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Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
Please listen.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Please don’t make me one of them.
It’s just one of life’s bad breaks.
Replay what I have told you again,
And listen, please listen.
Look into what I have said,
Let it play inside your head.

Please listen.
Listen to what I am saying
Instead of what you’re thinking.
Make me the song you are playing.
Then, listen, please listen.
Not what you think you heard.
Do listen closely to my words.

It is so very important
That you hear the content
It’s from my innermost heart,
It's what I think and pray
From my soul at the very start
And it will never ever go away.

So, listen.
It’s easy to stay half aware
Of what others have to share
And not quite care to hear
What their heart is crying out
The hopes they hold dear
That you could care about.

It is so very important
That you hear the content
It’s from my innermost heart,
It's what I think and pray
From my soul at the very start
And it will never ever go away.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
She wanted to be married forever
She learned she can’t do it alone
She conducted half her relationship
Sitting on the couch on the phone.
He was late or wasn’t coming home
Claiming he had to do some work.
Afterward she loudly berated herself
Calling herself a gullible ****.

Waiting for the phone to ring
Sitting beside the window.
Five more hours until dawn
Five more hours to go.

Knowing it was a tired old story
Many told too often before
It didn’t help her suffer any less
Or feel less bruised and sore.
It wasn't that he was beating her up
He was just lying to her face.
It still left her the victim of the tale
In love, abandoned and disgraced.

Fools do all the work in love
When their love doesn’t love them.
They spend their time waiting
As their hope of true love grows dim.

Her friends advised her early
That something was very wrong.
She fought and denied it every time
And ignored their advice all along.
She had a kind of storybook love
That was stuck inside her mind.
It seemed to render her virtually
Senseless, deaf and blind.

Waiting for the phone to ring
Sitting beside the window.
Five more hours until dawn
Five more hours to go.
Fools do all the work in love
When their love doesn’t love them.
They spend their time waiting
As their hope of true love grows dim.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
Some people think I’m crazy
Because I sing and I dance.
In public and in private, too
I’m known to do it every chance.
I wiggle and I also cha cha
A bit of waltzing and the twist.
I hear a bit of music playing
And it’s just too hard to resist.

I dance to the music I hear
In the commercials on TV.
I boogie under the bright sun
And under the shading trees.
I dance in the morning too,
And in the evening light.
I can’t do it anymore, but
I used to dance all night.

I’ve danced in famous discos
And in seedy little taverns.
I’ve danced on top of bridges,
On mountaintops and caverns.
I’ve danced in my fancy clothes
And if the party could take it
I have even danced with great joy
Totally bare-assed naked.

Many of my older friends tell
Dancing will keep me young
And I’m fairly sure it will
Help me reach the next rung
On the long ladder of my life
From yesterday until tomorrow.
But I am just as sure it does
Chase away aging sorrows.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
I’m slow when I walk now.
My eyes are getting rheumy.
I get crabby sometimes.
I know it. So sue me.
I only hope, when it’s time
That you remember this song;
That you have the fun I’ve had,
That you should live this long.

Being young wasn’t always
The basket of puppies was it?
Remember the growing pains
And all the things that cause it?
It requires that we persevere
And face things less than fun.
It starts right away in life
Well before the age of one.

Every age has it’s roadblocks
And sometimes its outrages.
Some politely refer to them all
As life in all of its stages.
There’s getting back on the bike
After we tumble and fall.
Rollerskating and sports, too.
We manage to learn from them all.

Age makes treasures of memories
And gold of the brass we once had.
The thing is to celebrate age too.
Applaud this stage and be glad.
Slow down when the old must walk
And have some good words to say.
And then walk behind them and smile
Because they are showing you the way.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
It used to be fun, loving on the sly.
An exciting time, but I don’t know why.
What was so thrilling about it all then?
Nothing to be proud of. Not very zen.
Sneaking and giggling like a fool
Only proves to me now I was a tool.
But for those of me raised in that time
Being gay and ***** was a big crime.

Even now, many say they don’t mind it
But if I have to be gay, I must be quiet.
Don’t talk about my time with a guy.
If I have to do that, do it on the sly.
They invent unclever euphemisms
And further deepen the ****** schism
That says we are good and you’re not
At least according to the family I’ve got.

They’ll just wink and dig with an elbow
And that’s they way they want it to go.
Of course, even better, just don’t say
That you I am one of those, you know, gay?
We’ll all know stuff, we don’t want to know.
We won’t discuss your twisted shame, oh no.
We'll just gossip with each other about it
And none of us in any way will ever doubt it.

After all, the bible I didn’t read condemns it
So, even though more of society permits it
It really isn’t right, they condemn me to hell.
Oh, I have heard this lame tale that they tell.
Of course, I read that book and they’re wrong.
They changed the story as time went along.
But they’d know all that if they took a look
And actually read their religion’s book.

So, decades ago, I changed my thoughts
And now use on them what they have taught.
I nudge and wink and agree not to discuss
The crap they do and their errors about us.
I don’t ask them with who they are cheating
Or other Christian teaching they are defeating
By paying attention to the mote in my eye
By my love for a perfectly respectable guy.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
It happened in a hurry
At a joyous wedding party.
I didn’t know who he was
Just that he was hearty
And tall and very hot.
I was jealous of her
And the hot man she’d got.

The bride was not a friend,
But the friend of a friend.
I was the plus one that day
And I thought that was the end.
I’d watch the ceremony and
I’d go and smile and mingle.
It always makes me antsy
To do weddings when I’m single.

But, I sit and chat and smile
Wish them both the very best.
I do this quietly and quickly
Not being close like the rest.
So, when I went to the restroom
And the groom grabbed me
And laid a deep long kiss
I returned the favor gladly.

I usually don’t ***** with married
But this was a great big surprise
To get kissed by a tall hunk
With hot burning lust in his eyes.
I have no idea what was up
With the bride's new Mister
But I can testify for absolute sure
He was one hella righteous kisser!
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
Henny-yussly mischeevyuss
He orfed growshurries irregardless
Of the rawshussness and disgustment
Of the masonairy surrounding him.
We consistiountly tried to keep aholt
Of his mumbeulizing narrativation,
But he was dissensibly non-coherent
With a naturalistic talent to devaricate.

He was consistively disassembling,
Misindicating his intellectuality
And his irreality noissomely aloud.
Of his malapropicisms he was proud.
His crassy disaparagements reeked
And his ununderstandments peaked
They pointed out his misconstumblement
About his privates and the government.

His blabbermouthedness notoriastic
Rerendered him atombombastical.
His practicication of the irradical
Was mostly piraticalish; nastical.
His pernowncements so disapplaudable
Too bad his words were so megaudible
Unpossible, hyperdisgustisizing,
To the point of indisguising.
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