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 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I knoweth I'm in love;
Whenever mine Reyna's gone, mine thought's of her never end
I knoweth I'm in love;
When mine queen start's crying, mine soul feeleth as dying death
I knoweth I'm in love;
When I goeth to sayest one word, and mine rose completeth it
I knoweth I'm in love;
Mine eye's art shut, picturing mine lass on the side of mine waist
I knoweth I'm in love;
When it's her eye's I seeketh to look into, to tasteth her taste
I knoweth im in love;
We sing to eachother, turneth on one another, Melodie's in peace
I knoweth I'm in love;
I'll waiteth a thousand, million, billion, quadrillion, forever
I knoweth I'm in love;
She maketh me smile, laugh, happy, dance, do thing's I don't do
I knoweth I'm in love;
She's inspiring, always reminding me, of an amour so true
I knoweth I'm in love;
When I breathe, tis her breathe, every second is best, with her
I knoweth I'm in love;
With her I'm in heaven, the world I do forget, chariot of celestial's
I knoweth I'm in love;
The star's rest on her back, the moon her head, the sun her lip's
I knoweth I'm in love;
She attract's me in all way's, tis she's mine night and day, light
I knoweth I'm in love;
We art one spirit, one abode, one all, one at home
I knoweth im in love;
She alway's forgiveth me, as tis, I alway's forgiveth her
I knoweth were in love;
When she sayest back, " I loveth thee most, I sayest " ME MORE".

I knoweth I'm in love..........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

A sacrosanct barouche
On the side, a gilded cartouche;
Ourn autograph's written in, with diamonds Jewel's.


One supernatural horse
To pulleth us on the scene;
Relaxing atmosphere, one queen, and me her king.


Casting spell's upon eachother
With her voodoo, I drip into her eye's;
I tasteth her sweat, dripping in with mine.


Candle's awaiteth at home
The night-time dimly lit;
Making amare until the day break, we cuddle into ourn grip's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Earl Jane
The deliverer;
Bringing heaven to earth.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Eight thousand, four hundred and twenty four
Miles away;
I shalt waiteth a million lifetime's
To be in her arm's, tis her I crave.


Tis, I shan't never get sick of her
She alway's bringeth in the new;
Mine convivial consoler is alway's there
When I'm bleeding, feeling blue.


I canst surely count on her
Evident is her affection's;
Whence was going astray
Her glow now point's me in right direction.


So when the old serpent
Creep's his horned visage;
I knoweth mine safety, is with mine Reyna
Sweet Jane, her arm's as pinion's, her spirit from God.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

She is becoming
As she hast ameliorated mine pang's;
Her radiance is chatoyant
She melt's mine thought's, with her dusk black and wet bang's.


Her bungalow is mine own
Bucolic and historically hidden;
We're passionate in ourn dwelling
The walls brushed with ourn amour', tucked between ceiling's.


Memorabilia she keepeth
Of her childhood in a small room;
I stareth at her adolescent memory photo's
Thinking God made her on the moon.


Feeling how blessed I am
With mine Jane, neath her plume's;
Her wing's stretch out, north to south
A defense from demon crew's.


A exemplar to the Almighty architect
The embodiment to all mine livelihood;
She's the road to peace, from west to east
On mine knee's I looketh to her, I kisseth her feet.

For she's mine queen...........

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Dulcet in the title means sweet
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Twas I, ****** into her eye's
Passed through her brain;
Into her soul
Passing in her heart, into her membrane.


And I shalt do it over
And repeat again;
And return to her spirit
Wherein the warmth never end's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Off to Fuga island
Next to the pamalican;
Then to Bucas grande
In the turquoise shallow end's.


Next, the Mactan
Wherein the grain's art caramel tan;
Then to the land of Coran
And Cebu, where the shore meet's the dawn.


Hiding safely, on Bohol isle
There art tarsier, and thing's of wild;
Diogo islet next, an uninhabitable place
Me and mine Reyna shalt explore it, with tribal paint on face.


Off, to the great Santa Cruz
Ourn feet, in the pink corraline sand;
Zamboanga City, the southern region
Of this Filipino relic strand..


Whilst next the Sangat
The western part of this expedition;
Whilst doing all this sight-seeing
It shalt be with mine Jane nagley, in earth's natural kitchen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
A tarsier is a small furry critter in Bohol island... Also these are all Filipino islands if you guessed right lol all beautiful
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

More or less,

8,424 miles away from each other,

But I can feel him,
Just beside me,

'Cause his care,
Just enfold me tighter,
His love,
Kiss me passionately,
His loyalty,
Assured me wholly,

I am so joyful,

I love him unfeignedly!

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

Sorry for a very NORMAL poem. LOL! XD
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Lover, mine soulmate
Lover, mine joie de vivre ;
Lover, mine cloud nine
Lover, thy élan vital of time.

Lover, mine morning, and evening bud
Lover, mine living, to thee I'm giving thee love;
Lover, mine muse, mine refuge and rescue
Lover, were fused, made brand new, branded, tattooed.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
joie de vivre- means exuberant joy of life...
élan vital means the vital force of the impulse of life...
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Cryeth not mine unearthly floret, for thou art good enough
Cryeth not, thine tear's art mine tear's, thine fear is mine fear;
Cryeth not mine pet, thine bijou vision's art met with mine own
Cryeth not holy apostle, thine anguishing jostle's across interweb.


Frowneth not mine protector, thine room awaiteth me to arrive
Frowneth not O' ethereal ressurector, I'm stuck sweetly in mind;
Frowneth not core of mine existence, thou art mine daily bread
Frowneth not, thine Thorn's art off, now they sit upon mine head.


Smile mine delicate sweet, I'm begging at thy feet for one laugh
Smile mine elegant treat, I'm more than happy, with thee blessed;
Smile mine earl Jane nagley, soon to taketh mine hand, two ring's
Smile mine dandy, we shalt meet soon, in ourn room, Bell's ding.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
I knoweth
Mine amour is mine soulmate;
When I feeleth at home, she is mine home.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Tommorrow might not cometh
The night might not showeth;
The reaper might taketh me.


The star's mayest fail
Mine heart might be impaled;
Clotted crimson mayest cover me.


The cumulus might bring hail
Mine eye's shalt closeth;
This spirit to be renewed.


Though in all this pain
Next to me, mine sweetest Jane;
Mine angel of God, mine cherub moon.


So if I do goeth
Dearest amour', alway's knoweth;
Forever I shalt, loveth thou to.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

Let me have an introduction to this long letter for you.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

First of all, I wanna say that, “I REALLY LOVE YOU SO MUCH.” This is not some joke, Brandon. This is real thing! I truly know deep within me that you are my soulmate. Like what you said “IT IS REALLY AMAZING” that whenever we feel that something’s really wrong, we do feel that one oF us has troubles, problems and struggles going on, and YES! We really do have! God will wake us up, even midnight, early in the morning, and He will give us that strong feeling that I should check on you or you to me ‘cause something’s not right, and yes. There’s really wrong going on. And “OH MY!” as I remember never did I felt that. I was so AMAZED and so GLAD, like WOW, you are really the one. I never expected this kind of happiness I have never felt, seriously I am so much happy with you. Really happy with you a lot! So much! You should know that king! :)

Please, don’t ever say again that you don’t deserve me. Guess what, I DON’T DESERVE YOU! You are saying I am so perfect, NO, I AM NOT. I am no perfect person, I am just being me and doing things which I think is right and good. You know, I have never met anyone like you, you are not like those worldly man out there, your light shines brightly in me, in the darkest corners of my life, you became my light. If you read my poem, “MY FIREFLY” yes! You have been like that to me, that you have light up my darkest corner and you give me hope! You are my happiness king, my life, my everything, the excitement I always have when I wake up every morning, my soulmate, my best friend, just MY ALL! Can’t you see that king? I am so much happy with you, a lot!

We are humans king, we do commit mistake, and I 100% know and understand that! I don’t know why you are begging for my forgiveness when in fact, I ALREADY FORGIVE YOU! No reason to be sad king, ‘cause I am here for you. I am not going anywhere, I will NOT LEAVE YOU! You are the only man who made me this happy, who made me feel that “OH YEAH, I HAVE MY WORTH IN THIS WORLD, I AM NOT SOME TRASH.” Yes king, you made me feel my worth, you made me feel that I still have done good in this world, that I am worth more than anything. It’s only you king who made me feel my worth. Only you!

Brandon, I am waiting for you. Yes, true love means waiting, and I can wait even forever. I do believe you are worth waiting, worth sacrificing, worth caring, and worth loving for. Please, let’s overcome this demons that is trying to destroy us. We have each other and yes, WE HAVE GOD ABOVE ALL! We can overcome all of this. We will! OH YES WE WILL! Just remember no matter what happen, I WON’T GIVE UP, hear me?!! I WON’T GIVE UP! I love you much more than you think, ME MOOSSTT!! ME MOSSSTTT!!

Please don’t think that all you did was hurt me. WHAAATTT?!! Are you kidding me? LOL. You are kidding, I know! Oh my, Brandon! If you only knew how happy I am being with you, If only you knew how blessed I am to have you, If only you knew how thankful I am to have you.. URRRGGHHH! Please know that.

I am doing my very best for you king, I knew you know that. I am just here when you need me, when you have troubles and burdens, I am here. {Well, we feel there’s wrong going on, no need to call out our name ‘cause God will just push us to check on each of us.} Yes king. You deserve happiness, you deserve all good things! You do deserve all!
I just wanna thank you for everything you have done for me. I know words are not enough to express how happy I am, not enough seriously! But just wanna remind you I am happy with you. I am waiting for you my future husband. HAHAAAAAAAAA. I am really waiting for you. I really love you. You are the one I love, I don’t want any other, only you king. ONLY YOUUU!! Only you I longed to be with, only in your arms I wanna be, Only with you I wanna be with like forever! :) I am praying a lot for you king and your family. Just know I love you a lot. A LOOTTT!! ME MOST!!

~Earl Jane
For Brandon <3
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