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 Jan 2016
You sit up with a start
form outlined by the afterglow, or is that the sunrise?
We've been in bed for years it seems
and you're still unaware of me watching, listening
to the silent sobs and scratchy breaths
of the dream daemons that live in your lenses and tug your eyes cross and blind.

You've seen me unclothed, but I've seen you naked.
And you are beautiful.
 Sep 2015
Victoria Jennings
God gave me a heart
So huge,
Because he knew
That you needed all the love
I could offer.
 Sep 2015
theres a bird
in the vending machine.

if you pay to let it out

god will reveal to you
your heart.
 Aug 2015
Vanessa Gatley
Can you
give me a smile ?
Not some evil rival
I got the height
You'll never have
I own the class
You'll own
The trash
You wonder why
I have concerns
 Aug 2015
You breathe my name into
your chest, letting me settle
like dust into your bones.

Tethering me to this moment,
eyes fierce, burning as vibrant
as tiger lilies in a vengeful sun.

Your fingers burning holes in
our sheets, leaving remnants
of their disgust in my scars.

Even to this day I cannot stay
up for the sunrise, I find your
taste infused on my tongue.

And I'm still left to wonder if it
was Lucifer I saw in your eyes
or the gods that condemned me.
"Love is not painful.
The absence of love is painful."
© copyright
 Aug 2015
The Invisible Child

This may not be considered poetry, but it speaks to me as if it is. The blank page, the chance of great beginning. The emptiness that has the power to send words like bullets to your ear drums leaving such an impact that one can’t ignore!! But all the same the emptiness that we all see that our brain can’t muster up the feelings that are inside that we want to put words onto paper… so we sunder into the void of oblivion because the white canvas of which we were to once put all of what we have into is to pure in its white cascade of which our ink would only taint. Thus, leaving “The Poet’s White Canvas” as it is, admiring what simplistic power it holds as well as its potential of what it can be.
 Aug 2015
And it was weird
Because I crave him.
In the worst way possible,
I do.

And it would be simply like
Wanting his strong arms wrapped
Around my weak body

Or his lips against the patch of skin just below my jaw,
Love clearly radiating through the gesture

Or his eyes fixated on me like I'm so precious,
Like I'm special

I just wanted to go home.

Home is where my heart is

And my heart is with *him
 Aug 2015
Dorothy Parker
When my eyes are weeds,
And my lips are petals, spinning
Down the wind that has beginning
Where the crumpled beeches start
In a fringe of salty reeds;
When my arms are elder-bushes,
And the rangy lilac pushes
Upward, upward through my heart;

Summer, do your worst!
Light your tinsel moon, and call on
Your performing stars to fall on
Headlong through your paper sky;
Nevermore shall I be cursed
By a flushed and amorous slattern,
With her dusty laces' pattern
Trailing, as she straggles by.
 Aug 2015
The days come
They seem to make
My flesh weak
My strength fade

But as I ponder
God never gets tired
In sustaining strength
It is new every morning

He is faithful in making me strong
I will be faithful in making Him happy
As it was stated
"The joy of the Lord is my strength"
Another week of challenges are coming! Don't worry because God is faithful
 Jul 2015
Michelle Morine
High Functioning
Breathing in
I want to fall in

Missing the strength
I want to get lost
lost in your mind gaze

A solid stare into my thoughts
feeling the flame as you
burn me alive
on the inside.
 Jul 2015
Storm Raven
Can't change who I am,
but who I am changes.

— The End —