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Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
You thought I loved you when I just wanted a good ****.
He never wanted her and he never will, she knows that now. She knew that every time he went out and didn't come back for days, weeks, or even months. She knew what he was up to. The lipstick and perfume on him clearly pointed that out.
"Lucy, this is Sarah. Sarah, this is my cousin." Drew gave Lucy the look as if saying 'you say anything, I'll hurt you'.
"Hi, Lucy." Sarah smiled.
"Hello." Lucy gave a fake smile. Lucy didn't smile a real smile around him. She barely smiled at all.
"Sarah and I will be upstairs. DON'T disturb us. If you know what I mean." Drew pulled Sarah upstairs. Lucy felt disgusted hearing the moaning, screaming, grunting, growling. It made her feel uncomfortable.
"Is this what the world has come to? ******* just for a good time with someone else just downstairs?" Lucy mumbled to herself, tears forming in her cocoa brown eyes. "I hate my life. I wish I could just drop dead
part 5 of the Sticks and Stones series. I hope you love it and be to comment what you think.
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
Why don't you just die? No one would miss you.
Do you think she doesn’t try every day to wash the dirt, covering her body, away? Feeling violated and scared. No matter how hard she scrubs, that feeling is still lingering on her. The numerous scars covering her body like paint to a canvas. She’s so… ugly!
"Don't ever leave me because or I'll hunt you down." Drew hissed.
"I-I won't..." Lucy whimpered.
"Good. I love you." Drew said but had evil in his eyes.
"Okay." Lucy just sat there. Emotionless.
"You *****! You're supposed to say I love you too! You're so stupid!" Drew picked her up by her throat and chucked her into the wall.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I love you too.." Lucy cried out, holding her face.
"Good. Now I'm going drinking. I might be home late tonight." Lucy knew what he meant by that. She knew he ******* women every day. It didn't surprise her.
"Of course you will
part 4 of the Sticks and Stones series. I hope you love it and be sure to comment what you think!!
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
Who wants to be with you? You're garbage!
Words. Words are what can bring you up, fly high in the sky, or to the ground, rotting and burning in hell. They think she doesn’t know what pain feels like. They’re wrong. Her life at home is full of nothing but pain.
"You're ****** ugly. You'll never find love. No one will love you like me." Drew said as he held her throat against the wall.
"P-please stop! I-I love you." She coughed out.
"You deserve this. You're a ****, a *****, no one likes you!" He yelled, punching the blonde across the cheek.
this is part 3 of the Sticks and Stones series. I hope you love it and be sure to comment what you think!!
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
I don't need you anymore.
She has seen so many get beat down by words, watched them crumble and fall without a second thought. They don't fight back, what's the point if they go right back to the ground. She still wishes that she stood up and fought back but she was too much of a coward. She still is.
"You know what you are, Lucy?" Drew growled.
"W-what?" Lucy whimpered against the wall, blood running down her nose.
"You're a burden. And that's all you'll ever be
The is part 2 of the Sticks and Stones series. I hope you love and be sure to comment what you think!!
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
You're useless!
They say words can't damage you as much as sticks and stones can break your bones. That, of course, didn't apply to the words that spew out of his mouth every day. Words that would continue to abuse her, inevitably, turning her black and blue.
"You're a *****! You look disgusting, you think any man would want to touch you?" Drew hissed.
"I-I was just trying t-to look good..." She looked down.
"Well, you're not. You look like a ****** no one would wanna hook up with." He slapped her across the face leaving a handprint on her face.
"P-please stop! Stop!" She cried out as she got slapped again
This is a series b/c putting the whole thing would make it look like a story (unless you want me to put it all). I hope you love it and comment. and be on the lookout for the other parts
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
The girl who always laughed, cried.
The girl who seemed unbreakable, broke.
She dropped the fake smile as a tear rolled down her cheek and whispered to herself,
“I can't do this anymore.”

Darkness enveloped around her as her unbreakable heart started to crack.
She's hurt.
But every day, she walks with a smile,
‘Cause that's just who she is:
The girl who never stopped smiling.

They can't see that she's hurting.
They don't notice her pain.
The girl who feels like she is drowning in the rain,
while everyone else is sitting in the sunlight.
The girl with the eyes full of innocence; the face of an angel.
Her personality is that of a dreamer and a smile that hides more pain than they can imagine.

She was just a girl.
Who experienced heartbreaking pain.
Who was taught never to show her true feeling as nobody would care.
She knew to hold back those tears until she was alone.
She grows cold with every stabbing knife in her back.

Warm red liquid, flowing down her arm, is all the comfort she needs.
Silver metal, shining so bright, is her only true friend.
Her scars, hidden from the world’s judgeful eyes,
hold memories of hurtful words and repressed memories.

The unbreakable girl finally broke.
Tell me what you think!!! I hope you like it!!!! I figured out how to italicize and bold words thanks to @Ash Angel
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
… close!
They’re close!
What do I do?
CloserI’m not ready.
CloserI don’t want this.
CloserHelp me.
CloserI’m too late.  
They’re here.

Rotten teeth,
Greasy hair,
Alcohol breath with a mix of tobacco,
Eyes that abandoned all emotion.

Why did I think I could push down my fear?
How naive I was!
I see it’s fist clenched and come up.
I’m knocked to the floor.
My cheek red and swollen.
They do it again,
And again,
And again,
And again.

I scream and plead for them to stop, but they don’t.
They never do.
Next, is feet.
Then repeat.

A ruby liquid is enveloping around me.
Getting bigger,
And bigger,
And bigger.
No matter what I do or how hard I push or how loud I scream, they continue harder.
It’s laughing… at my pain.
A laugh that will forever haunt me.

My vision… blurry.
My head pulsating.
I know… I’m going to die.
If the cause for all this would have been different then would I have had a better life?

They suddenly stopped and I thought it was over.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I felt a hand, their hand slide up my shirt.
Going to my bra and squeezing the outside. They licked their lips as if they enjoyed the look of horror swells up in my eyes.  
Wrapping the very same hand around my back and clips off my bra.
Pushing up both my bra and shirt, they flicked my ******, twisting it between their fingers.
I don’t want this!
I push harder, I don’t want to die like this.
Screaming louder, hoping someone can hear my cries for help, my throat burning for some water.

They gave a hard slap to my face, adding onto the countless bruises, as a warning to shut up and then continued to feel me up.
Crimson drops flow freely down my bruised face and into the puddle beneath me.
My bones growing tired and the strength I had, in the beginning, is slowly depleting, but I can’t give up.

I can see it.
I can see her, walking out with pure wings strapped to her,
looking even more heavenly than the last time I saw her.

I look up and into the eyes of the person on top of me.
I can feel their other hand reaching for my pants.

“I love you,” I whisper, my voice raspy.
They stop and meet my eyes, confused.
“Even if you hate me. I know you think it’s my fault she died
and punish me for it. I let you because I thought so too.”
Their face is cloudy. My vision growing blacker.

“Since she died, I’ve put up with this abuse and I knew she wouldn’t have wanted me to hate you, even as you do this.
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I took her from you.
You will always hate me for what I have done.
I don’t blame you if you do.
I can’t go back and fix what has been done.
You don’t know how much I wish it was me instead.”

The eyes that had been dead, since her, softened.
“I need you to do something for me. For us.
We need you to live like we never entered your life.
We both want you to be happy, but if you keep holding onto the past,
you never will. Do not mourn over us.”
My vision is going in and out and the light is getting brighter.  

“I love you, daddy.”
I feel water falling on my face.
He’s crying. He cares.
My heart starts to slow down and skin grows cold.

I run to her, to mom, and jump into her awaiting arms.
Tears of joy.
I close my eyes and wait for the darkness to take over.
The last of my words cascaded out of my stained lips,
Goodbye, daddy.”
It might not be the best but I hope you like it and tell me what you think!!!
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