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Apr 2019 · 266
Childhood memories
Chloe James Apr 2019
Sweet reminiscing.
Skipping stones on tranquil lakes.
Sweet tea and biscuits.
I can still appreciate a good cup of tea. When i was younger i used to shovel as many sugars as i possibly could into my tea and now the thought nauseates me. In our local park we have a lovely little nature walk and at the end of the path there's a lake. My brother and i used to try and skip stones on it, we weren't very good as you can probably imagine.
Apr 2019 · 368
Falling leaves
Chloe James Apr 2019
They shrivel and fall.
The leaves crunch beneath my feet
to be born again.
Autumn is my favourite season.
Apr 2019 · 711
Midnight wander
Chloe James Apr 2019
Chilly timberland.
A silent, little mouse squeaks
as a fierce wolf howls.
Another one...
Apr 2019 · 282
Blooming in the summer
Chloe James Apr 2019
hibiscus flowers
trace my skin, they're silky smooth
on a summers day.
Another Haiku. Turns out i write a lot of these but i keep them in my drafts. They're not impressive, but they're short and sweet. Just like a haiku should be.
Apr 2019 · 698
Take flight
Chloe James Apr 2019
I get lost in your words.
When I'm with you,
I can spread my wings like an adventurous bird.
I get lost in your eyes.
When I'm with you,
I soar through the sky like a bewitching butterfly.
I get lost in you.
Oh, if only you knew.
About someone i loved deeply in the past.
Apr 2019 · 577
Chloe James Apr 2019
I'm sinking further and further until it completely consumes me.
Now i no longer exist.
I suffocate as i try to find my way back to reality.
But, no matter how hard i try i can't escape my mind.
I'm in a Prison.
thoughts flying through my mind at a speed like no other.
You're worthless.
Why are you even trying?
You're making a fool of yourself.
Everyone's watching you struggle.
You're Pathetic.
And only when i fleet the scene can i put my grasp back around reality.
Until what happens today repeats itself.
It's my normality.
I struggle with anxiety, but writing really helps take my mind off things.
Apr 2019 · 1.5k
A string of thread
Chloe James Apr 2019
Frustration like knots in a perfect string of thread.
Only i know what it's like to feel that dread.
The vicious creature will deprive you of the truth.
Now the audience will only see me as aloof.
It seems I'm the only one that is sincere.
But none of them listen as they all adhere.
I now fabricate the knots on my perfect string of thread.
As now all the hope in my heart has been left dead.
Sometimes being alone is a good thing.
Apr 2019 · 815
It's all about you
Chloe James Apr 2019
Her voice resonated through my mind, cushiony like cotton.
oh if only I hadn’t forgotten.
Her words would ruthlessly tare through my flesh like a dagger.
I try to tip-toe, but inconveniently stagger.
When will she become too perfidious for her throne?
if she were to atone for her sins, how would I know she had grown?
I will sedate.
my emotions for you will try and dissipate.
Now because of you I will never follow fate.
On the exterior people perceive themselves in a way that'll benefit their social status. It's in the interior where all their inner demons lie. Sometimes we have to be selfish, be cruel to be kind, but some people take advantage of that phrase.
Apr 2019 · 1.1k
Friendship in my eyes
Chloe James Apr 2019
A narrow path leads my way.
Little did I know I would end up astray.
For what they have told you is mendacious.
nothing else could give them that sensation.
That validation.
That hydration for their unquenchable thirst.
So believe me when I say this, it isn’t the first.
Don’t always take the obvious route.
They will approach you with their knout.
Sometimes we befriend the wrong people.

— The End —