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I'm sorry I grew up.
I guess they never understood.
 Jan 2016 Anna Fox
Storm Raven
My voice soft as I comfort her...
Everything will be okay.
My little sister nods and dries her tears...
Heard broken by the mean words of a friend.

All will be fine

All will be fine...
I have told her that so often.
Yet I didn't believe that for my future.
I can't even picture my future.

When will all be fine?

Something sad on tv.
My mom is clearly upset.
I give her a hug and a smile.
I am sad to but didn't pay attention to the tv.

I lie to her...
All is fine

Yes dad I know you are mad.
And I have no reason to cry.
I am sorry.
I live a happy life and yet I cry.

A happy life?

Sure I live a happy life.
A good life.
I have everything.
Yet I feel a lack of happiness.

I am so sad and depressed.

But when one asks.
I lie.
I don't want to hurt them.
I don't want to worry them.

I lie.

I try to protect others from getting hurt.
Like when they know I am in pain,
They will have to endure it too.
So I lie.

I have a good life.

I just want to die.
But I never say.
I always lie.
I am okay.
I am fine.

I am simply living a lie.
It's like waiting for the  executioner
Or your prison sentence  

I hate waiting
Because all you can do is worry and fret

It's like waiting to hear the bad news you know is coming
Or for the men to show up and take you away

But all it is
Is my mom picking me up From my dads
you are the smoke to my fire
the book to my tea
the warm to my soft
you are the only one i want
the only hope i have.

you are the cold to my bitter
the stormy to my dark
the meaning to my life
you are the best thing that has ever happened
my secret yearning.

you are the red to my black
the emo to my punk
the beautiful to my cute
you are the one thing i love most in the world
my evah
just a little thing i want my maple to know
I have changed.
I have grown.
I am older now in mind and body,
I have loved and,
I will love her still.
I came out as bi to my parents
And I have learned many things,
You have helped me to know who I am,
And so I thank you,
My sister,
My brother,
My friend,
Thank you my Em.
Thank you so much Emma/EJ for what you have done for me. I hope you know how much I love you.
what if your guardian angel is actually your soul mate that died before they could meet you?
Some times just before you fall asleep that feeling you have like you are safe and warm,
its your soul mate giving you a goodnight kiss
and tucking you in
whispering in your ear how much they love you
and to sleep well and
they will see you in the morning
and when you wake up they are right there with you
helping you thru the day
holding your hand as you walk down the street and going out to lunch with you and your friends.
Imagine you decide to stay in that night and they smile and laugh because they have you all to them selfs.

Or when you are sad curled up on the bathroom floor they are sitting next to you telling you not to cry that every thing will be okay.
How do you think they would feel if you cut your wrists or your leg, think of how they would feel not being able to hold you and for you to hear them say that its okay to not be okay and they are here for you,
that even tho you are down now you will get better that life has its ups and downs and you will be okay.

How do you think they would feel if you where standing on the edge of a bridge at an open window,
or with a knife in you hand ready to open you veins and poor out your blood,
think of how they would feel,

what if they where standing next to you yelling at you begging for you not to jump
to put the knife down
and fight just so you will see the world as they never could.
Because even tho you would be together in death
they want for you to live
for you to have the opportunity to love another
to see and do all that you want.
Because life is short and you would have all of your after life to fall in love with them.    -HBN
just something I came up with when I was bored
Some nights I can't bring myself to turn on the bathroom light because I don't want to see the scars.

Some nights I can't sleep because the pain of the day is heavy on my shoulders.  

Some nights I cry and sob because I feel like I can't do it and I'm not enough.

Some nights I pick up the blade and I can't bring myself to put it back down again .

Some nights I just want to sleep and never wake back up.

Some nights I gasp and shake from the cold and fear.

Some nights I hum softly because I can't stand the silence.
I just felt like I needed to wright this down
 Jan 2016 Anna Fox
Jose Gonzalez
I weep for your loss my friend,
unimaginable the heartbreak that you feel.
My soul shakes to the grief that you are enduring,
as a moment of your life is a saddened one.

Know that you need not journey alone in this time,
as I am here to walk along the way in company.
For when it may feel as you can no longer walk on,
You can lean on me, supported, encouraged,
and as a friend in caring.

From my heart to yours, soul to soul,
I travel by your side, a Brother in arms.
Strength, Peace, and Love be with you!!

Copyright © Jose Gonzalez 1/11/2016
Sometimes it is hard to come up with what to say in a time of loss. But I tried what I could for my friend.  May his father rest, but with knowledge that his son is with great friends. A testament of both his parents.
I try to be happy
but you are nothing
I hate my brain
and everyone hates you
I just want it to shut up
you are stupid and worthless
I beg please stop
no I'm just telling you the truth
I just want to be okay
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