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1.2k · Nov 2015
Future President
Celeste Nov 2015
Do you argue your point
To argue for love
Or do you argue
Just because
Do you really care
For every American out there
What are you truly fighting for
Helping the millions poor?
Or are you morphing with society
Doing things unjustifiably
Our hypocritical democracy
A nation full of dishonesty
Soldiers dying left and right
Parents send their kids to school with fright
But all we care about are insignificant things
I’m told, “the ends justify the means”
A country full of hate
Keeping people out because of race
American is so blessed
But most are too obsessed
Many can’t even imagine
How a nation like us can have no compassion
We do not know others lives
For we walk vigilantly in our opportunistic thrive
So forgetful of where we’ve come
For a God whos love cannot be undone
To give back what he gave us
Something we always fail to discuss
We blindly became a nation
Who has no purpose for its creation
Future president, can you do it?
Will you help us get through it?
Maybe you can change it someday
Please. Change us back to who we were yesterday.
A nation without God.
1.0k · Feb 2016
Villanelle Poem
Celeste Feb 2016
Follow the celestial alignments, seek the star shinning bright
The deep leaves and vines of the forest will entangle you
Keep striving for the path of the glistening moonlight

When your lost in the forbidden darkness of the night
The birds swoop swiftly beneath the glimmer of clouds, blue
Follow the the celestial alignments, seek the star shinning bright

Be above the fear of mystery and commit to the light
Grasp the hope, dig your fingers in and follow through
Keep striving for the path of the glistening moonlight

The warmth of the light will steam your soul to fight
The trees, the leaves, all unsatisfying. Even the flowers too.
Follow the the celestial alignments, seek the star shinning bright

The bleakness of the way you've been traveling will give you the might
To find something that you never knew
Keep striving for the path of the glistening moonlight

Now you are found, predestined for life, never leaving sight
Examining how much more beautiful everything is, even the dew
Keep striving for the path of the glistening moonlight
Follow the the celestial alignments, seek the star shinning bright
Also, this poem is open for interpretation. However, I wrote this poem particularly describing life trying to find Jesus, the light.
711 · Nov 2015
Celeste Nov 2015
America is beyond blessed
yet we are willing to confess
how there are thousands of soldiers
and other cultures
who have nothing to eat
But we don't realize the way we treat
This rapidly growing problem
A reason why we have fallen
So far away from a place
Of mercy and grace
We continue to argue about those poor people
are we complete fools?
Actually do something
Help others rise from nothing
Instead of bathing in your luxurious ways
begin to pave
what will be the road for a new society
which will start a revolution
Of the ones who find a solution
to the disgusting amount of poverty
Lets not do this moderately
Lets make a difference now
Because true love is how
We can assist
Something we need to not resist
Stop debating who's right or wrong
Because that won't change what's been happening all along
End hunger everywhere
Because were more than capable to share.
Stop thinking of yourself
Start to help.
America is so blessed. I witnessed a debate about if we should help Syrian refugees. People argued their points that we need to help the poor in the U.S first. But who is actually doing something. People have no food. But we "NEED" the newest iPhone and a sports car and super expensive shoes.Lets be the generation to do something.
710 · Apr 2016
Maturing Young
Celeste Apr 2016
Every memory burned in my head
everyone, "I wish i was dead"
mom and dad both feel this way
they don't know how to be okay
Day after day
I beg them to stay
Keep living for me
"I love you whole heartily"
Sometimes its all night
but they get through it
However, i am not suited
for this job
at sixteen
to ask them to keep breathing
I am tired of trying to be their rock
eventually i cracked, under their pressure
of this depression that takes no measure
How can neither of them love me enough
to figure out life is tough
but no matter what, you're suppose to stay
for the sake of your daughter
please don't go away.
My job as a daughter is to keep my parents wanting to live, but I dont care because i love them. yes it hurts alot, and i can barely handle but i will push through for them.
694 · Oct 2015
My Dearest Friend
Celeste Oct 2015
Power can change everything                                                       ­   
A man I once knew
Cared about being true
He had his heart broken                                          
  No liable way of coping                                                      
obse­ssed with winning                                              
  Always grinning                                                         ­                           
No one knew his pain
Hiding away his shame                                                            ­        
People loved him                                                      
scared of judging                                                          ­      
Changed his ways                                                             ­               
  for a glimpse of fame                                                            
­ doing anything to feel again                                        
He gave into the earthly way                                      
But one day he will know                                                        
After all the power
How he will feel at his last hour          
Stooping so low                                                        
The journey is the best part                                                             ­ 
Be proud of how you got there                                                          
End the way you start
My inspiration came from a close friend.
647 · Jan 2016
Celeste Jan 2016
The nights that devour our minds
can't eat enough of our time
develops inside us
nothing left to discuss
but ourselves
almost like hell
constant agony within
something impossible to win
fulfillment of the heart
no where to start
no human can ever truly love them self
even in great health
no one can ever be pleased
with the sinful nature that takes us with ease
somewhere deep under happiness of the day
your conflicting emotions stay
to tear you up inside
but it's secluded with a simple lie
the very fake smile you hide behind
to protect you from your mind
the bridge of assessment
is always present
The inner self
will never help
Whether or not you know it
we ourselves commit
to the endless horror pit.
That we face day and night
attempting to fight
To try and stop this hell
within ourselves.
We are our worst enemies. Part of living in this fallen world.
630 · Nov 2015
Celeste Nov 2015
Poems expose my vulnerability
But it's something about the tranquility
that keeps me writing again and again
I like it when
they are my escape
from this world of hate
Most of my poems are sad
but that is how I get past being mad
I like to write
All day and night
I prefer my friends and family do not read
what secrets I keep inside of me
I'm scared of people knowing
About what my poems are showing
Honestly they don't show me
And how happy life could be
But they do show small parts
of my heart
I just need to try
and write things my
feelings always feel
like maybe about the happy appeal
Either way I'm happy with this
Writing poems and feeling Bliss
Writing poems on here.
593 · Dec 2015
Celeste Dec 2015
Respect is something everyone can do
Ages is just a number between me and you
I may be young
but I am definitely not dumb
I form my own opinions
but you don't stop to listen
No words i say can ever compare
Because you are not fair
Older does not mean you are smarter
that's the starter
I sit there and respectfully decline
how your ideas differ from mine
But I don't know.. because I'm young
and all i can do is hold my tongue
Because you won't listen
I won't voice my opinion
You will never know what I have to say
Or know what great things it may convey
If you can't respect me
then I choose to agree to disagree
I will not sit there and be put down
You make me want to shut down
my ideas are what I believe
But whatever I think, you misconceive
Don't yell at me
For being what makes me, me
Respect is something EVERYONE can achieve.
When I try to talk about any debatable topics with CERTAIN adults they argue because I'm young and they think they can treat me however because they are older and smarter.
519 · Apr 2016
4th of July
Celeste Apr 2016
The day that wasn't so happy
dad had a bad week
I remembered he was tired
recently fired.
He took some pills
as quickly as the fireworks bashed.
takes another
takes another
But the finale was the worst.
I was lying on the floor,
sobbing and begging him to stay.
Tears flooded like the colors flaking down the sky.
Never will I forget that fourth of July
Just one of many days. begging my dad to stay
516 · Feb 2016
Celeste Feb 2016
      temporary, deceitful
   With fear comes courage
       relentless, necessary
Fear is the first stepping stone to courage.
483 · Mar 2016
Times Ticking
Celeste Mar 2016
The days left to spend with you
nothing but rendezvous
My heart of passion
knows this will leave me no compassion
Everyone has warned me of the risk
But I want nothing more than this
Every time I see you
My words stutter, heart knows whats true
My clock is frozen in time
I'm stuck knowing, you are a lucky find
This could be dangerous
and it won't be painless
But I know something good will come of it
Even time can't stop me, not even a little bit
The hands are turning
and everyone's yearning
to watch me crash and burn
but when will they learn
I don't care about anyones opinions
So time please keep ticking
so I could prove them wrong
tick - tock
Time will come, and I will be strong
Everyone says this "crush" of mine should be cut off because he's moving in three months but honestly I dont care because if i dont take the risk ill never know what could have been. I pray to God each night that I do what's right. Even if were just friends I still will like to be until he leaves.
457 · Oct 2017
Collateral Damage
Celeste Oct 2017
Everyone absorbs the emotions
like the pores soaking dew up.
Overflow! Overflow! Runs down the cup.
Drips flowing, falling.Wild commotion.

Nights like theses, only few
Anger radiates like bursts of rays from the sun
Tears of fear, scurry and flee for the open.
Only this can source from a pit of compassion for you.

The mix of people bellow the words "They CAN'T change it"
That may be, however are the deceptive mind games innocent too?
"YOU did this to ME. I am going to **** myself because of YOU."
A punch much more than a painful blow,more like a life shattering hit.

The trembles,violently shaking of emptiness.
In one flash of an innocence, the roles reverse
Child cut by icy cold lyrics rehearsed
Each fraud affection emphasized in every verse

My youthful eyes sought to help
The purest bits of my love induced soul reached out.
You flooded my life with responsibilities, rarely a shout
With age, shadowed by wisdom of what you were really about.

Child lost in a hazy mist of false love.
You used your forgiving child as a door mat.
Wiped your feelings all over my heart,
Stomped on my childhood,
And left me in the dust.
Damaged Goods
447 · Apr 2016
What They Don't Know
Celeste Apr 2016
Parents fight, children cry
Put in the middle of something they didn't ask for
now thrown like ash in the wind, war begins.
Pushing for decisions, asking to much
like an ash, the light went out
Family wasn't the same anymore
Childrens hearts were torn
Mom and Dad were no longer safe places
but nothing more than full of hatred.
"Don't you love me?"
Says mom and dad
After the child answers where they want to be.
But little do they know
everything was just a show
the kids were no longer happy
but cared too much to let it end badly
so they tried to help
but instead made the division greater
they put everything aside for later
hoping they could fuel their parents joy
by saying whatever they can
to rebuild what they had
The bridge was burned
and the ember was at fault.
Everyone was damaged.
But the kids..
was something they didn't think about.
Advice to anyone getting a divorce. Yes it is hard for you, but never put the kids in the middle, dont say things to ***** with there heads, be the better person.
446 · Nov 2015
The Way of The World
Celeste Nov 2015
The way of the world is      
The way of the world is                                                    
The way of the world is                                                    
The way of the world is                                            
The way of the world is                                                      
The way of the world is                                                          
Truth in us and society.
441 · Mar 2016
Off the ground, Soldier.
Celeste Mar 2016
That day when I was left broken
no words spoken
The day I reflected
the person who stared back at me with no reckon
Who I became
Now, filled with shame
Life shatter
Heart beaten and battered
and the end of the battle
Became a little rattled
Then I understood
what only I could
It was time for war
I knew this for sure
Against the enemy
Whose placed in life under many identities
you may know him, money,deceit or lust
there's only one person I trust
to lead me through this war of life
someone who can handle this strife
Life became harder
but it was a small charter
For the never ending lovingness
of my Lord and savior
397 · Feb 2016
Celeste Feb 2016
Dark, grey clouds of dust.
                        swirling towards the ground harshly!
                                                        ­       ripping              hearts                apart
Open for interpretation but to me it means the dividing factor separating two meant to be.
387 · Nov 2015
Understanding the Heart
Celeste Nov 2015
Thoughts swirl my head
like stars in a galaxy
but I still don't know where that leaves me
My heart is like a transcript unread
I cannot decipher what it wants
No one has ever made me so confused
Because some part of me tells me its a ruse
Cannot help believe something that always daunts
Someone please tell me if I'm right
tell me how they should make me feel
is this something real?
why does my heart put up such a fight?
All answers I long for
but time is on my side
to help me confide
Why my inner feelings are tore.
emotions feelings
369 · Nov 2015
Celeste Nov 2015
I hate to see her hurt
My most caring friend
Watching her lying in the dirt
Trying to comprehend
Why everything is falling apart
she just can't win
They tore out every part of her heart
But the worst is her skin
They way she deals with pain
Is what influences my thought
I think she is ashamed
of the battles she fought
But I don't know her well
she has always kept her distance
Its nothing I could ever tell
Not even think for an instance
I love her beyond words
And watch this happen
this repetition of emotional stirs
Something others cannot fashion
All I can do is sit and cry
Because I cannot sway her mind
Maybe one day near by
She will be able to rewind
And just forget everything in time
But for the moment
I will continue to say these words of mine
Hoping she will fix what is broken.
Really personal.
362 · Nov 2015
I know
Celeste Nov 2015
I know,
it's out of the kindness of their hearts
I know,
they care
I know,
they want to pay for every part
I know,
they just want to share
I know,
I can't afford
I know,
I do my best
I know,
I can only give a little bit
I know,
My heart can rest
I know,
I want to stop
I know,
I'm not a pest
I know,
My respect won't drop
I know,
my best friends
I know,
they are willing to embrace
I know,
we want to mend
I know,
we can
I know,
Once i stop holding back.
Wrote this about not being able to afford as much as my friends.
361 · Dec 2015
Who are you?
Celeste Dec 2015
The mirrors on the wall
tell something of us all
who we are destined to be
cannot be determined by you or me
we have to except our flaws
and love it all
don't loose yourself in this fantasy
of what we call society
Your life is run by fate
accept it before it's too late
Look into the mirror
And watch the image become clearer
Look through the flesh
and see the rest
only the true heart
will set you apart
and make you, who you are
Be you.
347 · Nov 2015
No Heart
Celeste Nov 2015
The sad thing is I barely cry anymore
Because my heart is so sore
It has nothing left to break
I wish I had something for you to take
But other things took that chance
before a man ever could have
This is what happens over and over
Yet, it doesn't make it easier
Sorry there's no sorrow leftover
But I'm not depressed
Just use to this distress
I cannot control my outer surroundings
But I can control what's in me
Maybe it's better I never uncover
Maybe it'll help me recover
I'm sorry I can not feel anymore
It's the last my heart has been torn.
Heart feelings
334 · Nov 2015
Rainy Days
Celeste Nov 2015
In deep discussion with my friends
about those sad times that never end
They go home behind closed doors
And sit there and sob on their floors
They say it can happen for days
Where all they want to do is lay
They call it depression
And at that point of the session
I realized I have never felt that way
I've only had bad days
I had to think about it for awhile
Why I could not be a sad child
Then hit me
God was within me
The holy spirit is in my heart
and I know each part
How he has helped me through
Because he knew
He wakes me up every morning
So I can smile when it's pouring
Those "rainy" days will clear
The sun is near
To brighten your day
and guide your way.
319 · Nov 2015
Celeste Nov 2015
No one knows what I truly go through
My closest friends don't even know
I want them to ask but, I don't want to beg
If only they knew
Don't get me wrong , my life is great
but sometimes I do have bad days.
I sometimes want that one shoulder to cry on.
But I come off with hate.
I have a few rare times.
Where I actually do feel alone.
Where no one understands.
Wishing someone would read my mind.
A day like today.
But I know I will be okay..
317 · Nov 2015
Celeste Nov 2015
The love for me is indescribable
the greatest I have ever felt.
His words are clear in the Bible.
I know what his son dealt
Payed our debt
but yet people still think I'm crazy
They say you can't let
this idea make you hazy
But I will argue to death
That I have faith for a reason
Gasping my last breathe
Knowing its me fighting these demons .
I know my friends don't understand
but I don't care
God always gives me a hand
and will forever be there.
315 · Dec 2015
Celeste Dec 2015
I know you like to keep to yourself
and that's something you can't help
but every time I call
we barely have time to talk at all
You prefer not to speak
even if we don't for a week
and it bugs me
that your not the friend who will always be
okay with me calling at any hour
or who does everything in our power
to hang out and spend time together
but I guess me thinking this is stupid altogether
You just aren't that kind of friend
And it will take a long time to comprehend
why you aren't the calling kind of friend.
Introvert friends are difficult but worth it.
306 · Nov 2015
Care To Much
Celeste Nov 2015
I think about you all the time
something that isn't mine
Every little thing goes straight to the heart
I guess that's where my anger starts
I spend the day
wondering if your okay
But you don't even give me a single thought
Even after the way we fought
But then again maybe you don't care
And it isn't fair
That my mind is consumed by you
And everything that you do
Why can't I just forget
And live without regret.
I just want you to be like everyone else
and let myself
Give you no more thought than any other being
Then I will finally be defeating
What has been keeping me
back from what I should be
trying to achieve.
Caring to much.
298 · Dec 2015
Celeste Dec 2015
stop inviting people
making them think they need to go to some steeple
to learn about Jesus Christ
and how he gave up his life
it's not about staying in your safe place
but stepping out to face
the fears put there by the world
which makes thoughts begin to swirl
Jesus is not something just for church
Where you search
for some magical change
inside your heart that is strange
it happens when you get a personal connection
when your truly feel the Lords affection
which doesn't have to be there
but it could be anywhere
"Go and make disciples"
Listen to the Bible
Go is the key word
Anyone can understand this for sure
So stop inviting
And begin uniting
God's children of all nations
And start bringing everyone to salvation
God doesn't tell us to sit comfortable and talk about Jesus when it's easy. NO. He's say go. To some people you will be there only chance to ever hear about Jesus.
295 · Dec 2015
Celeste Dec 2015
When your finally out of my mind
I could leave my stress behind
I cared so much about you
more than you ever knew
I will move past these moments
And I will surpass the broken
I became someone who was not me
This was a disgrace to be
I am now a ******* a new path
now you do the math
To be me, I need to forget you
I'm sorry for everything we went through
But now I'm gone
And will continue to push on
255 · Feb 2016
Celeste Feb 2016
The breeze is gentle,
the sun is vibrant orange.
Knowing     this is right.
the trees standing tall
Preparing me for battle.

— The End —