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 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

In thine soul
In thine soul;
I'm whole.


In thine arm's
In thine arm's;
I shalt rest in thine abode.


In thine thought's
In thine thought's;
I shalt stay.


In ourn aisle
In our aisle;
Thy wedding dress shalt sway.


O' heaven
O' beautiful heaven;
Is all I knoweth, with thee.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley/wife dedication
 Aug 2015
Earl Jane

If true love means patiently waiting,

Then, I'll wait even FOREVER.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

A black vested barbarian
From the land of Corinth;
Garbed in snowy himation
Travelling the Filipino drench.


Twas, I was not use to this land
There's only a dry and wet season;
Mine black snake Boot's
Protected me from venomous poison.


This ground as mine own
Untamed primal eye's;
They Pierce through the wilderness
Phantom's passeth through thy body, it's their energy as a high.


Tis I was greeted
By an aboriginal watcher;
I met her mother, who wanted me for her daughter
I Gaveth mineself to this young queen, mind full of wonder.


As tis I hath joined, this clan of beautiful native's
I consecrated mine Reyna's amour', as we became related;
Whilst we danced, around the fire her mother hath built
The Filipino bead's around mine neck read " Jane", meaning self.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
himation is an old ancient Greek cloak
The last line part about beads around mine neck read Jane ( meaning self) means we were one.. One soul one heart two beings making one... If you don't understand that (:
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
( Brandon)
wilt thou have this woman
to be thy wedded wife,
to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony?

Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live?

Me (to mine queen earl Jane nagley) I MORE than DO!!!!

( earl Jane)
wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him so long as ye both shall live?

Jane- ( I MOST definitely DO)

( me putting ring of amour on Jane's hand)
I, Brandon Nagley, take thee,Earl jane, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

(Jane getting ring from her father putting ring of amour on mine)

I, earl jane, take thee, Brandon Nagley, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

Forasmuch as, Brandon Nagley and earl jane nagley have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have pledged their faith each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by giving and receiving rings; I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride......

( me) getting down first before kissing her, I kneel, kissing both her hand's on one knee. and staring in her eye's, ( tear's come down) from all the happiness and joy inside me... I stand up......
( kiss for ten minute's) tears flowing both of our eyes)
Clapping and smile's in the crowd of friend's and family.....

I sing for her..... In front of all, as we dance.......
On that wedding floor,
Until the night end's,
Though we stay up the whole day
Until a day and a half later
We fall asleep into eachother's arm's..
In heaven
In bliss...
Two hand's
In one marriage....
As tis when we waketh up;

Mine queen stareth at me
And sais
" I loveth thee most"
As tis I sayeth back
Me more......

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley/wedding day dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Hahaha notice I say "I more than do" when saying I do, and jane sais I MOST definitely do loll.. Me and her have a thing I always say I love her more... She sais me most.. As two kids.... Loll love it..... As this day will come and look forward to it... Daily (:::: one problem not til death do us part... We will never part.. Death isn't the ending . something pastors seem to forget...
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Daily, she summon's me
To her banquet of love;
As tis we shalt announce
A wedding with dove's.


The ivory creature's
Shalt be released from her Palm's;
I always readeth her hand's
They telleth of the future, and God above.


Preordained we were
Made for eachother we art;
The celestial recorded ourn name's
Written in the star's.


As tis, we shalt not part
In life, nor in death;
Whilst the world shalt end
I shalt holdeth her hand's, completed, blessed.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Many have forgotten love, and throw the word around as if some test dumby in a crash car. In true meant to be love... God ordained it long ago; before two Lover's ever meet. Though, yes, he gives us free will to choose who and what we want, he also has preordained us for our "true soulmate's". As before he created all the beauty we see around us, he already mapped out everything to be, before its existence! As tis so many look around, and see the world and us being's as a mistake, or some big mess, though all has order, the plant's, creature's, the star's, the moon, the sun, the planet's all around us, and universe in all completeness. As all has order, all has purpose, whether good, or bad. Yet so many are engulfed by the materialistic pleasure's the world has to offer, and alway's think to ournselves, tommorrow will come, WRONG! Tommorrow shan't always come. Tommorrow doesn't exist. Today does. As heaven and god's kingdom has NO TIME, he's on a different schedule, not man's, he goes by his own law's, not man's...Today we have the choice to love, to give, to forgive, and love another. If family, friend's, soulmate's, no matter the case. Our purpose is to love, as I have found mine soulmate, mine life, and predestined amour', who in all actuality, I've been waiting for, since before birth... When I speak to her I know all is right, all is amazing, as she is; I know she is the home I've been waiting to reside in, as tis she is home to me.......... And when we "me and her" both know when something's wrong with one another, our soul tell's us, as tis God who tell's us when our lover and soulmate is in trouble. And it's even more amazing at that moment you realize even more how much we were meant to be with that lover because when both having trouble's going on our soul and God Whisper's to us " go talk to your queen, or king" because something is wrong, that's a major sign, two of us and two of anyone are meant to be... Free will choice I choose to be with her, and choose to love her and give to her mine life, spirit, love and soul. Though at same time its predestiny. That's the part that blow's mine mind away. Knowing it's already predestined. For the good of God's purpose for us and for him as well...........As I will NOT take for granted ever, mine soulmate, mine freewill lover I choose to be with, and what mine God predestined for me. And honestly, I'd rather have him predestine me her, then anyone else. Because I want noone else. I want mine Jane, mine soulmate, mine home I want to reside. Mine HOME period. One of mine favorite singer's, a new age singer who sound's as from the sixties said it best in his song with his band ( Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zero's), the song called " Home ". His lyric's read............
Home, let me come home, Home is wherever I'm with you.
Home, let me come home, Home is whenever I'm with you.......
As its more then true... When we can feel at home with someone, and know that soulmate is our home " as mine Jane is", and we know when something's wrong with the other person. Because God and our soul tell's us, it's even more a sign, saying "HELLO" you two are meant to be, and I shant never, NEVER, take that love for granted. As I'm more than happy, and blessed. As tis so many forget their blessing's of their soulmate's, and take for granted even waking up!!! Though I am blessed and shalt never forget that.... and love is about working on it daily... Even though we don't have to try in love, in true love we still try anyway's, because we want to please the other person, not ourselves.... And that's something I love doing, one of mine favorite part's is the trying part.... and trying is what we do, because we love the other, and want to please them... Love in all aspect's of life isn't taking, or wanting for you, you, you!!!! Or about what you can get. It's about what we can give other's. As I will give mine queen all of me, because that's mine free will... Because I love her.... Because she's mine soulmate.....
And for that
I'm more than blessed.......
And because she loves me more than she could ever tell me as well; and for that reason, I thank mine God daily, as tis not every day, God send's us down a piece of heaven on earth. And tis NOT every day God give's us an angel to watch over us... And we all have angel's, I am more than grateful. I've got mine... And I won't take that for granted......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley/ truth on love dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Into mine soul
Into mine soul;
Lieth mine Reyna
Mine amare, mine abode.


Into mine head
Into mine head;
Lieth mine sunshine
The one I've awoken to, from the dead.


Into mine spirit
Into mine spirit;
I commendeth mine pneuma
Into her Filipino chariot.


Into mine death
Into mine death;
I shalt be renewed
By her every last breathe.


Into heaven
Into heaven;
Awaiteth mine angel
I shalt be her minstrel.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Tis mine everything is leaving
Tis she's leaving for a day;
Though just a day, mine soul shalt leaveth
And shalt return unto the grave.


Until she returneth
Mine spirit shalt be departed;
She's the one keeping me alive
She's mine angel of the creator's garden.


Tis it may sound funny
Because tis just one day;
The fact is I canst not breathe
When mine earl Jane nagley is away.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Atop the glass
Of the mindanao sea;
Me and mine lass
Went down both sinking.


Ourn vessel capsized
Mine queen was going under;
The blue sink needed a sacrifice
Yet mine Jane was to heavenly and pure, God's wonder.


As mine reyna was drowning
I Gaveth the deep mine carrion baggage;
Tis the abyss was satisfied
And mine body part's were shark ravaged.


Mine Filipino rose
Made it back to shore;
She prayed for mine presence daily
Just wanting back her truest amour'.


As tis through death's wormhole
I travelled distant galaxy's;
For mine wraith to visit mine sweet Jane
Mine wife, Earl Jane nagley.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
A wraith is
a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death. For anyone who asks
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

I push her against the door
Passionate shove;
I'm wearing a whitened dress shirt
A striped black vest, primeval musk.


I grabbeth her by her waist
Fashioned spectacles upon her countenance;
She pulleth hard mine blonde lock's of hair
A woman now, releasing her innocence.


Her balmy breathe, variegated with mine
I trickle around her neck, kissing around her spine;
Mine alleviating rim's, wetten's down to her toes
Starting at her top, I kiss front, back, her dialect purely moaned.


The ambience was intensified
Tis we went astray, into eachother's eye's;
Whilst the firmament went asunder
Planet earth shook, the sheet's pulled us under.


We struggle just for air
As ourn bodie's sucketh the sweat;
Mine nail's grippeth her frame
A night we shan't forget.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Her smile always smooth's
Mine tear's;
If I dieth tommorrow
Me and her wilt still liveth on, an eternity of year's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Mine sensual goddess

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley

Dear lord
This is a quick prayer;
For someone in despair
Mine queen, and mine world.


Dear lord
The demons art messing with her head;
Making her doubt her worth
If anyone shalt suffer, let me instead.


Dear lord
She's the angel thou hath sent me;
She uplift's me and correct's me
Canst thou now please stimulate her.


Dear lord
Please don't taketh her away;
She's the breathe in mine lung's, mine night and day
The blood in mine heart, that runneth in mine vein's.


Dear lord
Heavenly Father;
Put me upon her cross
Taketh her down, put me up, I'll dieth slowly for her to live.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
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