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 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Iqwan Roslanni
I've written so many notes for you,
I chose just the beautiful words to potray you,
So many pair of eyes read them but,
It was all just for you.

There are nights I could hear your voice,
but night like this reminds me of how you used to put tears on my face,
Never in a million years I thought "we" would fall apart,
But all of my words failed to make you stay,it was all just just ended up wasted.
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Wind Lass
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Wind Lass
All things have their time

Flowers bud then bloom
In fragrant bursts of colour and life
Wilting, browning, curling and dying
Just how they should

Trees shake off the frost
Greening up skeletal branches
Till the trunk sways
Under a crown of bushy green
That slowly turn gold orange and brown
And drops
As the world cycles again.

We too, bloomed.
You made me bloom
Then we wilted
I wilted
And we ended.

My most fervent dream for us
Was always that we’d
somehow be evergreen
Despite what nature has taught me.

We lived in summer, and died just before winter.

Except I wonder if we are now
Just dead branches
Wilted petals
Fallen leaves

When since the ending
Greenery has burst from our skin
Better than the unpruned tree
Our love seemed to be.

Maybe we had to let the bad fall away
Maybe what we had was the bad
So that something better could grow

The world keeps moving
Whether I will it to or not
And gold that was not yours
Asked for me.

And I know we had our time
And this is a time for pruning
But how can I accept
Different flowers
When even as he spoke
I wished
For yours.

All things have their time
Sunflowers and deep roots,
Tell me,
Is our time truly over?
I knew as soon as I rose my head, as soon as I’d be seen, that something I wear would make me stand out despite my efforts to remain inconspicuous. Like a torch in a dark room. I stood there and somehow never had to move, they came and went. Eyes on me eyes on me. So many introductions and unwanted touches. I wished for you like I never had, I wish I could have said I belonged to you, because I still feel like I do. ‘So will you say yes?’ I know I’m supposed to, I’m supposed to do this... I didn’t know I’d feel like this at this point. Oh I miss you, I miss you so very sorely. Worst tonight in the crowd with unwanted eyes and touches and offers, I miss you now worse than I have in a long time. I wish you were here. I gotta let you go, but I just.... so much of me still belongs to you.
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Empty block
Full of everythings
To be carved into something
That was already in there

Finally revealed
It wasn't hidden by the unremoved pieces
But rather by billions of other shapes
That all sat juxtaposed
And each with just as much of a right
To emerge as the chosen shape did

Fragments of The Others
Worthy of reverence
Lay strewn on the floor
They gave themselves
That The One could exist
Those that never were
The unseen
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Jaslin Goh
If I speak my mind
I unleash my inner thoughts
You must promise not to get angry

If I do not
I cease to be myself
You are content

If I speak up
I unleash the demons that whisper to our thoughts
You must learn to silent yours

If I do not
I cease to understand you
You fail to connect my mind
(now read it bottom-up/replace ‘you’ with ‘I’)
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Jay Lewis
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
Jay Lewis
You know who you are.
I miss you more
than the moon misses the morning blood star.

I wish I had the courage to tell you
But I'll keep my distance stay afar
and be proud of who you are
The things you've done.
But I hope in years to come
If you see me alone
or with my family who's grown
To look at me with happy eyes and a smile corroding your face
And recall memories and begin to trace every detail like it was yesterday

Do you remember me?
Because I'll never forget you.
And I'll never replace you.
And it's hard to explain
this blood pumping through my veins whenever I hear your name.
I'll never be the same
after everything
We've been through
When I see you to this day
look at me like I'm a stranger
A shadow that fades away.
 Apr 2018 Ailsa
i'll let you just ignore me,
if that's what you want to do;
you can sit there and abhor me
if it makes it easier for you

your kindness turned to anger,
your words no longer sweet;
so, please, tell me how you hate me,
if that makes you feel complete

your stares no longer caring,
your touch no longer warm;
so, tell me how i'm terrible
for ringing the alarm

but there's one request,
to which i cannot comply:
to hate you, i must protest -
i still don't think you're that bad a guy

— The End —