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 Oct 2013 A Girl
Breathing Ice

Oh yeah. You  were
all I ever wanted...
Huh.  With your too
sweet     lips
and    your    
painted lies.
****,   you
were so dra-
matic about
(all the ****-
ing time too)
but the way
   your fingers    
played with
my hair and
the way you
said I   love
you    was   too  good,  
too **** ******* good.
                                                 But   you   know    what??                                 DON'T
 Oct 2013 A Girl
Alicia D Clarke
You say actions speak louder than words
so why can you not hear my body screaming?
screaming for attention that you might turn your head.
notice me!
my wounds bleed,
drops staining the floor and you still refuse to see,
your little girl is dying, she needs you.
pounding on your door, open up!
notice me!
pounding results in pulsing headaches,
pulsing headaches result in pain.
pain is happiness, but only when self inflicted.
I cant play this game with myself any longer,
I call out for you,
notice me!
time is running out,
my mind paces I feel it might never stop.
Voices growing fainter with every slice of this metal demon.
Soft breezes whisper,
nooooticccee meeeee
the breeze stops,
I can no longer hear the cries from with in the depths of my soul...
**you noticed me
for quortni
 Oct 2013 A Girl
D Conors
no reason
 Oct 2013 A Girl
D Conors
the first thing i do
when i wake up
in the morning
is cry

the last thing i do
when i go to bed
at night
is cry

there are times
i do not count
during those times
in between
i cry

now i cry
and i no longer
no why
because there's
no reason
to cry
when there's
07 nov. 10
 Oct 2013 A Girl
A Thomas Hawkins
She's dancing in the rain
when the heavens open up
She's your favourite herbal tea
drunk from your favourite cup

She's that unexpected note
upon your locker door
She's the twenty dollar bill
you find upon the floor

She's the cold side of the pillow
the first slice of the cake
She's the coffee in the morning
you didnt have to make

She's the right place in the line up
when a new cashier comes on
She's remembering the words
to your forgotten favourite song

She's everything thats good and great
thats happened in your life
She's the one that makes you proud
when you say she is your wife.
 Oct 2013 A Girl
A Thomas Hawkins
Will I ever be the one
who gets to hold you tight
Will I ever be the one
to hear your last goodnight
Will I ever be the one
who’s hand you gladly take
Will I ever be the one
next to whom you wake
Will I ever be the one
that holds you when you cry
Will I ever be the one
that never hears goodbye
Will I ever be the one
to whom you give yourself
Will I ever be the one
in sickness and in health
Will I ever know the reason
that our paths were meant to cross
Will I ever know the gain
that is someone else’s loss

Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Oct 2013 A Girl
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins

— The End —