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 May 2016
I'll get a tattoo when you're gone,
Something just for me..
So at least then I'll feel pain from something else,
And by the end, i'll feel like a pretty art piece

I'll keep on writing songs even when,
You see me off with goodbye
Cause darling you're the catchiest song,
I've ever danced to in my life
So when it all makes sense in uni,
And you find the love you deserve
Don't forget, at 19 you met a girl who kissed you with her words

I'm working day and night
Just to make a name, make a life for myself..
Imagine where we'll be next year,
You seeing the world
And me crushing on someone else
Oh is it dark in your mind?
Cause if so i can be the light
If you just hear me out..
I know I tend to get so insecure and impulsive
Its hard to believe I'd ever settle down

But I know that the universe is on my side, I'm..
Picking up on all of these signs
Like, a heart to heart with a stranger at the right place at the right time
Oh I'll be alright,
I love late bus rides speeding down the highway
Whilst listening to sad yet beautiful songs stuck on replay
And now that I'm finding out you're not the one...
I'm gonna smile anyway,
Cause its a long way we've come <3
Oh gosh I'm all teary eyed.
 May 2016
Denel Kessler
The thaw begins with a drip,
builds to a roar, subsides to sunlight
prisms playing over every surface

illuminating still-wet velvet wings
maroon and yellow, neon blue
pseudo-bark underneath.

In the clear-cut, pink fireweed
pierces a sky alive with souls
reveling in their last year on earth

sampling nectar with newly curled
tongues while summer degrades
to fall, burrowing in the cool

damp cord of fir put up for winter
awakening in spring, tasting summer
before the reprieve, too soon over

time come to fold
battered wings, to slip free
of this mourning cloak and rise.
 May 2016
Some people are holograms,
They appear to be there but in reality they're long gone..
Some people are mirrors,
They see things that you don't see about yourself and they love those things.
Some people are artists,
And other people are the art
Few people are both
Because not everyone has a pure heart
These are just my views and opinions
I have these little Cathy theories I believe in,
Like how.. The Universe is always leaving us signs
Some people accept the good and the bad,
Most people make up their own signs sometimes even toxic people come with the signs.

Some people are lovers,
Two types; heartbroken & in love
Some people give up,
You did, I won't...
Some people are platonic.
Some people...
But not us.
A bit of a different poem in terms of content and even structure, hopefully it isn't boring for some of you? I was just thinking out loud.. Or well, writing out loud aha.

Thanks for all the love on my previous poem! I appreciate it!

Here's my recent soundcloud cover which kinda mirrors the last verse of this poem..

yeppo, i sing and play guitar ;)
 May 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
You still bear the guilt
but expect me to be past
the ache of your loss
 May 2016
living down here in this chasm
high hopes, no one has them
erosion has us sinking deeper
and these rock walls just get steeper

at the bottom of this rocky gulch
in dryest hopes, we endulge
living in this deep ravine
we are somewhere in between
 May 2016
1. The feeling where you stay up at night, stare at your ceiling, ask yourself an infinite number of questions, then sit there and debate on whether or not you actually want to know the answer.

2. The feeling where you wonder who truly cares about you, and who is just using you; who is there for you, and who is so desperately waiting for you to fail.

3. The feeling where you feel like you're not good enough; that you need to be this, this and this to be successful and liked. You crave for the attention you know you can't have.

4. The feeling where you get frustrated because it's physically impossible to be 100% happy. You want someone to vent to, but no one will understand you.

5. The feeling where you question your value, your worth, your pride, yourself, everything...

and you think.

over think.

all night.

and all your left with is you, yourself, and a very dark place.

"i don't know where to go from here, i don't know who i am anymore," said the anxiety.
 May 2016
Mikayla Fitzell
I just want to ******* scream at you
and explain everything im feeling
until my throat is raw and my veins are swollen.
I want to scream at you until your hands are shaking
and you finally realize how much you ******* mean to me.
But the problem is the sight of you makes me feel sick
and speaking to you sounds worse to me than my heartbeat.
At the same time though, I love it
and that's even worse because i know
you don't ******* care.
Rancorous Ole Bullfrog , snoring on a paddy , clear your pipes and carry that voice across the quiet marshland , low country valley .. Start the dandy evening opus with low bass tones , croak a silly song with that golden throat trombone , find a whippoorwill and lay down a duet you 'Old Hambone'*!
Copyright May 7 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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