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 May 2015

My perfect sunset...
pastel skies in blushing
watercolor cloud lines,
woven of salmon quivers
and honeydew destinations
curved in mesmeric waves
along a fuchsia horizon
beckoning to me in
periwinkle whispers
upon harmonic echoes
of forever love...
*is you
You are so me
《☆ Ode to Miller Spring ☆》

I have traveled this road.
I have traveled this road since
first I came to be here.
This journey was
my awakening to the
new existence I would step into.

Foreign to me
the illustrious homes.
Dripping willows, old oaks, poplars...
Perfectly kept grounds.
Checkerboard patterns carved
into lush grass.

This road is winding.
One needs to go slowly.
Families, children, animals, 
all enjoy this path.

The winds blow at this highest point,
up above the Glacial Basin
that forms the river below.
Before farmland,
home to

The Spring
The deep Spring of Healing
Ancient, pouring forth
from the center of the Earth.

This road, brought me to a
place of solitude...
An open space.
Land of possibilities.

I have traveled this road. 
I have traveled this road
since first I came to be here.
This road has led me to the new existence
I have stepped into.

Perfectly kept grounds
checkerboard patterns carved
in lush grass.

The wind blows at this
highest point,
up above the Glacial Basin,
that forms the river below.
Before farmland,  
home to

The Spring
The deep Spring of Healing.
Ancient, pouring forth from
the center of the Earth.
This Spring, that quenched
my family's thirst.
This Spring, that pulled my
people here,
so many years ago.

A road brought me to
this place of solitude.
An open space.
A land of Dreams.

I wonder,
what Dreams,
this land
will hold for me?

~July 2014~May 2015~
2nd Edition
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.

"Miller Spring" is a pure crystalline-rock aquifer that has been revered by all peoples blessed to live within it's reach. The tribes of the Ojibwe and Lakota shared the spring. It was called the "Sweet Spring of Healing Waters" This spring was also shared with Settlers as they arrived. When the land was owned, the spring has always been made accessible, to All People. It should be noted that this spring water is exceptionally clear,
crisp and has a sweet bright taste
It is delicious!
To this day Miller Spring is available to all.
It's icy cold waters gush forth 24/7~365
days a year out of a well by the side
of the road, down about a mile
from my home.

I actually live in a modest house
on two original acres of this
beautiful land, which is now
bordered by five "illustrious" homes.
We moved here from the
City in the year 2000
Living in the suburbs was the
"New Existence" I had stepped into...
 May 2015
Blinking Nose
Yours was only a hand, delicate and gentle.
Mine was only a waist, never pampered by touch or love.
It was but a silly heart, pounding against my chest.
It was only a kiss, under the stars, in the pouring moonlight.
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
From the epicenter of my heart
Love reverberates in concentric circles
Mild waves of feelings embrace you
Deluging your heart in eternal love
Feel my love nurturing your soul
 May 2015
Jason Cole
i've dreamt of you
since we last met

in the mirror
in all your raging glory

pleasure, and freedom
and every other thing beautiful
this is the nature of you

naked, you are my Alabama nights
and my every blue sky day
you have many stars in your hair
where all good wishes are kept
and so many fields in your eyes
wanton with the dancing flowers

i can only stand here behind you
clothed in the shadows of your light
waiting for your golden dawn to break

oh, to have once loved a true lady
of pleasure, and of freedom
and of every other thing beautiful
and to have shared in her glory

in the mirror
i've dreamt of you
 May 2015
Lorraine DeSousa
Life the passing seasons,

Timed to the beat of our hearts.

In temporal winds we are blown,

Like feathers on a flow chart.

An echo in majestic mountains,

Disappearing on the breeze.

An individual illusory journey,

Vulnerable to nature’s mercies.

Splashing in fountains of humanity

The transient born from eternal,

We shine for so few moments,

In the heavenly, and the infernal.

A brief wandering through time

Made fresh just by our existence

As deceitful beauty fades to age

So does our warped resistance.

Our unbearable lightness of being

Returning to the elusive spark.

Closing, completing the circle,

The dove returning to the Ark.

To our before-state we are flying,

Our worthless veil slipping away,

Each day one step from dying,

Bittersweet memories of our stay.

Retreating from these perfumed shores

From the impermanence of things.

An arrow heading to our next rebirth.

From this Earth which sighs and sings.
 May 2015
Mike Essig
"Hell is a place without birds." D.A.*

A tiny bird in my heart sings
that although the time of kisses
is not yet, it will be.
Like Dante, I have always
trusted the wisdom of birds.
 May 2015
Come home now my precious child
For life is getting older
These dreams for you have faded
The intoxication sobered

Come lie beside me
And rest your weary head
Stress and strife shall slip away
And all those things you dread

The promise of a new world
May appear pretty bleak
Yet your destiny awaits you
And the answers that you seek

Death is but a doorway
So many options open
Our quantum souls return to source
To all we put our hope in

Come home now the voices call
Like a vague yet gentle caress
Easing all our worldly worries
Putting our minds to rest
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Contrary to popular ideas
There are many being ignored
For they do not conform
Many bound by the commonality
Others being left out
Forming their own world
Experimenting with their ideas
Trying to connect the dots
Creating an open world
For anyone who does not conform
Ideologies birthed from thinking
Away from the mundane
Maybe they are on their way
Treading on the deserted path
One day will confluence
To the door of eternal truth
As the winds break into small feathered kisses
and idly burden the heart this May day
I lament for all the long withered wishes
once whose petals bloomed on my way.

A begone time love feeling unfailingly true
a touch that left a long hovering trail
on the probing soul fertile they grew
before cruel days wore them frail.

Aspirations soared on sun blazed wings
they had to be have on awakened nights
the innocent's hunts for the most precious things
haloed in passions of untamable sights.

On feathered winds were they drifted and gone
notions of love and visions to build high
but by their fire made me a man
leaving imprints as the years went by.
 May 2015
Dawn King
it operates like a revolving door
there are no hinges
but it extends from ceiling to floor
it is fashioned out of multiple parts
in various geometrical shapes
each with an intricate pencil etched
message that speak of the ways
to reexamine the perplexity
of what remains behind the walls
of your bedchamber calls that
became trapped in long
recondite walkways and halls
 May 2015
Irving MacPherson
To hold the Universe
I leave my mind
The switched on Darkness
Shuts out the Light
And the edge of Spirit
Becomes the boundary line
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