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 Oct 2022 Caleb Kyme
the way you make me feel
tingles in my shoulders,
curling my toes,
I'm so glad to hear from you
and whenever you want
we can glow.
 Oct 2022 Caleb Kyme
 Oct 2022 Caleb Kyme
Why does it feels like I am the villian?
When all I do is choose myself over the burning world.
 Oct 2022 Caleb Kyme
where you laid looks like a crime scene now
the pulled blanket
the crooked pillow
the emptiness,

and I can't see a single star in the sky
it's pitch dark...
is it the light in my room blocking it out,
or is it the absence of you,
the absence of me?

then the nothingness that came,
I hoped it would never end,
but I also longed for it to be over,
for me to feel something,
anything, a single tear would do...
but nothing came.
that tingly feeling when you're finally alone after something has happened and you can process it.
 Oct 2022 Caleb Kyme
takes on a new meaning
when it isn't from a lack of sleep,
but rather a repeated beating from life.
 Oct 2022 Caleb Kyme
and then there was you,
my only savior,
from the plight of my life,
but like everyone else,
you left me too.
 Mar 2022 Caleb Kyme
 Mar 2022 Caleb Kyme
the darkness holds so many secrets
that daylight doesn't dare to ask about.
hidden underground,
ignored and concealed;
the light does not always illuminate the truth.
✰hi everyone✰
✰it's very dark in my room right now✰
 Mar 2022 Caleb Kyme
like my guitar
and your eyes
and the way you looked that night
and the stars in June
in the big Vermont sky
and the way my heart
always shined around yours.
 Mar 2022 Caleb Kyme
twitching ears
dripping snout
the eyes anyone could recognize
my puppy
my friend
my life
4 my dog, chai, lol
Long pages aren't enough..
a sea full of blue ink aren't enough..
a novel of description about you aren't enough..
days and nights to spend with you , aren't enough..
my phone's storage to treasure our memories aren't enough..
my short life to live with you aren't just enough..
Just for you
 Mar 2022 Caleb Kyme
The Untold
I learnt to fly,
Spread my wings
Let the breeze of love
Carry me away.
But then it started to rain
My dear sunshine was no more
A bad storm,
it pushed you away from me.
I crashed into the ground,
Broke into many pieces,
With no strength to rise,
I'm fallen.
It doesn't matter, even with the purest of hearts, you'll be broken. Your sun will be covered by the clouds.
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