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 Apr 2016 Brianna
maybe the night isn't really a bad time to stay awake
maybe you meet the best kind of people at 4am
the kind, that you could laugh with until the morning
and then go to bed again, thinking of them

maybe, sunrises aren't so bad
if i got to spend every single one of them with you
and maybe you're glad as well
that i was with you during your sunsets

and even though i am here and you're still a little far away
boy oh boy, you still feel so close to me
like, you were right here all the time, sitting next to me,
whispering in my ear, ever so softly
it's kinda hard to write about something/someone you admire so much... either you'd be speechless or you'd write pages and pages about it. i feel like being both, except i only have time to be speechless.. because i'm spending all my other time with you
 Apr 2016 Brianna
only yours.
 Apr 2016 Brianna
your brown eyes
are enough to make me
fight for you,
your childish smile
is enough to make me
want you,
your tender hands
are enough to make me
only yours,
                            *and i wanna be only yours.
 Apr 2016 Brianna
fingertips to wrist
i resist the urge reach out
he's an arm's length away
but completely unreachable
everything about you is so ******* inaccessible
i wish that i could find the words
my insides are tar and lavender
sweet enough, but so tenaciously anchored
that i couldn't bear a "hello"
for fear of losing the ground altogether
 Apr 2016 Brianna
Angela G
i was never one to believe in soulmates,
nor do i now.
there's hundreds of men,
that i could get along with just as well as i do with you.
but somehow, i still feel,
that somehow we were destined for each other.
not soulmates,
just destined.
Run through the rubble,
Float on your cigarette breath.
Keep me; I am home.
 Apr 2016 Brianna
 Apr 2016 Brianna
when the waves touch my feet
when the sea kisses my skin
i know
no matter how long i'm away
it is like i never left.

*it's home.
 Apr 2016 Brianna
Amelia Owen
 Apr 2016 Brianna
Amelia Owen
They told me to think of home
And home is usually a building or at least a town
But I  never thought that when they told me to think of home
I would think of you
Not my idea. All of my poems are about boys. Crushes.
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