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One year from now, where will you be?
Will you choose? Or just wait and see?

Choose to act - create some changes
From small steps, life rearranges

One year from now, will life be great?
Will you take actions that elevate?

Read new books and learn handy skills?
Or just cruise along to pay the bills?

One year from now, you’ll be the same
Unless you act to increase your game

Think new ideas - meet some new friends
Better thoughts lead to better ends
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I often share with people the general idea, "One year from now, you'll be much the same as you are today, except for the books you read and the people you meet."  

Sometimes I use "Five Years", but the idea is the same.  And it's true!  You can choose to make changes.  Get those new ideas!  Read those best books and listen to life changing audios. Meet new people.
The human spirit ever soars
And always perseveres
“Dare mighty things”
Stirs vision’s wings
We triumph over fears

With unity - we act in faith
And step by step we build
Our aims attain
And then we strain
Toward goals not yet fulfilled

All obstacles - we push aside
We think and innovate
Reaching higher
With minds afire
Success becomes our fate

We can surpass our differences
United - Earth can stand
And then we’ll see
Increase across the land
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I wrote this on Thursday during the landing of the NASA Rover on Mars!  The landing was inspiring to me and to millions of others across the world.  It was fun to see the motto "Dare Mighty Things" on the wall in the back of one room during the landing.
Creative vibes bounce all around
Just catch them while you play
Or when you work
Or during sleep
Catch hundreds every day

Then use the very best you find
You only need a few
So choose the best
Just leave the rest
And thank the muses too

Creative vibes don’t live in us
They’re zipping all around
Just harmonize
Use “inner eyes”
Creative vibes abound

You may not always see them there
But if you look you’ll find
Success will grow
You’ll surely know
The grand creative mind
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Creativity is fun!  In this poem I describe Creative Ideas as being outside of us.  We have to catch them.  You might "run into" more of them in a new location or even out on a walk.  This is how I experience it.

YOU can increase your creativity and thus your enjoyment of each day.  We all love to be engaged, and creativity and engagement go hand in hand.  And, creative vibes help create more value for people.

So, creativity is directly related to prosperity.
Meta means above
Meta means transcend
Meta means “next level up”
With meta you’ll ascend

So when it comes to daily acts
Choose those with “meta” powers
Build a business
Write a book
Plan for years - not hours

For meta-choices carry-on
Far past the “choosing” day
Earn a black belt
Frame a house
Vision - paves the way

Meta-Decisions - Meta-Thoughts
Will build both wealth and peace
Release yourself
From “pushing”
Meta - “pulls” increase
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Meta has become a kind of slang in come circles, but the real meaning is above or transcend.  I've used the term "Meta-Decision" for years to describe decisions that impact your life for months or years to come.

We all make decisions daily.  Sometimes we make meta-decisions, like choosing to get married, have a baby, start a business, or go to college.  These thoughts and actions are "above" regular decisions because they are commitments that set your trajectory for years to come!  We all make a few meta-decisions in our life.  However, you can gain greater success by thinking "meta" more often.

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If you send out love and mercy
And do the best you know to do
You’ll find the mercy and the love
Quickly flows right back to you

It may begin right in your heart
Your intentions - firm and true
And then you send that energy
Which reciprocates back to you

If you send out “hating” energy
Making others fret and stew
Know that those same vibrations
Will someday come back to you

Choose your thoughts most carefully
Once sent - they may pass from view
But through the universal law
They’ll cycle round back to you
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You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

Our son asked me and my wife the other day, "Do you believe in Karma?"  I said absolutely, and referenced a scripture that I think describes the way Karma works.  I think of it more as the "Law of Restoration".
That which you "send out" comes back to you.  If you send out love, you'll receive back love.  If you send out anger, you'll receive back anger.  We are all tied in with one another more than we realize, and we make better, more loving choices when we recognize this.
Far away, some years ago
A man sowed corn in his field
Confident, and hopeful too
Of the hearty crop he’d yield

Then birds flew in at sunset
And gobbled up many seeds
The farmer acted quickly
To provide his family’s needs

A woven net - to trap the birds
His precious seeds to preserve
He caught five geese and a stork
To get what they deserve

The stork said, “I am innocent
I’ve eaten none of your corn
Free me - I’ve done goodly deeds
Since the day that I was born”

The farmer said, “that may be so
But in this group you were caught
You receive the punishment
Of the company you’ve sought”

The same holds true for all of us
The rewards you choose to reap
Will likely be those given out
To the company you keep
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This poem was inspired by a parable on my Mom's website.  I found out while writing the poem that the story is actually an Aesop's Fable.
Our Mother
With our care - we now cover

Rebuilding your soil
With intention and toil

We are sorry
To make you cry
And drain your rivers dry

Our Mother
We now strive
To help you to revive
That all can prosper
And survive

Thank you
For teaching us
That every drop of water
Every blade and leaf
Every creature
Makes a difference
This is Prosperity Poem 108 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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I've been studying Geology lately so I've been learning a lot about Mother Earth and her intricate workings.
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