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My heart it beats through lonely days
my head it heeds no warning
For I have loved you many ways
from dusk til waking morning.
The clock it marks my numbered days
each tick a token tear
My heart is held within your gaze
Why don't you see me here?
 Jan 2018
or it breaks you,
so they say,
this or that,
not both.


it makes you
in maked up,
faded faces.

it makes you
broken-born ones,
into crepuscules,
bent rainbows
to the absence of light.
 Jan 2018
You seem to be doing fine,
I'm glad to not be haunting your life.
Knowing you're okay makes me so glad,
we said goodbye.
a love, just like ours, wouldn't last.
 Jan 2018
Kelly Rose
Betrayal’s scars leech life’s colors
Tears sting the eye, but nary a
Drop will fall
Forgiveness paints with hope’s brush
Torn between tears and hope
Longing for an explosion of color
A battle reigns deep within
Yearning for the road less traveled
A road of dreams fulfilled
But the lure of the dark road overwhelms
Still, I fight to take that road less traveled
Yearning for the unknown
I battle the bleak comfort of the known

Kelly Rose
© December 29, 2017
 Jan 2018
Brandi R Lowry
I lie awake each night
Long after you're asleep
I envy your restful slumber
Through salty eyes I weep

As the air thickens
I struggle just to breathe
Bowing my head in sorrow
I pray so desperately

Grant my mind solace
If my thoughts go astray
Allow my soul to carry on through grief courageously

Protect me from the pain
That haunts my every thought
Awaken my restless spirit
If my dreams become too dark

Make my heart resilient
If it shatters painfully
Teach me about patience
While I gather it piece by piece

Allow me the courage
To assemble it once again
As I try not to crush
The fragile pieces in my hand

If my strength grows weary
And I tremble at the knees
Hold my hand and steady me
So I stumble gracefully
Writing this poem helped me through one of the darkest hours of my life. Out of pain, we can create much beauty. We just need to listen to the soul. I hope it helps you see the beauty through your pain.
 Jan 2018
Valsa George
Mind, like a deciduous forest
has lost all its foliage,
all leaves torn away
by the autumnal blasts

The brain where great schemes were concocted
is now an abyss where spiders sway
It is bare – dismally barren
of all memories – sweet and sour
Like a kite afloat in the boundless sky
moving nowhere, but as the wind directs,
cut out from the past, turned from the present
with the future yet to surge from the abyss
or like serpents intertwining,    
hissing in turmoil within the brain,
unable to sense the gusty blast,
or hear the whispering air,
dead to sounds that disturb,
deaf to songs that soothe,
like a phantom he moves weird,
drifting far away
to a space and time impenetrable  
with nothing to make the mind agog
or depress it to let out a sigh.

Loitering on roads without hurrying feet
with no bliss coming on the way
to run or hasten to embrace
or fear to be missed sore
passing through dark labyrinthine tunnels
forever barred with no exit
churned in oblivion, oblivious of all,
he remains a spectral facsimile
of his onetime self
plummeting into a black hole

The pulse of a heart beat
is all that keeps him alive,  
all else is dead…… !  
with dreary nights ahead
that shall not know another morrow
Only others can throw a little light in the dark lives of its hapless victims!

(With a heart heavy with gratitude, let me acknowledge my poet friend -  Kim Johanna Baker who gave sunshine to my poem who has thus honored me several times !)
 Jan 2018
Thomas P Owens Sr
and there you are
walking into another lost dream
your whispers and gentle smile
touching the memories  
I hold dear

like the dream
our time was brief
you turn and walk away as you did
40 years ago
you wanted more from me
another day
another week
and perhaps I would have realized
that I truly loved you
but we know how cruel time can be
and I let you go

I awaken to your image
fading quickly
and I decide to find you
maybe to ask forgiveness
maybe to beg

but I am too late
and you have left me
only to be found
in my dreams
in my sorrow
We make decisions in our lives that may seem of little importance at the time, only to realize the immensity later. like the song...I let her go... I looked for her again recently, only to find she had passed away in 2009. A punch to the soul that I will never fully recover.
 Jan 2018
For so long I was blinded,
but now I see clearly.
You blamed me,
you can never be at fault.
Maybe twice you gave in
but the rest was barren.

In the beginning it was obvious,
I was struck with a new kind of substance.
but mixed in with the distance, lies and resistance.
It felt like for so long, I was inexistent.

I tried so hard,
but I was never your lifeguard.
I was just a distraction,
and I'm sure, soon enough you'll be on to the next one.
I hurt myself over and over in the process of trying to love you.
 Jan 2018
It's never fun,
banging on the heart of another  
trying to get in when the key just, never really fit.
How can you love someone correctly,
when you're so angry over another?
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