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a knock on the door
nobody answers- yet
curtains in the window
slightly moving
yet nobody's there.

rain clouds falling but
you're not wet-yet
a totally drenched mind
moving slowly
yet nothing can be found.

tension fills the air but
you feel nothing-yet
there's air floating in
your head
yet nobody's there.

souls torn with damnation
no peace found-yet
a heart filled with lots
of pain
yet nothing can be found.
What is the point in ten word poems, tell me.
Don't mind the days we don't speak for hours
Don't mind if they turn into weeks

If you see a scar on our bodies, think nothing of it. Never ask how we got it, just look the other way.

If you see our journal lying on the bed, move it to the table side and walk out of the room.

If we look frail, smile at us and leave the stove on.

If our eyes are red, hand us eye drops and give us cold glass of water.

When the principal calls to see how we are doing after a week of not coming to school, tell him we came down with something contagious. Don't tell him we ran away for a couple of days.

When my friends don't come over or call, don't think anything of it.

If you're worried, don't be. We'll be alright soon enough, we just have to get through all this **** by ourselves first.
You were like my own personal light guiding me through what seemed to be the never ending darkness of my life. You made me believe in the goodness of people using your words as band aids to heal my cuts and scars. You gave me hope that things were going to be okay and that maybe just maybe the world wasn't as completely ******* up as I imagined it to be. Then one day that light started to dim without reason and I was left searching for batteries in the dark. I couldn't make you stay, you were vanishing before my eyes as I stood helpless. That was the day I learned to not look for answers in other people. They aren't solutions, they can't fix you but **** can they destroy you.
I tell you
"I love you"
You tell me
"I love you too
And I want you"
Then you hug me
And your lips meet mine
You take me to your place
We spend a night together
I lay my head on your chest
And you me sleep, safe and sound
Next day I wake up, and realize
It is just another Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is the ability to consciously observe and/or control your dreams
Today I thought about burning bibles and how my house is surrounded by cobwebs and how do I explain that to people.
It burns my veins when I think of the god that lets children die and creates maelstroms inside people so they’re left begging for change in the streets and all those prayers are like pinpricks on my forefinger because if I was created in his image, then why do I curl my fists when I look in the mirror
It’s not easy being cut-cloth and vacancy motels in foreign cities I will never return to because I know their owner
I know the freckles in your back like constellations in my head
I've heard your voice when I was on the bathroom floor sinking, sinking
There’s no anchor in this ship and the tossed waves are like your tousled hair
and maybe the sternum in your chest is the Bermuda triangle
but I could have sworn I held your hand, I know this for a fact
because my pulse danced with yours those days
but now it’s these days and I can’t get a grip
and I bend my knees but the bruises are stubborn
I keep opening doors but I don’t know what I’m looking for
I want to call, for help, to my mother, to my father whose clothes cling to him like death and I want you to know that this isn't about you
When I was a little girl, I would go to church and hope that someday my knuckles would get kissed and not murdered
I wanted everything my parents didn't get
I used to think it was because god was too busy with other people's families and that's why their lawns were always greener than ours  
I wanted for you to exist so badly, I forgot that I did too.
When you put on a smile and laugh
No one can see the misery inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
The hurt you  feel remains trapped inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
You mask the bitterness you feel inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
No one can see the emptiness inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
Your shattered heart seems whole inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
The pain you endure remains trapped inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
You make sure no one sees you
                                                             ­      ...........Dying a little inside.
What I'm feeling everyday my friends
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