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3.0k · Aug 2018
Amory Caricia Aug 2018
I want to cry in a scarlet robe
A vestment of my own demise
I want to trickle into tears
My soul drip out right through my eyes

To empty out into the streets
This body that was never grand
And flow away with ***** rain
And stain the mother earth and land

An uneventful, empty death
A toast to all my useless life
The sting of nothingness quite felt
For nothing wields a lonely knife

Goodbyes bygones from other days
I was a lie that came and went
When life and death were cards to cheat
And not dull guests at the main event
2.7k · Mar 2017
elephant seal
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
"The elephant seal is an unsightly creature.
I heard it today on TV
Then a special on smart and wonderful dolphins
Who never would wish to be me"

"All this rubbery ******* I use for a face
That my mother just says she adores
Is a hideous masking of elephantine proportions
That nobody else could afford"

You're not ugly, oh dear elephant seal!
You are mountains more graceful than that
Don't ever wish you were a rabbit
A turtle, a dog, or a curious cat

So a parrot can talk,
But it gets him in trouble
And a hamster is cuddly
But untidy--makes his home in the rubble

Sure, you haven't got fur
but you haven't got mange!
You're *****-and-span as your ocean
Your sea home-on-the-range

And your nose is real big
But you've never been nosey
You are much too polite
To make others un-cozy

I have watched you go swimming
You're majestic as waves
And you love to explore
All the watery caves

You have beautiful eyes
And I think you're just swell
Look, someday, you'll be happy
You'll be so proud as well

"Well I guess I am funny
I like to make friends
I've gotten good at catching squids
And other popular trends"

See--that's just the spirit!
You're as magnificent as any
But what makes you so great?
You're more humble than many
1.7k · Feb 2017
fairy tail and wing stew
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
Come, take my hand and quickly!
We'll sail the seven seas
We'll find buried treasure
Enjoy merry weather
And do all of the things that we please

Come, follow me quietly!
We'll sneak up on the cave of a troll
We'll steal his good ale
Fill his shoe with a snail
Don't get caught, or he'll eat you up whole!

Come, run now, beside me!
I'll show you where Pegasus fly
We'll go and won't stop
'Til the gold mountaintop
At the spot that just touches the sky

Come, sit here before me...
But, don't move much, for not to disrupt it
See, between you and I
A tiny village doth lie
Only look, for 'twill break if you touch it

Come, think closely on all I have shown you
May you forever never forget
While in one place, you're a giant
In another, you could be a shy ant
And who we are now is anyone's bet
the title is a play off of "fairy tale", because I originally wanted to call this piece "fairy tale", because it fits, but that would have been too expected, which does not fit. Combined traditional fairytale fashion with elements of greek mythology and smoky, but subtle notes of pirates. I miss childhood.
1.4k · Jan 2017
write your papers in pencil
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
If you're ever feeling blue,
sketch a smile onto your face
Draw the curve and dimples, too
But all in pencil, just in case

Just never sketch a smile in pen
For soon the time could come
A day or two or three or ten
When one starts to feel dumb

**** the ever-smile
That can never be wiped, Or scraped, or covered fully
For the mockingish smirk
Would start to look like a ****
And the smiler is now a big bully

And when a dangerous bloke
Asks Ink Face for smoke
And the latter hasn't got any,
The smile of pen is mistook for a poke
And the joke? Well, it's sadly unfunny
Thanks, Graff.
1.2k · Jan 2017
the catcall
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
There was a boy
And a pretty girl
The boy thought,
I'll give her a whirl
She passed, "You're hot--hot as the sun"
He felt a very clever one
She stopped when she heard it,
And then she turned
"Don't get too close to the sun,
You might get burned"
Not heeding her,
"How close can I get?"
I'm not going to let her walk off just yet
She glared at him, hiding mischievous smiles
"No less than 93 million miles "
At the end of his wits,
As she strolled out of range,
He yelled, "But how can I get closer?"
"Maybe with season change!"

And as she disappeared from sight,
The horizon fizzled out
And the new moon glittered
And all the stars came out
1.1k · Feb 2017
bedtime stories
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
He was sure she was elated
That joy welled up from her deep
After all that he'd fabricated
Bedtime stories before sleep

Little gestures just to keep her
Just to keep her up and coming
Taunting with his stingy morsels
So to make her blood keep running

Here and there he'd throw a bone
To his pricey-perfumed dog
Take a moment twice a month,
Toss a pearl to his hog

And the ruffled dog did good tricks
With no prospect of reward
For if just to please her best friend, man
To get a pat-down from her lord

See that kindled, foolborn spirit
Felt her lover loved her best
She rejected other outcomes
She ignored each of all the rest

And he let his pet keep twirling
Let her go jumping through rings
Though never really feeling proud of them
He was tickled by these things

So he sat upon his highness
As she mingled round his lap
And she felt so very special
To be his favorite place to nap

He liked to tell her bedtime stories
And leave out her favorite parts
So she could fill them in within her mind
While he left her in the dark
Why do people stay with awful other people? What do people see as special in an awful person? Why do awful people deserve loyalty and affection?
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
There was a young man who sat by the Sea
Without fail, everyone knew, he would go every morning
The youth sat there to think and it made him feel free
Free to dream or not dream. When in bliss, when in mourning

He loved the Sea for its surface
Wind-kissed waves distorting starlight
He loved the Sea for it's depths
Churning into thick ink when absorbing the night

A love that began in small boyhood
Burying tiny toes within her cool sand
Though with the strong passion of man
The first time her wet silkiness tickled his hand

Oh, how he adored her! Through torrents and sun
Her whispers and shouts only separate intensities
But he would not go into her, for he feared just as much
She had told him, one by one, of her darkest propensities

So a sailor in heart, but in soul a wise lover
The boy, now a man paid respect to her glory
He and she, now and then, liked to play with each other
But she kept him from harm where she showed others fury

This went on, sunrise, sunset,  and day after day
Until all the young man's friends were stooping and gray
Still the lull of the sea seemed to pull him away
From reality and back into it, he'd gone mad, some will say

And the time had come finally to confess all his desires
To do what he had refrained from for so long
On a particular eve that seemed wilder than any
The hour to usher in his destiny, and feel her sea-song

The storm caused curling foam,
Both entrancing and detestable
But to him, it looked like home
Like a restful sleep, quite testable

He thought, could this tumult be wrath of the Father?
Or is this a sign--the return of the Son?
Perhaps, 'tis a warning from the Holiest Ghost
He was wrong, but just right. 'Twas all this, but in one

And nearby sirens sang
For the bravery of their hero as he was swept from the shore
And far-off sirens rang
For the fate of the old man, the sailor, who watched the sea no more
Dedicated to my friend NB. Thank you for everything.
918 · Jan 2017
my very best friend is you
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
When I'm with you, I feel like a child
Just like a wee little child
Whose very best friend is you

If you must ever leave me,
leave a trail of breadcrumbs
I'll make it to that place where you're leading me to

When I'm with you, I feel like a puppy
Warm and fuzzy, playful, trippy-jumpy
Whose very best friend is you

If you must ever leave me,
I'll be lost and sad and lonely
So I'll wait and wait and kiss your face when that day is through

When I'm with you, I feel like a posy
Sweet and fresh and in your hands
Who wants just to be held by you

If you must ever leave me,
I will wilt and shrivel away
So come tend me in your garden when the spring rosebud is new
...for my very best friend is you...
893 · Feb 2017
jazz on the rocks
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
It's hard to keep 'em open
It's hard to keep 'em closed
   Those eyes of mine
   Won't make up their minds
No flash, but I'll strike you a pose

It's hard to know what's coming
It's hard to not know, too
   So I'll listen again
   To the rain on my skin
Drop-drippity right onto you

It's crazy to put it in focus
It's crazy to lose the direction
   But I know that it's near
   (We're the only ones here)
We can try out our latest collection

Two dragons who can't breath the fire
Two monsters who make it instead
   Four whimsical wings
   Create mystical things
And keep on 'til they've been fully fed

'Cause that's when I feel it course through me
'Cause that's when the summit has maxed
   And the way back to town
   Is the only way down
Let's roll down 'til we land on our backs
825 · Feb 2017
night at the opera
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
To the opera house the happy youths went
Two pretties, each strolled with a handsome gent
Four friends with every good intent
Of having a grand old time

Fair Marjorie dressed in sapphire blue
Her Alfred was wearing the same color, too
While Charles and Francine matched a crimson-y hue
The ambiance was feeling sublime

The lights of the theater were bright, but romantic
A large chandelier straight above made the ladies feel frantic
Violins started tuning, like strange waves of Atlantic
The grandeur of curtains opened, as the stage was undressed

But what humored the bunch was the old lady in peplum skirt
Two seats over from Alfred with birds embroidered on her shirt
She was peculiar, came alone and looked hardly alert
As the actors took position, she yawned, unimpressed

The old lady's antics continued for over an hour
She snorted at the singing, with boisterous power
By intermission her nose-blowing had turned each love scene sour
Our four were straining, containing their laughter

And during the intermission everyone got up, bought a drink
But the old lady just sat there, like she wanted to think
Beginning to stroke the dark fur of her wraparound mink
She nodded, falling asleep shortly after

Charles saw it first--"the old girl's dozed right off!"
Alfred chuckled and Francine, beginning to scoff
Proposed they prank the lady, but Marjorie coughed
Saying, "shame on you, wicked child!"

So they all sat back down and awaited the second unveiling
Two seats over from Alfred, the gray one's slumber unfailing
Act two and act three ended, the hero prevailing
At the final bow, the audience was wild

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly, some whistled or threw roses
Everyone but the one in the third seat over, under all the guests noses
Who slept though each applause and the actor's last poses
The theater was clearing out quickly

Four waited--Alfred, Marjorie, Charles and Francine
To see if she would wake and depart from the scene
The last five in the balcony, the gray one serene
The fun was over and they decided to help her get up

When Charles tapped her shoulder, they all finally knew
How tonight's show had smothered a moment so true
The old lady was found dead in the presence of those few
Still in the same seat, they never helped her get up
797 · Feb 2017
Airborne (a short story)
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
It was strange when it started. I thought I might be sick. I wasn't sure, though. I assumed that I either was, indeed, going to become dreadfully sick, or that with a clip of time, I would be fine and I wouldn't get sick at all--I wouldn't even remember ever feeling like getting sick, because I would be fine.

It's strange how when one is well, she feels so strong and forgets the feeling of being ill and assumes that it must have been a small thing last time she was truly ill; that she could easily handle it again. But then, with the smallest twinge of intestinal unsettlement, she remembers in full and would almost rather die than be ill again. Sometimes it's good to forget.
"Hold it together, you're almost there", I told myself. "It's ok."
Sometimes it's good to lie to yourself. You become your own child, and tell yourself to cover your eyes and all the bad things won't be able to hurt you--the monsters won't be able to see you, because you can't see them.
Children are much better than us.!
Yuck. I needed something now. But, just as I was fully prepared to *****, it was quickly as it came. Yes, it was gone now, and nothing was going to keep me from feeling positively elated (except, perhaps, the descent, but forget that for now).
It was surely a wonder to sit on a seat, which was mounted in this small cabin, which was surrounded on all sided by absolutely nothing, and supported from below by the same--save some vague equations of space that permitted its reality.
"If this is a reality, I'd rather not dream. My dreaming could get quite out of hand after this."
Goodbye, city! Goodbye mountain faces, with the sharp jawline of a movie star! So long! What is that, now? I can't make it out. Never mind. Dust. Particles of dusty sky sweeping up around us into clouds. Cough. Cough. Like it hasn't been swept in years. Loomy fogs of two or three varying thicknesses. And then the light.

A light so strong it seemed like death, for sure. The look of all that light made me cringe. I thought I might melt like the wicked witch on The Wizard of Oz--the wicked witch I was. Ha-ha. The once dusty, sky was now a majestic and glowy quilt. It looked pearlized--like if you landed on it, you would just slide smoothly up and down the billowy bumps and around the polished curves. We could be over an ocean, for all I knew. Why was I so lazy to not investigate this before the trip? It would have been fantastic to know I was over some great sea, deep with crawlies and creepies with fins and tails and gills and hangies. Swishies and swooshies, faster than land types, that only could run or climb.

Yikes forget that. It would have been better to know that I was not over the ocean. Now, due to my uninformedness, I was merely left to ponder the terror of falling into the sea, in the event of a crash. These cushions on the seat before us, or so the little booklet told, could be used as flotation devices. I wondered how close we would have to be before we could jump out. I imagined exiting the aircraft into all this light, down, down, falling through the pearlized quilt, through the dusty billows, looking down at a vast sea a mile below, holding onto my cushion from the seat that had been in front of me, bracing myself. The sea would look uniform on the surface, but through the surface, one could make out divisions. Separate depths, maybe, or different mixtures of water. Shades of blue, blue-green, and green as the layers beneath the initial surface.

Back to reality. It was getting dark out. Night. Wait--no. No way. It couldn't possibly be night already. I talked to myself again, "are we supposed to travel into another time zone, or something? But it should be still morning and we've only been in flight about an hour..."
Were there storms above the clouds? I don't know. This...darkness...hmm..

But then I saw it. A shooting star. I only saw it for a flash of a millisecond--not only because it was travelling with such hideous speed and momentum, but also because in that instant, I was blinded. permanently.  I felt my way toward the cockpit. All the passengers besides me and one other man seemed to be sleeping. I stumbled on, using those reflective upraised strips that mark the hallway to guide my feet. I couldn't see a thing. This blindness prevented me from really accomplishing anything in this circumstance, but I had to get to the captain.

"Captain! Captain! Are you awake? What's going on? Where are we?"
It is now that I notice that the captain had been dead in the cockpit for some time. There was no co-pilot. I double-checked for a pulse. Nope. My assumption is that we had managed to fly into space, with nothing above or below. I felt for the breast of the captain's coat and shook him violently. Then, I began to weep.
I really should not be allowed on an airplane.
784 · Jan 2017
fly south
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
Come taste the southern-sweet-tea air
Unlock your locks of nut-brown hair
Just take my hand, I'll treat you well
Come sing, my soft Atlanta belle!

We'll dance all night
(It's not a crime!)
Under charmed old light,
We'll step in time

Our feet tickle the floorboards
Kicking, shuffling, and rushing
While my Georgia-doll baby
Is smiling and blushing
And the music is swift
It's soulful, it's gushing

You're a ripe strawberry
In a sweet, **** pie
Lips rouged like  dark cherry
Eyes just like the sky

And when the newborn day rises
All the star time will pass
You will wake in my arms
In fresh morning-dew grass
770 · Apr 2017
Amory Caricia Apr 2017
Isn't it a strange thing when the sun begins to set?
Like some too-romantic field of dreams that haven't happened yet?

How entrancing when the sun goes down and life just turns to gold
Lying gilded there before my face
--lies blatantly and to my face, just like the myths of old

And that sliver of a second that looks magical to most
To most a golden royal ball, but it doesn't have a host

See, that moment is just sacred, in an awful sort of way
Where the holy and the evil darks have a common note to play

During every other time of day, the light and dark are two
During every other song they play, they play a different tune

During sunset everything deceives itself into a common hue
The vivid reds and blues of midday,
Hidden behind this yellowy lens into a hazy view

And even when the darkness sets, it has two separate parts
One with elegance and beauty, one a cloak for acts of all ****** hearts

But in this moment the angel and the devil do the same
To pull your soul into your mind, your body and your brain

At this time you feel every good you've never done
And all the sickest thoughts you've known? You re-feel every one

The holy self of all goodwill within you breaks
for everything it's missed

While paralyzed in a lustful glow
Remembering every sultry sin you've kissed

For the angel, it's to guilt you,
On the wings of heaven's dove

While the devil tries to win you back
And reclaim all your love

But for me, it's just like the half-second you get
To both step off of the chair, and suddenly regret
753 · Jan 2017
ironic, the bird
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
Today I saw the strangest thing--
Do you know what I saw?
It was a bird, without the wings
His song was just an awful, "Caw!"

I tried to hold it, pick it up,
But all he did was peck
I took him in, gave him a home
He left his room a wreck

He felt too good to help with the grubs
Among the plants in the garden bed
And when I offered him meals at night,
He felt too proud to let himself be fed

He couldn't fly or flap or sing
Or learn to heed man's law
But should a friendly dog look to me for a pat,
He'd let out his boisterous "Caw!"

After months of the mercy I'd felt for this creature,
I had been much more patient than most
But that morning he'd gone,
all he left was a note, and it said,
"You're a terrible host"
This is for the cheater I wasted my time with. Enjoy.
740 · Mar 2017
corrosion of the mind
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
I'm summoning--I'll summon you
Concoct you out of smoke
And mirrors of a universe
Parallel with midnight's stroke

I'll smother all my brains in thoughts
Right into smithereens
See you in every memory at once
In a million figurines

A hundred of your laughing face
No--ten of them are crying
Some dancing, running, looking, loving
But all of them are dying

I have no indication of
The way you left my side
I don't know if you ran away
I don't know if you died

I'll never know why you aren't here,
How everything's been none
What magic made you disappear
Or how it could be done

The flame that licked across my skin
I felt it every night
Each part of me consumed by it
Now radiates a haunting light

My surface glows a ghostly gold
From every place you've kissed
With fire taken from your soul
There's not a spot you missed

The light of you that beams from me
Too bright to let me close my eyes
I'm losing recollection now
Your love, derangement in disguise
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
Could I touch you for a moment
--Could I please just touch you?
But I want to feel your sorrow
"I already told you. Go."

I can't leave you here without me
I can't ever find the way
To remember that you want me gone,
But forget the pain of what you say

"You're not helping make this better
You can't sense the way I feel
'Cause right now, as much as ever
You can never see what's real"

What's real is I'll always love you
What's true is all that I've said
What you didn't seem to notice
Is that I'll love you 'til I'm dead

"Well, then love me far away"
So you still think this is right?
"Love me for the time you had me."
I have treasured every night

Let me make up every light of day
That you were not my sun
Show me all the things you loved in me
I'll recreate every one

I'm sorry for any single glance
That was not into your eyes
For that blink that made me miss the trace
Of troubles in disguise

"Oh, what's the use, you pitiful soul?
I thought you'd seen it start
Once another stole my breath away,
I took from you my heart."
732 · May 2017
to see
Amory Caricia May 2017
I want to see the sea again,
but not like seen before
I want to watch a beast wash up
on a sopping, stormy shore

the sun has all forsaken me
the breeze turned torrent doom
the bright of day is dashed away
in tumbled, trashing gloom

my skin is scales, my breath is salt
my air is suffocating
I'm taking in the cold and dark
I'm watching death parading

to spite the light that's left my heart
is all the due I've paid
and every drop of dampened soul
sounds out my serenade
726 · Jan 2017
take me
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
Kiss me
Kiss me, baby
Like a kitten, tiny, short and sweet
Kiss me
Nibble on my shoulder,
Starting every time we meet

Tell me
Tell me, baby
Every little thing you want to hear
Tell me
Just close your eyes and listen
I'll repeat them in your ear

Hold me
Hold me, baby
Tightly, look me deep into your eyes
Hold me
Say everything that ever worked
Then take me by surprise

Take me
Take me, baby
Toss me, turn me, flip me upside down
Take me
Softly, like I wanted
Later, drive me through the ground

Feel me
Feel me, baby
Touch me, do me up and way back down
Feel me
Your two hips can be the king
My hips can be his crown
697 · May 2017
displaced sensation
Amory Caricia May 2017
it's like I'm playing 'doctor' with myself
telling me that "this won't hurt a bit."
I guess that I'm not lying to myself
I don't know if it hurts to quit

no experience--sometimes you really only get one shot
no, not a shot, too messy--this is a chance
but  I hope I've tied a good one
like one try on your first shoe-tie, and then having to dance

it's a tad nippy out the windowsill
the rope is so languid in my hands
it looks just like my neck probably will
but pondering is not what this demands

a nice rope, not too fat, too thin
although, a little itchy, adjust it some
it's funny I still care about itchy
it's funny that I can't go numb
691 · Mar 2017
i left a thank-you note
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
Of everything I never had
I only dreamt of you
A wind to push me on in life
Fresh air
Just a breath, to carry me through

Of all the wants I've ever had
The only need was you
Come sun, come rain
Come joy or pain
There were open arms to always run to

I kept you in that bubbled hope
That sphere of glass and air
For everything that blew away
One dream stayed anchored there

Thank you for being just enough
To keep me feeling real
For being that one and truest love
When I was sure I wouldn't heal

You were just enough for quite some time
Until I gave you my soul
Then the glass  orb imploded
And my insides exploded
And I'd finished with digging my hole
682 · Mar 2017
last ration
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
he told her it was just for them
between just he and she
but as soon as her hands
were ******* in bands
he brought in the rest of the we

little spirits, tender fire
a lock of human hair
she took a sip before the whip
dark presence in the air

the room was tiny and dimly lit
and the altar looked centuries from new
but how many demons within it did fit
though the bodies were up to only a few

but strangely the room began to expand
with the waxing volume of the living vapors
and a cackle arose from her smoldered left hand
now she knew the intent of her devilish neighbors

and she twirled like a dancer
a flame-thrower, flame-breather
the hot light in her eyes
looked for help or compassion

but her seeking proved in vain
for she hadn't seen either
and her body took up the form
of the demon's last ration
this was inspired by the plight of the enslaved. more specifically, those lured by a promise and cornered into *** slavery, and being stripped of everything by a monster that comes only to devour. if wisdom is crying in the streets, we must pray that justice will come to meet her there and the heart of evil will be overtaken by surprise.

616 · Jan 2017
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
I thought to myself, as I was getting something to eat,
I'm going to need a fork
This thought happened so quickly and subconsciously,
For it is something easy to think, or rather just know
And it happens to everyone over the age of perhaps three-years -old
Who has ever needed a fork

I knew I needed a fork
This was very simple

But, where are all the forks?
Why are there none left in the drawer?
Maybe in the dishwasher.
None there, either?
Are all the forks in this entire house *****?

And I continued looking a little longer.

After these few--but frustrating--minutes passed by,
I had become so focused and determined to find this fork,
That I forgot to remember the very point of finding it

What was I getting to eat, again?




Here's one.

And this is why my mind is capable of the type of thinking that it really takes
To find inspiration, and not wait for it to come to you
I may be alone in this feeling, but I think that a real poet has either a deathly, focused mind, or a pathetic, rambling one. Hope someone enjoys this.

dedicated to Ricky A., my brother of a friend, and a great writer.
611 · May 2017
the pallor of our cheeks
Amory Caricia May 2017
would starlight look better through smoke:
a silver fog of fazed romance?
would flames still burn in hearts of men
if tongues of flames refused to dance?

if glories had been ill-acquired,
would victors have the battle won?
or would they melt like villains do
beneath daylight of pious Sun?

had everything that ever was
been ghastly bones of old defeat,
would everything that is to be
be like the deathbed, on repeat?

you'll never know what's made for you,
we'll never see what we've become
and each sharp cry that ever was
rings blended in a fading hum

if life's a song, then death's the beat
the pulse that we mistake for living
and each advance and each retreat
is punishment that keeps on giving

the darkest wrong to taint the right
the brightest deed shrouded in grief
we never knew when we were here
that gone would grant us sweet relief
610 · Jul 2018
burgundy wine
Amory Caricia Jul 2018
you're just too **** fine
like burgundy wine
from fruit that's been plucked
from the choicest of vine

and your blood runs so young
like the taste on your tongue
and the smell on your lips
is the air from your lungs

you're just too **** good
for this neighborhood
I'd pack up and go
Any place that you would

So let's run away
I'll sing and you play
We'll hit it so big
We'll party all day
569 · Dec 2016
first love
Amory Caricia Dec 2016
you are the thrill of every height
you are the wind to my gentle sea
you are the strong brisk of first light
you are what all songs hope to be
I hear you like the sounds of night
I watch you like the wild and free
I think you much like love's first sight
I want you for ever belonging to me
565 · Jan 2017
as you are and as i am
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
If I fall from seven stories, would you touch my mangled body?
Would you always be the last one every day to touch my cheek?
If I drown and I am floating, will you pull me out and hold me
--Wet and cold me--
Though my blood has stopped, my neck is limp and weak?

And should a fire consume me, would you watch the smoke blow off me?
Once I'm dragged out on our lawn and I'm nestled in wet grass
Would it be too much a trouble that you give my hand a last kiss
To look into where my eyes were--would that be too much to ask?

And if I rolled out of a car door, would you drive the roads to find me?
Would you pick the tiny gravels from my freshly-tender skin
Could you press your still-warm lips to mine and whisper you still love me
Claim my body
Be the one who tells my friends and all my kin?

And if somehow I exploded, would you think how to collect me?
Would you look for all my pieces just to put them back in one?
And if ailment were to strike me, could you watch my figure crumple?
Will you stay as I get thinly and my hairs fall one by one?

I love you every moment and would do all of this for you
I won't want to have to do it, but if someone, here I am
So, darling, as I'm weeping, will you press myself into you
Ever-New you
Say you love me and will love me as I am
562 · Apr 2017
she'd come and gone
Amory Caricia Apr 2017
every bad man thinks that he can love her better
and every good man thinks that he can love her more

but the truth of it is
that her love is a fizz
just a foam that retracts from the shore

see, she never was too real to any
something like the wind, with a little more weight
just some womanesque vapor to many
'til the tides of the times called her fate

she wasn't as light as the ocean breeze
but she wasn't as real as the wave
I wish I'd evaded her motion, her tease
but fell down for her hard, I bowed down like a slave

then as soon as that femme and foamy omen
had tickled my senses so gentle
all the strength of a man that I had she took with
back to sea, to the stop of some transcontinental
561 · Feb 2017
get me started on why
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
the falling of leaves
from the family trees
and the changing of wayward tides

the height above seas
or two hundred degrees
or the place where the devil hides

atmospherics of pressure
set not for good measure
could never offset what I've done

for I swore it my strongest
I held it the longest
that forever I'd love just this one

holding my hands to detain
his smiling eyes entertain
tufty hair that is perfect for rumpling

summer nights out in rain
like symphonic refrain
little thoughts that he stops me from crumpling

just our walk in the park
just might stave off the dark
of the presence of all things unlovely

'cause his embrace is a lark
each soft kiss leaves a mark
and each day this perpetuates doubly

so the spring that I've kept
turns winter to concept
though outside be they blizzards of cold

I love his without, his within
the mystique of his skin
and his soul that with mine will grow old
MH <3 <3 <3
557 · Jun 2017
Amory Caricia Jun 2017
tender Spirit, tend my spirit
come in and make me new
drift me down a brook of right
the right that I must do

gentle Spirit, whisper peace
come in and give me rest
quiet all my demons now
provoke from me my best

loving Spirit, take my spirit
hold mine next to you
deep inside this mortal shell
place heaven's morning dew
538 · Jan 2017
burn me with you
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
Who am I to have your love,
To feel you deep within?
What is it to give my body to an angel?
Would it be a sin?

To look at you, I must look up
You are a monument
To think of every wasted year,
Of useless time I've spent

In every useless, wasted hour
I could've been your flame
To light a room within this tower
To be your beast to tame

Your lips are colored with fresh blood
Coursing beneath your skin's infinity
With all the glories of the peak of youth
Yet fully-blossomed masculinity

I admire all your members,
Every feature, every breath
I feel like the heart within you
Trapped within you unto death

I will be anchored in your ribcage
Steadfast pumping 'round each lung
Let me feed your brain and bones and mind
Until the second your soul from your body is sprung

I'm jealous of the gentle Breeze
She always finds a way through your hair
By day the Sun wants to ****** you away
Watching with her heat-gilded glare

But I place myself as a sacrifice on the altar of You
I will writhe and passion-burn until my purpose is done
Until all my smoke rises and my willpower is through
'Til death parts our two bodies and into ashes I become
531 · Mar 2017
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
see this love I have? It's for you
come take it--just come take
I want to give it as a gift
it's love I want to make

we can make it any way you like
we'll fix it up just right
we can heat it up or chill it out
or wind it up so tight

we can hold it in or let it go
or chase it 'round and 'round
we can top it off or cut it short
or listen to its sound

we can open our eyes up in the dark
and wait for it to come
we can fall asleep, then wake
and make enough to save us some

some for later, unless now is fine
it's all come down to you
it's my way of making up
for everything I've put you though
517 · Feb 2017
delight and regret
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
Let's turn back time
And make it worth
The time we spent
Upon this earth

Let's hold our hearts
Each in the other's
Let's not forget
That we are brothers

We'll look into
Our children's eyes
We'll beam because
We own the skies

In strength we will comfort
In love will we toil
Our life is our treasure
Our days are the spoil

Through sunrise majestic
And every sunset
Our coil of humanity
Is both delight and regret
504 · Mar 2017
my holy
Amory Caricia Mar 2017
Find all my sins
And spread them thin
Over all of your perfection

My wrongs on your skin
Like a veil so thin
'Cause your body is my resurrection
493 · Dec 2018
i'd never say it
Amory Caricia Dec 2018
I'd never say it to you,
But I miss the way you look at me
I miss the way you see me
And I miss it more and more

I'd never let you know it,
But I'll never live without you
I'll never leave you, never do it
Never close that door
478 · Jan 2017
discourse after life
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
Come, wipe away my thoughts of you
Now that you are not mine
Return to visit, oh blessed spirit
Conquer the grasps of time

To commemorate the days of past
To scorn the sleepless nights to come
And establish a vigil to ever-last
How to not know pain, yet not fall numb?

Teach me your ways, as your body lies
How is it you fell at my feet, while your free soul flies?
Let me be like you--sensationless, but eternal
Ne'er again to feel the cool of night
Nor the sun's infernal
Arms of light

I long to dwell in glory's abode
To feel you run through my spirit-hair
The passion of life which death fears to part
The mixtures of ancients in the sacred air

To feel no flesh,
Yet feel all of your love
To gift you my ghost
On the wings of the dove

Every morning have I gazed into clouds
I beseech the heavens to gather them into your likeness
Placing every heart's hope in these celestial vapors
Feeding my strength and my youth into my futile madness

Why have you left me, to romance of the seraph?
You sip the caresses of divinities
How could I have been so foolish to let death in
And ****** you away with her cold, dark delicacies?
465 · Jan 2017
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
Capture me! Now you have the chance
You've captivated me with a single glance

See my lips drop onto your skin like rain
Collect me like the tears of an undisclosed pain

Pour my essence into a bottle--let me never depart
Quickly hide me from harm within the nooks of your heart

Bring me to your lips when you feel of despair
Spritz me over your skin, let me diffuse through the air

Use me as strong drink, to abandon your troubles
For each sip of love you take, the abundance for you doubles

Your bottle is ever-filled
No end
So do not use sparingly,
My lover,
My friend

The earth's only remedy
For all you desire
The only liquid melody
A drinkable fire

To quench your tongue's thirst
And always be enough
Yet leave your soul thirsting
For it is never enough
459 · Dec 2017
love endless
Amory Caricia Dec 2017
why can you not hold my hand?
why, if you used to hold it so?
why is it wrong to feel my love
if that's all you used to know

why, if you had everything,
did you still choose to leave my side?
have you fallen out of love?
have you something to hide?

tell me how much more you need
to persuade you back into my sight
so many others I do not desire
for you alone I fight

take me back, back to your *****
take me into freedom's bliss
for every night you stay away
one year of love you miss

i'll never long for a sweet body
like I've longed for yours endlessly
i'll never know another soul
like the one formed between you and me
idk just wingin' it these days
455 · May 2017
when someone dies
Amory Caricia May 2017
when someone dies, you never really feel you did it right
the life you gave,
the plans you made
the darkest, deepest nights

when someone dies you always wish the time would just go back
it sounds cliché
but that's the way
you feel when it goes black

when someone that you love is gone, you just can't make it through
a single beat
without retreat
into the pain made new

when someone that you love is gone you have to feel regret
to say you don't
or swear you won't
is just the coping lie you've set

I'll always want to bring you back
I'll always wish you here
its crazy how the mind plays tricks
after you disappeared

but worst of all you're oh so close
you haven't died, but live
I've got the power to bring you back,
but not the strength to give
Amory Caricia Aug 2017
the time she gave her heart away,
she'd finished holding tight
she let it fly
so by and by
he'd find it in the night

the time she gave her heart away,
she knew that she did well
for when she woke
from true-love's stroke
she'd broken every spell

the time she gave her heart away,
she gave it to a man
a brilliant one
the moon's own son
star-struck, she gave her hand

and when she gave her heart away
she knew it wasn't wrong
to hold it in
would be a sin
if to him it truly belonged
396 · Jul 2017
Amory Caricia Jul 2017
if butterflies have scales
like fish
than I have rights
to one good wish
a wish to send
a child a dream
to make a damp,
dark nighttime seem
a little spark
to light a flame
to grow a fire
a beast to tame
to kindle courage,
hope and thought
to give a truth
that a wish has bought
377 · May 2017
Amory Caricia May 2017
lay your eyes upon me
feast them and do not fear
brush your fingertips along me
simply to get near

nothing-talk your sweetness at me
whisper by my ear
find a lovely word to make
my shyness disappear

look at me with eyes of wonder
eyes that ne'er before knew sight
like a blind man newly-healed
right at the break of  dawn's first light

let me learn to let you hold me
sink into that first embrace
deeply, like you're breathing of me
step back as you caress my face
376 · Feb 2017
play keep away
Amory Caricia Feb 2017
Let's play today
A game of keep-away
You try to keep me
But i'll run away

I'm over here, hiding
So come on and find me
I want you to search
'til you're right up behind me

And I think I'm still covered
But you're right at my back
Then I want you to scare me
Like I'm under attack

Oh, sometimes it just feels
So awfully wild
So terribly good
Just to play like a child

So I'll run for my life
But I won't have a chance!
You're too faster-than-me
You'll catch up with a prance

Then you'll hold me so tight
So I can't get away
And I'll act like I'll leave
But you know that I'll stay

You just win every time
And it's really no fair!
I won't play anymore!
I'll just sit down and stare

Right off into nothing
And ignore what you say
But you know how I tease
When we play keep-away

So we fume at each other
(it's just part of the game)
I can say something naughty
Just to put you to shame!

But I won't really do it
You're my only best friend
I won't make that threat
And risk causing the end

Then you'll tickle me wacky
Just to force on that smile
You can't stand when I'm mad
But you know it only lasts a while

I'll fall and roll like a madman
'Cause laughing hard hurts!
Then I'll die like a possum
Just lay down in the dirt

You'll lay down right beside me
As we make up every cloud
We recuperate now
We will stop being loud

That was when we were children
Now you're half my life story
And with hearts ever-childish
We'll  live on in this glory

We'll still play keep away
Just as long as we can
'Cause that spark's in your eye
And you just grabbed my hand
369 · May 2017
Amory Caricia May 2017
somewhere in the world
be it oneself,
or be it another
there is a person who believes
that you can do anything
the secret admirer,
the proud parent,
the fool.
it's a hideous concept
but sometimes it works
and impossible becomes a theory
338 · Oct 2018
Amory Caricia Oct 2018
I'm writing this letter to friend or foe
A note about why I must go
I'll need you to clean out my mess
My room, my car, and what I've left
The little pieces of my life
That never indicated strife
Something was just a bit too much
So I had to leave in a bit of a rush
And I don't think I've let on too late
I don't think I've made a mistake
But I won't need you to pity me
For that, it's late, to some degree
I've made my mind once and then twice
I have enough to pay the price
The cost I've covered, but for you
There is just one small thing to do
Tell anyone that asks of me
That I always spoke of them fondly
So good day and with that, good night
I'm tired and turning off the light
328 · May 2018
in the dark
Amory Caricia May 2018
little reasons to be fearful
reasons with no ground at all
door creak in an empty hallway
trapdoor in the hallway, fall
fall down seven dreadful stories
in a house of only two
possible is out of question
everything will come for you

howling walls in rooms forgotten
summon life from rusted chains
faded, weary, tainted, taunting
be reborn through scorched remains

little things just left unsettled
tiny pieces of unknown
hums and whispers, demon-meddled
faces felt but never shown
fangs of phantom, eyes of monsters
wails from deep dark tombstone walls
darkest midnight, blackest shadow
Answers to the demon's calls
317 · Jul 2018
fresh fruit
Amory Caricia Jul 2018
just peel it, peel it,
the fruit, it's tender skin

just take the scent in
before you bite right in

that perfect ripeness
the flavor is just right

then clean the mess up
and bury him by tonight
308 · May 2017
Amory Caricia May 2017
passion cannot be given
it can be born
it can be taken away
304 · Aug 2017
man, the hypocrite
Amory Caricia Aug 2017
take tiny, tattered wings of hope
and burst them at the seams
watch feathers flit in helpless heaps,
the time despair redeems
and mangled bowels of peace's dove
let soak into the earth
and pray to God and Him alone
that hope will find rebirth
the hypocrite sits on his bed
admires himself and poses
he bathes his garden weeds in wine
and vinegar, his roses
God, when will mercy grow too tired
to reach out to rotting limbs;
straining just to hold our hands
and condemn all our sins?
when will grace grow old and leave
to rest in heaven's bliss?
but God, mercy and grace all live
we know not what we'd miss
300 · Dec 2016
to be your all
Amory Caricia Dec 2016
I hold you close by golden night
Clothed in sweet desire
Radiating a hazy light
Subtly reflecting your fire

If you were to dream of me,
You'd think you were awake
For in your every waking hour,
A dream for you I'd make

If you liked to wish on stars,
I'd be your guiding light
If you believed in ghostly things,
I'd haunt you every night

And if you prayed for mercy,
I'd pray to be your grace
Or if you hoped for luck,
I'd be your charm--for just-in-case

And if you needed something
To hold and to confide,
I will be the memory that your heart can keep inside
297 · Jan 2017
Amory Caricia Jan 2017
History repeats itself.

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