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You may think you broke my heart
I will admit,
I thought that too
But now I am moving on,
And I have realized,
That it is not my*  heart,
Which you broke to pieces,
But the  puzzle pieces  of my life,
Which you helped put together,
You threw across the room

And lucky for me,
*Puzzles are meant to be put back together again
I have given my everything to you,
But in return
You've broken me in every which way. Now I wander through the halls
In search of my limbs
So that I can become whole again
But I can't do it alone
I need someone to carry me from the ashes,
Piece me back together,
And teach me thats it's okay to suffer
As long as you don't suffer alone.
I need someone to show me how to love myself again.
 May 2015 Bailey Lewis
Do you remember?
When we were children,
And we didn't know what
*** or cigarettes were?

When going outside meant
To play in the front yard with friends,
Not to smoke cigarettes.

Do you remember when things were simple?
When "The Dark"
Just meant "lights out, it's bedtime"

Not lights out,
Time for the demons to play.

- Blue
I hate you,
stupid mind of mine.
Why can't you let me go out and shine?
You'd rather hold me back in the past.
All I want, is for these thoughts to end at last.
It's hard when you have old memories dragging you down. I wish the bad decisions I've made could stop haunting me over my shoulder, and I could walk with more confidence soon. I'm doing better, but severe depression is no joke.
Lately I've noticed how my hands
Have grown a liking to my veins
You made me not only feel butterflies in my stomach
But all over my face and the pit of my neck
The tips of my lips have become ecstatic
Causing my breathing to become erratic
But I will never do the same to you

Because you are a black hole
Taking everything I give to you
But I will never ever be enough
To satisfy your bottomless hunger
Draft draft draft
With every step I take
My bones ache even more
Than the step before

The tearing of tendons
And the creaking of joints
Disturb every intention
of running too quickly
From the things that scare me most
Just a draft
Teary eyes,
Are like lullabies,
For a broken soul,
You have to lie,
Because you play a role.
Teary eyes,
they sometimes follow you to sleep,
Teary eyes show pain,
Even when you can't fully weep.
No one knew she had teary eyes,
She blamed the dust in the air,
But on the inside all she wanted to do,
Was pull out all of her hair.
She stared into the mirror as finally tears streamed down her face.
All she could do was point out all the things she hates.
For years she struggled like this,
Hating her every breath,
Soon enough,
She began to wish for death.
But what she didn't know,
Was that to a boy,
She was the love of his life.
One day he noticed,
That her arms have been under a knife,
He showed up to her door that day,
Asked to take her for a walk,
As they trailed the sidewalk,
He said they needed to talk.
She was confused,
Then she saw the sorrow on his face.
She asked him what was wrong,
Thinking maybe she could relate.
Then he quietly whispered,
"I love everything that you hate."
The tears that were once in her eyes,
Slowly began to fade.
She looked into his eyes,
With a slight smile began to say,
"Every part of me, even the ones I hate, have loved you, since the very first day".
As the realization sets in,
they decide to part ways.
That night, the girl with teary eyes,
Looked into the mirror,
And threw away the blade,
Not because he loved her,
But because she wanted to stay.
Seeing the sorrow on his face,
Helped her replace all her tears,
For she realized that someone, really truly cared.
She knew she no longer needed to fear.
Though she wasn't cured,
She knew she wanted to heal.
Finally her feelings,
Began to feel real.
Teary eyes are temporary,
Wounds will always heal,
Blades wont help you.
They don't find a way to feel.
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