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I wish
There was no gravity
So people wouldn't get hurt
When there's no one there to catch them

When they fall

 May 2015 Alina
 May 2015 Alina
The thievery of love;
        is the theory of pain.
            Heartless by nature.
            Emotions holding --- the upper hand,
            heart controlling brain.
            As potent as any flavour;
            The bitter-sweet taste -- engrained.
            Lost without void.
            Beauty turned vain.
            Pieces of our heart lay slain.
  Pain is love; the difference -- insane.
 May 2015 Alina
Daniel Thorne
I know it's been awhile,
And I'm busy all the time,
But just because we're far apart,
Doesn't mean we won't be fine.
(Slight instrumental no chorus)

Your friendship is in my hands,
A lump of watery clay,
Don't think I'll forget you,
Because I couldn't bring that pain.

It always comes home, I pray for your soul,
When demons and monsters surround it whole,
I pray that the angel of light in your heart,
Finds its way home, and never departs,
Never departs, never departs,
Finds its way home and never departs.

You're going to the outside world,
It's a very dangerous river,
I'm warning you, it's not what you think,
So bring a bow and quiver.

It always comes home, I pray for your soul,
When demons and monsters surround it whole,
I pray that the angel of light in your heart,
Finds its way home, and never departs,
Never departs, never departs,
Finds its way home and never departs.

You've been brought up by demons,
Who want you in Hell,
I'm trying to help you right now!
You're under The Dragon's spell.

It always comes home, I pray for your soul,
When demons and monsters surround it whole,
I pray that the angel of light in your heart,
Finds its way home, and never departs,
Never departs, never departs,
Finds its way home and never departs.

I'm glad you got through,
The hard part of your life,
I'm here to help you,
If only here to soften your strife.

It always comes home, I pray for your soul,
When demons and monsters surround it whole,
I pray that the angel of light in your heart,
Finds its way home, and never departs,
Never departs, never departs,
Finds its way home and never departs.
A song for a friend that I won't see for a long time.
 May 2015 Alina
 May 2015 Alina
Her breath forms beautiful icicles on the blood-stained window, her pale body lays in horrifying grace

Sunk in cheeks
Charcoal eyes
Her soul empty
Nothings left.

She feels only a slight tug as his fist curves into her fragile skull once again, smashing her petite figure into the window.

the beautiful icicle is exploded into a millon pieces and so the glass.

As her tired face hits the window sil
You can almost feel the break of her jaw as it crushes beneath the weight of his tremendous blow.

Her eyes are still open

But she is now completely gone

The last of her life shattered away with the icicle formed by her last breath.

Domestic violence
Its not okay.
 May 2015 Alina
Dear Stranger,
 May 2015 Alina
You make me feel nostalgic for things that never happened.
You remind me of someone who I never got to truly know.
Random person in the world,
it seems we'll only ever be granted fleeting glimpses of each other's soul.
Then we'll lay it down to rest.
Some things are best left unknown.
When bridges burn while still under construction.
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