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Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
You left me so quickly.
Am I useless? Do you not need me?
The hole in my heart is growing,
I'm turning hollow.
Come back! I need you!

Don't leave me, please!
I'm so alone without you.
It's breaking, my heart, it's shattered.
Why did you leave?
Where did you go?
Tell me,

You changed my life
So much when left!
I miss you, daddy.
Why couldn't you stay with me?
Why did you have to leave?
Please, come back!

Can a broken soul ever be repaired?"
Tell me what you think!!
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
She gave him everything she had,
Her body, soul, and heart,
She thought they would be together forever.
Her eyes folded into her face,
Tears so sharp, bitter and fierce
They’re salting her in place.

She’s yearning for joy, while
Dealing with the tragedy of losing
A man once very sweet,
A man now lost in his shadows,
Her sadness under his feet.

Her life at home is full of nothing but pain.
Feeling violated and scared.
No matter how hard she scrubs,
that feeling is still lingering on her.
The numerous scars covering her
body like paint to a canvas.

She misses the way he used
to hold her and how he gave her
a gentle kiss that made her feel safe.
Now, he brings nightmares and pain.
No amount of words can express
how terrified she is being near him.

She’s suffocating.
The memory of him will never go away,
even if she wishes it away.
She gave him everything and somehow, that's still wasn't enough.
i hope you like it
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
I wanted him to stay.
But Time would not allow it
For he does not trust me. Not anymore.
As I am a creature of hell.
I know no death nor life. Only pain.
And Time. Time is stubborn. Like always
No matter how much I ask his answer is still no.

He wanted to stay.
But it was too late. He was too far gone.
I weep, never again will he hold me,
In those arms that I love so.
I prayed, he prayed, to Time.
To let us have more.
No,” Time said. “I’ve given too much already.”
Nothing would change his mind.

Goodbye,” I said to him.
My hand on his. Tears dropping.
I love you.” His weak voice pierced me.
Time was there, laughing at me. Mocking me.
The light said goodbye as it left.
My words will never reach him.
It was too late.
I love you too.”

I’m broken.
He has left me. I’m alone.
I want him back.
You’ll find another,” Time said,"You always do.”
No, it’s different. He was different.
Not like the others.
He talked me. He listened. He saw me.
No one’s ever done that.
I could forget everything with him.
Get over it.” Time scowled.
I can’t. I won’t, not ever.

Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years.
They passed by. They forgot him, but not me.
I still remembered. What Time wouldn’t do. How it was too late.
It’s been three centuries since him. Nothing has changed.
Time is still stubborn.
He’s still telling me to forget.
He doesn’t understand. It’s impossible.
I can’t erase away memories. Not that easily.
Not like he can. They pass by him. Never sticking.
I wish I could. To forget everything. Forget him.
Never having to deal with the pain that comes.
But that’s not possible.
For it’s apart of me.

I yearn to join him, my love. To frolic in the life of after. With him.
But I cannot die. I am to live, alone, where no one can reach me.
Not him. Not you.
Not death or life. Not the sun or moon.
Nothing. Only Time.
For as long as I can remember, Time was always there.
I cannot remember who I was before him. Before Time appeared.
I was nothing.
I am nothing.
I will be nothing.
All I am are memories I can never forget.
Pain. Despair. Happiness. Fear. Anger. Grief. Love.
Escape is not an option.

I am a creature. A thing with no name.
I know no death nor life.
I have lived centuries.
Loving many times. Forgetting nothing.
Time is always with me. Never trusting.
I am alone.
I have no idea how the idea for this poem came to be but here it is.  i hope you like it and be sure to comment what you think
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
This is NOT me!
This is NOT who I am!
This is NOT who I want to be!

I don’t want to be this person anymore,
This fake person who doesn’t belong.
I want to be my old self again.

I changed for you,
So you would accept me.
You still haven’t,
There’s always something wrong
That needs to be fixed.

Can I ever be someone you’ll be proud of or
Will I always be a disappointment?

Am I Perfect?
Do I have your love?
Are you proud to be with me?
Would you replace me?
“Yes, in an instant.”
To you, the me that I am now is a bad thing,
So I need to reinvent myself to match your taste.

Well, I’m over it!
Find someone else to do your bidding!
Because I’m DONE being your little doll!
“WHO am I?”
I am someone I don’t want to be.
I hope you like it!! Please tell me what you think!!
Evelyn Genao Feb 2018
Why am I chained down by my suffering and misery?
Please, can someone set me free?  
Can you send me to my eternal resting place?
To be free from my suffering.
It’s alright, no one will miss me.
I’m all alone.
Won’t you send me to the depth of the underworld?
It’s dead on the inside, I’m just a walking corpse.  

I want to escape this world to the eternal darkness.
Give me a reason to live.
Give me a reason to be happy.
What is the point in smiling if it is a lie?
Why do I need to pretend that everything is going to be okay?
That only causes more pain.

I’m lying not only to myself but to everyone around me by creating a fake facade so I can feel whole again.  
The need to fill that empty void living in my heart is growing more and more as time goes on.
I can feel the chains burning as I’m held by my misery.
The longing to be free, to be able to feel the warmth of the sun hit my face.
I’m stuck…
Stuck between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it.
Why should I stay positive when it feels like my life is falling apart?

These are my chain of misery.
Forever shackling me to this pain.
hope you like it and be sure to comment what you think

— The End —