlessly what may
discovering each other
inside and out

Walking towards me
a little wildness knowing what was coming
holding my breath
between the roses of stars
kissing the inside of my mind
coming apart at the seams

He touched me low
made my lips part
my breath cease

Opened his hand on my stomach
I might never have been touched before
while we become one
so fervid was my reaction
a shudder and soft grasp
I drew his hand down
claimed his mouth with mine

holding on to tomorrows
Beyond the beautiful forever's..*

by: Debbie Brooks
Oh How Grand Love Can Be
You heard my words,
you stung my soul
you turned away
while I loved you forever...

The nights were long
as you sat there staring
you reached for me
you knew, I would love you forever ....

Our hands would meet
Lips would part
my heart would sing
yes I loved you forever ....

The darkness would part
the daylight brought forth
the words of truth, I told you
I will love you forever....

Debbie Brooks, 2014
 Oct 2014
She comes to me every night...
When all is asleep with stars lit yonder.
Comes to me with subtle might
Peeking fiendishly from darkness's cover

Await such time she'd choose to show
Await the chance to finally take.
Ready to pounce like a well tensioned bow
Arrow-like talons, ever honed to stake.

Awake or asleep, she would come without fail.
Creep is her gait; this shadow clad figure.
Always a ***** in my impervious mail.
Claiming her wants with ferocious fervour.

Deemed to be strong, easier to succumb.
Don't fight...don't struggle... Don't call for aid...
Just wait and will yourself numb
She'd come regardless of prayers that's said.

She was here with me last night
In bed, I stared at a being that's faceless...
And my heart wrenched tight.
Gripping and feeding me senseless...

Soon as she came, she left but not before
Siphoning the good and replacing with dread...
Stole was what she did; left me wanting more...
Once deed is done, into the dark she fled.

I know her all too well,
Nocturnal guest that I unknowingly invite
Her intentions to incite, not quell
Send me spiralling through emotional blight.

Day will recede, making room for dark
She'll come; swift and without sound.
She'll arrive majestic; inflicting her mark
I'll wait for her, ready and unbound.

Looking forward to her return
This silent foe whom I find familiar.
With every touch I cringe and burn
Oh secret friend whom I'm beginning to savour...

She is synonymous with various names
Each would bear the likeness of semblance
Let fly her cloak of not dissimilar aims
Endearingly I call her...,

 Oct 2014
When I look in the mirror there's one thing I see
The ghost of a girl that used to be me
So pale is her face, so tattered her shirt
The tears on her face make streaks in the dirt.

Fingers that clasp her heart in her hand
She watches it beat as she struggles to stand
Her lips form an O as she cries and she screams
She falls to the floor, comes apart at the seems.

This ghost of a girl once had her own name
But now that she's gone every word sounds the same
Inside out on the floor in what once was her room
Surrounded by darkness, gone blind from the gloom.

The girl in the mirror walks away from the glass
From her world to ours she somehow has passed
She approaches the ghost that now lies on the floor
And helps her arise while her insides still pour.

She gathers her up, every last little part
Gets a needle and thread and starts with the heart
Each thing put in its place then she sews it all in
And returns to the mirror she was meant to be in.

The ghost of the girl stares in awe at her face
The girl that once was has come back to this place
She was there all along she just needed some help
What a shock that she found she just needed herself.
 Oct 2014
Exists silhouettes
Bits of her motifs
Scattered amongst their fields
Like metaphors and similes
Pleasantly dancing,
The wind as her lead and yet
The wind is her own

Je vous vois!
Je vous vois!

I'm never too far for her to reach
For I will be where she is.
In wildflowers.
Feel better~
 Oct 2014
I'll write a letter
To those who matter
Because, though I won't be there to see
I want to imagine the faces of those
Who I'm not writing to.

I'll write a note to him because he still intrigues me
It'll be a cowardly note that says everything I couldn't
And I'll cross my fingers when I open my veins,
I'll pray he didn't care for me
I'll pray it doesn't hurt him
Because he doesn't deserve it.

I'll write a note to her because she's his
And he's hers and that still hurts me somedays
And because I love her like I love him:
In a million, million ways.
And I'll cross my fingers when I open my veins
I'll pray she's enough to get him to stay
I'll pray she doesn't care so she'll be okay.

I'll write a note to her because she birthed me
And I'll explain the importance of contraception
And I'll tell her I don't blame her and give absolution
And then take it back in the next sentence.
And I'll cross my fingers when I open my veins
I'll pray she hurts until she can barely breath
In the same breath, I'll pray she forgets me
And uses the rest of her life to be as free as she wanted to be.

I'll write a note to him because he's my sister
And I'll explain the way I hate him and do hate him
And I'll explain the way I never stopped feeling the rage
Of every single wrong he did me over the years
And then I'll forgive him because he doesn't need me to
And I'll cross my fingers when I open my veins
That he'll understand the simplicity and importance of tact
I'll pray that he gets everything he wants in life
I'll pray he understands why I couldn't wish that
While there was still air in my lungs.

I'll write a note to him because I hate him and I love him
And it'll explain the way child abuse lingers for years
And it'll say how much I wanted to see his grave before my own
And it'll say how I never wanted to see anyone live forever besides him
And it'll explain how he hurt me by withholding unconditional love
It will explain how little I cared after the first decade crept by
And I'll cross my fingers when I open my veins
And I'll turn over to pray
I'll pray he gets what he's due
I'll pray he finally dies
I'll pray he gets some happiness
And I'll do it all in one word: Why?

Those are the notes I'd write.
No one else I'd explain to.
Those are the people who've impacted my life.
If I keep death bare and simple.
I'm not crying this time.
I'm not just on the brink, about to go
I'll think, just as I always do
But there's no indecision anymore.
This is not a place I want to be
Not a life I want to live
But I still have a single ambition
I've still got one last wish.

So I'll do it.
I can be my own shooting star.
I'll get that last dream done
And open a vein? Or step in front of a car?
When I'm done with that I'll write a will
Containing three items:
Burn all my stories and poetry, delete my existence
Cremate my body, funerals are too expensive.
Be honest in my death, express your abhorrence.
 Oct 2014
Vanessa Gatley
Yes I shed them too much
  But now I guess u turned into one of those
  Reasons like  I will never be able to have you
     Hold you close to me as u do for me
      Hold hands.... yet u flirt with other girls ?
     Did i do everything for nothing ?
    Yet u never return the favors ..... ;l
Become a little rude too
I listen to what you have to say the words in between
    But u can't for mine ?
crying while I type this
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