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 Sep 2014 A Girl
I want to print out my poetry and paste it on the walls
Let them scream my emotions
In swirling patterns of fading text

I want to rip off the ceiling and sleep under the stars
Watch them glow like I’ve always wanted to glow
In a sea of midnight blue

I want to lie in damp grass and watch the clouds passing by
Fleeing across the sky while it catches on fire
In the most outrageous of ways

I want the music in my ears to be drowned out and silenced
By the music radiating from my soul
 Apr 2014 A Girl
The Enemy
 Apr 2014 A Girl
 Apr 2014 A Girl
 Apr 2014 A Girl
"forever isn't real," I tell the boy
who thought we would last forever
Just ten minutes after I'd revved the engine
I was only nine miles away from the love of my life
Day dreaming of when we’d met just eight short months ago
Soaring at seventy down that country road
Only six more miles until she’d be in my arms again
Five years ago thoughts of love would have seemed so far out of sight
Yet four times I've already proposed, “too soon,” she’d always say
Amazing how in three seconds your entire life can change
With just two tires there’s little room for error
When one blew out I hit the asphalt, hard
In a wreck like that there’s zero chance I’d survive
One hour later the ambulance arrived at last
EMTs pressed two paddles against my chest
Shocks were delivered three times
At the hospital doctors performed four operations
Five months I spent in a coma
Followed by six months of physical therapy relearning to walk
In time all seventeen broken bones had set and healed
It cost me eight grand to buy a new bike
Now nine years later I’m still riding, fearless, wife on the back
The tenth time I asked, she finally said yes
 Apr 2014 A Girl
Nadia DeLevea
Faces Broken,
Words unspoken.
Never ending,
The truth is bending.
You keep lying,
My soul is dying.
Freind™  By Nadia DeLevea
This is just to say,
I drove to the cemetery and visited your grave today.

A tear rolled slowly down my cheek
And in my legs, I grew weak.

In the air, I felt the warm breeze,
And I knew that you were watching me kneel upon my knees.

The clouds rolled away and the sun kissed my face,
I was used to distance, but this was too much space.

I ask for forgiveness for being such a wreck,
As I touch the dog tags that now hang around my neck

There was no way that I could understand
Why I was left holding a folded triangle flag within my hand.

I cursed the war that brought ruin to my life,
I cursed the war for claiming my wife.
this is kind of a rough draft... but feedback is always appreciated and encouraged :)
 Mar 2014 A Girl
Harrison Manning
I see you, standing so humble in the light of success.
Yet this very gleam can also be blinding.
You only see the shadows left behind,
hiding in the crevices of your imperfections.
                     deeper you descend,
until your glorious light is a mere dot in the distance.
And in that horrid pit you forget that you belonged
not in the shadows, but in your own brilliance.
Extending my hand, I call down to you,
"Climb back to the wonderful glimmer that you see in the distance."

But from below you shake your head, seemingly content in your darkness,
believing you are unworthy of the light that you yourself created.
Inwardly I weep, to see how you've forsaken yourself, thinking the light is mine,
It is not!
and never shall I rest, until you climb out to see your own wonder...............

Even now.... I remain awake..... quest unfinished.... soul tiring..... but....
And so I shall.
 Mar 2014 A Girl
Harrison Manning
The sun has fallen beyond the horizon as night ushers in the darkness.
You sit alone, cloaked in the weak glow of the nearby lamp.
                                                           ­                                                                 ­         When blackness beckons.
Your small world of light is oppressed by the surrounding shadows.
Thoughts grow bleak, the want for sleep replaced with swelling fear.
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                     As sadness lingers.
This lonely siege from the horrors of the void seems without end.
Never in this life have you been so lost, so impossibly alone.
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                           I harbor hope.
For this night, as any other, is always darkest before the dawn.
Until the glow of early morning shines, I will stand by you.
                                                            ­                                                                 ­                   Through this pain.
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