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 May 2017 carissa
Ma Cherie
To search the winter lean and long,
for early signs of coming spring,
on snow sprayed fields now all aglow,
  on every little whispered wing,

Tis hardest in this icy air,
alone with frozen thought,
to seek the thaw you asked of me,
when love was freely taught,

In buds of red I wish to hold,
and not my stubborn,
warming glow,
your spring awaits with daffodil,
beneath the wet and melted snow,

I await you dear with frozen breath
eternally I wait for thee
tis I that seek your stubborn glow
your warmth is what will set me free

I take your mind
to yesteryear
when spring came easy then
to take us back to times we know
to love your way
back home again

In simple terms a simple love
I beckon from my frozen hill
to bring you back here in the spring
and not
against your needed will

I wait for you
I wait for thee
*my Sunny Springtime Daffodil
Hi poets! This is a wonderful opportunity at a collaboration with someone who I respect greatly wonderful poet friend David Hewitt! ❤ I asked and he started,
this is about many things- the willingness to change, the acceptance of waiting, and what it might bring come spring, waiting for love and longing and light, and being patient in the wait...rebirth & a new hopeful sunny year. This poem is everything.. it's hard to explain it made me cry literally. I guess I contacted David for a very good reason! Part of it is this place and the beauty from wherever he comes from and I really truly appreciate David allowing me to have almost creative license with it finishing even though he heard it from the inception. Anyway I hope you are all blessed with beautiful things coming this time in Spring and it brings you close back to home again. I hope you have a wonderful year my poet friends. And I hope you love it as much as we do - many many thanks! ❤❤❤ Cherie and David!
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
I do not want many
I don't want just any
I just want only one
She will be full of fun

I do not want just face
All I want is just grace
Who makes me feel loved
Her heart is mine and reserved
I like to read your comments.
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
I don't know any other words
Other than beautiful and stunning
You look sweet not trying to hard
You seem like a real, kind, gentle soul

I like your eyes, you're a deep person
Who is spiritually aware and intelligent
You said "You're very special to me"
I feel the same way about you
Credit: Cecilia Aurora Jacqueson
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
When she left, I felt so hurt
It just hit me inside so deep
She hit the door on my face
For a promise that I couldn't keep

I couldn't say bye or anything else
She kicked me away so fast
I loved her once and for all
And it will be my last
I like to read your comments.
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
My Way
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
I won't go, on the way you show
I will go with the flow
Where I am going, you will never know
I will go, where I gotta go

Whatever I touch, it starts to glow
It was a desert first, but now it's snow
And I am going fast, you are going slow
I will go, where I gotta go
I like to read your comments
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
A boy riding a bicycle was crossing the country border
The border guard stopped him and checked his bag
Found nothing but a bag of salt, guard let him go

Again next day the boy was riding a bicycle
With a bag of salt, the guard let him go again
This same process went on and on, for weeks

One day the guard checked him
To see if it was real salt or drugs
After some test, the guard found out,
That it was simple salt and nothing else
The boy was actually taking away a new bicycle everyday
But the guard has no idea,
Because he was deceived by the bag of salt.
 May 2017 carissa
Mr Himel
When I see her smiling,
She makes me smile too
She is not just cute & innocent,
She is pretty & beautiful too

My emotions are connected now,
With her heart and her feeling
She found me, when I was wounded
And she was there for my healing
Please post your feedback.
 May 2017 carissa
They trace down your cheeks...
during the loneliest of nights.
They gather between your collar bones...
through your battles and fights.

They brim in your eyes...
assuring you the glimmer of hope.
They drip off your chin...
*like a thread of droplets to help you cope.

They wet your shivering smile...
reminding you of your strength and humility.
They fall on your palms...
appreciating your sacrifices and sincerity.

They seep into your skin...
to fuel the undying love in your heart.
They feed your soul with gratitude
*until the time comes when you shall depart.
#selflesstears #purpose #life
 May 2017 carissa
Jim Davis
You Can
 May 2017 carissa
Jim Davis
Today is
Not just
Another day
Wake up
Get going
Live today
As if you've
Never lived
Ever before!  
Just because
You can!  

©  2017 Jim Davis
Inspired by a friend of mine, James A. McBride, who had a heart transplant!
His words below;

"Not everybody gets a do-over.  Life has a certain inevitability to it that is unavoidable.  It ends.  There will always be a mark on our headstones that says Lived 1952-2014.  But, it’s the decisions we make that can make that time between the dashes, that time that we are alive more significant.  Hell, a decision you make may even change the date that is after someone else’s dash.  It did for me.  That was the date my headstone was destined to bear until a young man, a total stranger, made his decision to be an ***** donor.  Every day I think about him and his family, about the hurt that they felt, and still feel today.  They mourn the anniversary of their young son, their brother and their kin on the same day my family and I celebrate my do-over.  
     My whole life I have been trained, as a Marine, as a Police Officer, to put my life in front of others.  I am truly humbled to recognize that sacrifice someone made when they put their life in front of mine.  I will not find the cure for cancer; I will not bring peace to the world.  I will, instead, get to continue to be me.  Celebrating every beat of his heart by trying to be the best me, to make people laugh, to remind a stranger that they are beautiful and to share his gift the best way I can.
     My young niece asked my sister shortly after the transplant, “Will Uncle Jim still love us since he has a new heart?”  I told her that when they took my heart out, they poured all the love I had for my family into the new one, and they left all the love he had for his inside.  My heart was filled with love for people I had never met.  It made her smile, and it still makes me smile as well."
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