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 May 2019 cs
 May 2019 cs

Your soul is the moon after dawn
A vapour who sings of love as well as pain
A delicate blossom that twirls with zephyrs
Fragrant and enriched by the snow's kiss
The geese have fled from iced lakes
long preserved with whispers of old
In the shade of bamboo, my flute is heard,
carried to you by the frost-kissed air
Your soul, a vapour, the moon after dawn
Hear my hymn of peace,
till winters turn to fawn

My head's still in the clouds! ^-^
I'm trying SO HARD not to freak out about my media course interview...
Lyn ***
 Dec 2016 cs
Cup Noodles
Not today,
Nor tomorrow,
Even the day after.
I long to know if what I feel
Is real.
To see if I could make it through
A month or two without seeing you.
But it's only been a day
And I'm already in pieces
Just wondering how your day went.
 May 2016 cs
Pradip Chattopadhyay
She wrote me
and my memory
cannot write her off.
Ma ; 23 years and still counting
 May 2016 cs
Nolan Higgins
 May 2016 cs
Nolan Higgins
China Grove.
The sun rises slowly at first.
But wait, it will be high in the sky sooner than you think.
And again, before you know it, it will be setting.
Only now, it will take what seems like forever to die.

It will breathe it's last breathe
and then another
and then another.
It refuses to die; to sink.

The night time is tricky
because the stars will stay in seemingly fixed locations
but if, and only if you lie on your back with a loved one
you will see that they rotate and sing a song just for the two of you.
I wrote this about three years ago
 May 2016 cs
Edward Lear
There was a young person in green,
Who seldom was fit to be seen;
She wore a long shawl,
Over bonnet and all,
Which enveloped that person in green.
 Mar 2015 cs
Baylie Allison
 Mar 2015 cs
Baylie Allison
Maybe she was born.
Sometimes she doesn't know.
Because to be born,
you must first be alive.
And she isn't so sure

She was born into a land
of gold and riches and fame.
Into a world where she is
Just another soul.

So who gives a ****?

But then they wrapped like
a blanket, tight-knit
over her.
Warm, thick,
she didn't deserve the comfort they

So she became
Because there are four other people on this
Planet who love her
with a  love simply not
based on conditions or
A love based simply
on existence.

So the four watched her grow
from infant to toddler.
And then four grew to
And the love didn't change.

Milestone by simple
they watched her grow,
Removing the blanket
bit by bit,
Until one day,
it was
 Feb 2015 cs
An attempt.
 Feb 2015 cs
(My Third eye is opening,
and it is telling me
to start looking deeper
while I am composing.)

The bell rang,
and afraid I was.
So I opened my eyes,
but couldn't see, only feel the 'buzz'.

Energy's we call them,
how only I can describe.
Statically swaying orbs
seen not from vision, only inside.

This was my experience,
and the pen can not express.
If you are ever-so curious
to try it, Do... You will be impressed.
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