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"I'm okay"
I'm gritting my teeth to keep myself from crying.
I'm curled up on the floor with a blade in my hand.
I'm numb and sick of it.
I'm too tired because I didn't get enough sleep last night.
I'm thinking about isolating myself from everyone.
I've been avoiding my friends at school.
I fell like I'm going to *****.
I'm so hungry because I skipped 5 meals.
I'm not okay.
"I'm bored"
Please tell me what to do so I won't hurt myslef
Please keep me happy because my demons are coming
Please distract me from myself
Please help hide me from my thoughts
Please just help me
I say you need to sleep
When I'm too scared to close my eyes and try

I say you can be strong
When later I fall on the ground, too weak to stand

I tell you everything will be okay
When I can't see past the darkness in my mind to know

I tell you to make sure you're eating three meals a day
When I've skipped 5

I tell you to take care of yourself
When I don't drink water and don't eat and get myself in dangerous situations

I tell you not to give in and to never give up
When I gave in ages ago, and give up on a daily basis

I tell you to keep in mind the fact that you are beautiful and loved
When I constantly feel like I'm just a speck of dirt on your shirt, about to be brushed away

I tell you you don't need to apologize for anything
When I am constantly apologizing to the demons in my mind
I'm just a hypocrite
Something's gone horribly wrong
I'm not really sure what it is but Something's gone horribly wrong
I was okay just a few minutes ago but now
Something's gone horribly wrong
I feel empty and alone I don't know what happened but
Something's gone horribly wrong
I felt like jumping and running and laughing but
Something's gone horribly wrong
I don't understand what happened it's just that
Something's gone horribly wrong
 Jan 2016 Anna Fox
umi kara
i slept with scissors on my bed
just to see.
to wake up in a new cut.
just to see
if danger is a true concept
if a surprise is something real.

i did sleep with scissors on my bed
because i have a tendency to move around a lot;
just to see
if the blade would try to kiss my rib
to quiet me down;

just to see
if fire really burns;
just to see
if what runs inside my veins
hasn't disappeared yet.
what i saw
was that it is better to sleep with scissors
than to wake up by my own.
will you hold me in your arms forever?
will you keep me safe through the darkest of my nights?
will you catch me when i fall?
will you help me stay alive?
will you stay with me when i need you the most?
will you kiss my wounds in hopes to make them better?
will you let me cry on your shoulder if i need to?
will you put up with my insanity?
will you be the light guiding me to safety?
will you be strong with me?

you don't have to,

but even if you don't do this for me,
i'll do it for you.
if i had one wish to be granted,
i'd wish i could go back in time
to when you didn't hurt yourself
so i could offer you a hand
and a word of advice
"don't go down that road
because it's hard to travel
and even harder to go back"
i'm sorry you ever started self harming in the first place and i wish it had never happened
i hate working in customer service
because of how many times a day i have to lie
and i hate lying
how are you?
"I'm good"
"Why does life hurt so badly?" you asked.
And I needed a while to think before I answered...

Because you can't be cheered up until you've been sad
you can't be healed until you've been hurt
you can't wipe the tears away before you cry them
you can't rise until you've fallen
you can't learn until you make mistakes
and you can't have good without the bad.

And it's going to hurt,
But it will get better.
*It will always get better
i was talking to my girlfriend last night when she asked me that, so this was my reply
More convenient than a blade
And the mark isn't lasting
No scars are left
When my fist comes in contact
With my thigh
It isn't as satisfying in the moment though... oh well
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