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 Dec 2017 sage
 Dec 2017 sage
Thanks, animators
For showing the beauty in
The apocalypse
Inspired by this: (
 Dec 2017 sage
Cool night.

I feel my skin
harvesting the dew
brought by the gentle breeze.

I inhaled the frozen air
deep into my lungs
to quieten the fire
in my heart and mind.

I exhaled...
Hoping to see the smoke
from a blaze extinguished.

But I realise in the quiet
and the dark...
Given air and attention,
the tiniest of flames
burns the loudest and brightest.
 Dec 2017 sage
Song on the Radio
 Dec 2017 sage
The radio sung me a tune.
A tune made for me.
It was played soft.
It told me a story.

The melody that accompanied,
resonated with every chord.
Every word that I had heard,
struck home like a sharpened sword.

I thought, “Could it have been for me?”
Just when the tune ended.
“Is it so that I am that apparent?
For such a song to be written and dedicated.”

But I am a fool...
For thinking I am worth the scrutiny.
While being neck-deep,
in an ocean -
unalone with others plenty.
 Dec 2017 sage
Aren’t you supposed to say
I should be myself?
I conversation I had about expression. When I asked this question my mum looked at me with such pity and sympathy.
 Dec 2017 sage
 Dec 2017 sage
It's hard to be a dreamer
To live everyday
Fantasizing about a life
You'll likely never see

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because that dream turns to hope
And we run down a path
That's almost always a dead end

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because there are too many of us
For us all to be successful
But not enough
For us to all be understood

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because we cling to a life
That others can't see
And prove others right
When we don't achieve

It's hard to be a dreamer
Because we are the most susceptible
To heartbreak

But still we dream
 Dec 2017 sage
I’m done trying to understand your hate
I’m done trying to get to grips with your anger
I don’t want to know what it is to have this burning inside your being
I don’t want to understand what compulses you to spread your fire
Keep that to yourself
Keep those away from us
I ask you because I am tired
I ask you because I am wounded
Everyday by the words you use against me and I just can’t take it any longer
This is me being tired and fed up and hurt by ignorant people and their comments I get a lot
 Dec 2017 sage
Although I may never get to meet
the woman who carried my soul
through the cosmos inside her body
from a winter's frost to a spring's warmth

I'll be grateful for the one who
spent her blood, sweat and tears
holding me in her arms, guiding me
through a journey called life

Without a doubt, I'll stitch them both
into my heart's core as they were
generous in taking time to sculpt me
into the person I am
 Dec 2017 sage
As the tide flows back and forth
I am pulled by your energy
I am pulled by its consistency
Though I waited far too long
for the moon to settle down

Through the evergreen forests of the east,
the cold of Mount Fuji’s peak,
the pyramid of Giza’s stone heat
and life’s final feast,
I’ve ran towards you on my bare feet

Waste no tears and hold no fears
for this is a cruel game, my dear
Nights get brighter and days get darker
I just want for there to be
a new start for you and me

As our hearts grow further apart
It’s like when the sun and moon
have no time together to bloom
Missing each other by a minute
whenever the clock strikes six

Through the evergreen forests of the east
we’ll unite for the last feast
above the cold and through the heat, we’ll climb
to enjoy ourselves together one last time
for the final nights of our prime
——==< An apology poem >==——
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