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2.0k · Sep 2015
In my dreams
Stardust Sep 2015
are covered in moonlight
and your eyes
reflect the stars
of the night

In my dreams
you do see me
you look at my soul
and love me
with your sparkling eyes.

But only in my dreams.
1.4k · Sep 2015
last night
Stardust Sep 2015
last night
I woke up
with my heart beating fast
and my hopes up high.
Only because
I saw you
in my dreams.
1.3k · Sep 2015
Stardust Sep 2015
aber meine gedanken kreisen um dich
tag und nacht
aber es macht mich verrückt
denn jeder erinnerung
entgleitet mir stunde für stunde
minute für minute
werden es weniger details
ich werde fast wahnsinnig
deine augen
dein lächeln
dein lachen
deine worte
alles in mir will sich genau erinneren
doch die erinnerung fließt hinfort
mit dem fluss der zeit
den ich gerne anhalten würde
nur für einen moment.
1.2k · Sep 2015
Hopeless Hope
Stardust Sep 2015
Between day and night
my thoughts are dreaming themselves to you.
Blurry colors
a sky in pastel.
are spinning around.
About this hopeless hope.
beleaguering my heart.
beleaguering my mind.
1.0k · Sep 2015
Somebody like you
Stardust Sep 2015
Your mysterious mind
and your beautiful thoughts
are magnetic.
about you
is making my mind go wild
is making my soul blossom.

never thought
somebody like you
truly existet.
864 · Oct 2015
Again and Again
Stardust Oct 2015
again and again
i feel like i am breaking apart
i’ve just been whole again
i cant break again.
my mind is so confused
about me and my heart
what is wrong with me
i am a mess
i still dont know
what i feel
what i want
and again and again
i meet beautiful people
who are messing with my head
messing with my soul.
691 · Sep 2015
Night dreaming
Stardust Sep 2015
I'm waking up
in a different world.

dreamed about you.
you where there
with me
so close.

my life
is feeling surreal
as soon as my thoughts
get lost in you.

you are nothing
but a memory
that I can't let go.
591 · Sep 2015
Stardust Sep 2015
but my thoughts are spinning around you
day and night
and it is driving me crazy
because each memory
is floating away hour by hour
minute by minute
the details become less
I'm almost going insane
your eyes
your smile
your laugh
your words
everything in my body wants to remember exactly
but the memories are floating away
with the river of time
whom I would love to stop
just for one moment.
580 · Sep 2015
The rain
Stardust Sep 2015
and then I am sitting here
in front of an opend window
and the rain is falling.
falling. falling. falling.
Drip. Drip.

and then I am sitting here
and I am thinking about you.
I think about you and I think about me.
It's getting cold.
No moon. No stars.
And the rain is falling
on and on.
it is telling me all the things I don't want to hear.
It is washing me clean
from the lias
I've been telling myself
for too long.
471 · Sep 2015
Even if
Stardust Sep 2015
Even if
I would believe what they said.
Even if
I would overcome my fears.

I would write you.
Tell you how I feel.
What is going through my mind.
That it is always you floating through my mind.

But would you even care?
459 · Sep 2015
Stardust Sep 2015
When I saw you for the first time
all I wanted was to get to know you.

I was hoping to see you.
Every day.

I wanted to look at your soul and
I wanted to stare in those eyes full of dreams.

And  I saw you.
But you didn't see me.

I was blown away
by your appearance
and your soul.

And we talked
But we didn't.
The memories are fading away.
And you don't remember me.

And now your gone.
Far away.

But still.
I am dreaming about you.
You and your beautiful eyes full of dreams.
427 · Mar 2016
street lights
Stardust Mar 2016
I couldn't sleep last night
but the reason wasn't you.
The moon was bright tonight
and I know,
it wasn't because of me.

You are standing there
in the glow of the street lights
but I am here
and I am looking at the stars-
I am on another planet.

Your eyes are looking right through me
because I am air
meaningless .

Just away
waking through dark streets
my body is numb,
my thoughts are on fire.
Doesn't matter where,
only away.
-me seeing you and you not seeing me.
374 · Oct 2015
Stardust Oct 2015
out of the nowhere
you sneaked into my life
once again
my hands are shaking.
one second longer
and I'll be loosing my mind.
I know
it doesn't mean a thing
but my heartbeat is going crazy
since than
and I just can't help it.

And I am just so afraid
that I am to high
and I will crack in a million peaces
as soon as I fall.

— The End —