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 Jan 2015 Philip J Fry
These cigarettes remind me of you.
But I'll smoke them in hopes of killing all of the hope you left inside of me.
These cigarettes remind me of you.
They burn my skin when I least expect it.
These cigarettes remind me of you.
They are slowly killing me from the inside out.
These cigarettes remind me of you.
But I'll smoke them anyways because this is the only way that I'll taste your lips again.
I finally told her that I'm deeply in love with her and all she said was "don't love me dude"
In a boat
Flirting with the sea
Fancy meeting you here
My infinity

Like a prayer
The air and the view
Drifts in through my eyes and
Down to my heart

The greatest love affair
Any romance novel has written
Or that any feather has been gifted
To fly in marriage with the sky

You are my guardian
Nature you hold the key
To every door I long to open
My destiny

Free to roam
About the cabin of my thoughts
With Courage, Strength and Opulence
I row with oars of hope and light

Drifting in a boat
In the middle of the sea
Holding hands with God and Spirit
Endless unity

 Jan 2015 Philip J Fry
"Just please don't say you love me, 'cause I might not say it back."

The idea of love is terrifying
To me it means heartbreak
Love isn't peace, isn't joy
Love is the opposite of hope

It's love, or the idea of love
The empty promise of love
That has let me down
So many times it seems infinite

To me love has come to mean
A beating heart and concrete
One is in love with the stone
Or one falls, jumps to meet it

If you tell me you love me
I don't know, what to say, do
I'm not the sort you love
I am afterall, a disease
Song: "Please don't say you love me" by Gabrielle Alpin
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I'd tag *you* too, but you already know who you are...
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 Jan 2015 Philip J Fry
I want to delete my history of you,
but my keyboard is broken,
my mouse doesn't move,
and my laptop is already dead.
I want to be with you
Diving inside a sea of roses
Holding on tightly while my throat closes
Searching for your shoulders
The epitome of boulders
To bring me afloat
Enchanted by your endurance coat
I want your breath
To be the one to save me from my death
After drowning in your rivers
I'm aching with shivers
Your water is in my lungs
I'm speaking in tongues
Screaming out for love
For everything I am undeserving of
I want to be with you
I wanted you to **** me
So I came in fishnets and
We drank the panacea

And I said I'd be your

I got greedy
And I liked the way you held my heart
In between shallow breaths
And I wanted you to love me

In between commercial breaks and
Mouthsful of grapes and gluttony
I wanted to be sinned and to be sinned by only you

I only knew what it felt to be wanted
But I was greedy
And I needed you to love me
But you could only **** me
In my dream, the
Pedestrian sign flashed green
And the pavement seemed to
Melt at my small footsteps
Like the green treetops of
Pines that had never backed down

The ****** Mary smoked ***
Just atop that sunset ring
Which liked to sing of all the
Bland ignorance of the king
I promise you, it's just a summer
Fling I'm a little too drunk and
You're a little too thin cause
This misanthropist ain't got anything
I wrote a ****** poem while I was drunk
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