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 Apr 2014 Kia
 Apr 2014 Kia
“I have nothing profound to say,”
Said the timid boy under his breath.
I will not change the world,
For it will be better off without me.

I have not loved,
I have not mattered,
I am no one.

But on the inside, he is screaming
Louder and louder
To be heard and understood,
To finally be known and loved.

For to be known is to be loved,
And to be loved is to be known.

This boy is inside all of us, at some point.
Dying to understand our worth and beauty.
Dying to know that we matter to someone.
And we do.

I promise.
 Apr 2014 Kia
E. E. Cummings
when you went away it was morning
(that is,big horses;light feeling up
streets;heels taking derbies (where?) a pup
hurriedly hunched over swill;one butting

trolley imposingly empty;snickering
shop doors unlocked by white-grub
faces) clothes in delicate hubbub

as you stood thinking of anything,

maybe the world….But i have wondered since
isn’t it odd of you really to lie
a sharp agreeable flower between my

amused legs
                kissing with little dints

of april,making the obscene shy
******* tickle,laughing when i wilt and wince
 Apr 2014 Kia
Diary of the Damned
Sometimes, it is the beauty we see in others
Despite them not seeing it for themselves
That shows us that, sometimes
What some may see as flawed or imperfect
Is nothing less than the rarest of beauty
So many fail to see it in themselves
That they begin to fail to see it on others, as well
For it gets harder to trust and to love
When so many only use their words as masks
Deceiving those who hold true to respect and honor
Until they fake their way in so as to take and abuse
And then tear them down
Oblivious to the pain they have inflicted
Sometimes proud of it
So many times causing such good hearted people
To believe it is they who have done something wrong
Until the loving person they were begins to fade
Retreating in to a shell of depression, darkness, self loathing, and hopelessness
Forgetting or denying how truly beautiful they are
And when someone finally sees in another
The same things they have failed to see in themselves
It opens their eyes
It awakens their soul
As hearts start to mend
Until there is beauty to be seen in the darkness again
Never gone, but merely overlooked and ignored
Once again shining forth in understanding
There is someone, just as they, who knows what it is to suffer
In every doubt, worry, and fear
In wounds self inflicted or forced on by others
Whether physically or emotionally
And they begin to see the beauty in others, again, as well
In honor, truth, sincerity, and respect
Finally realizing for themselves much the same
Despite those who merely pretend so as to take and to harm
Until the darkness isn't so dark
Loneliness isn't so lonely
And even the worst of the pain can bring smiles
Shared between two perfectly imperfect souls
Who have found beauty in the world once again
By finding beauty in each other, and in themselves
When so many still refuse to see the same
Finding beauty in the darkness
Where once they could only find pain
 Apr 2014 Kia
Naive, I was not. I grew up
on tattered books and nihilistic ideals
while the other children read
books about stuffed bears and trees.

They warned me about the addicts:
The fiends with black capes and red eyes,
the ones who wander the night, searching
for new corners and new highs.

They warned me about the *** offenders:
The neighborhood sweethearts with soft eyes
and cold hands, who are more often than not,
but not restricted to the body, of middle-aged men.

They warned me about the murderers:
The ones with ice for pupils and books of spells.
Who drank smoke and whose hearts reside
in the far off corner somewhere in east hell.

These are the people my parents forgot to warn me about:
The lovers with a knack for spoon feeding me lies, whose
wings were black and who were blessed
with golden eyes.

They didn't warn me about the pretty boys.
About the ones who cup your heart
in their hands, and play around with it like putty.
Somehow, they forgot to mention that part.

But, then again, you can't teach a child about heartache,
and the only way a child will know what you mean when you
tell them that the stove is hot is if they burn themselves
on the warm, steel door that is life.
******, but...
 Apr 2014 Kia
Brendan Thomas
Swirls of white
Within my tea

The warming drink
Does comfort me

Around my mind creeping
Demons while I'm sleeping

Awake yet again
Though I'd rather not be

But closing my eyes
Brings the demons to me

Daylight , my reprieve
But alas it is fleeting

Once darkness falls
The demons start creeping

Cup of tea anyone?
 Apr 2014 Kia
We floated down the river with aluminum in our hands and the sun
burning our hearts.
Left the day roaming the streets in heels and shorts by the light of the moon.
Jumping off cliffs and laughing at the stars lighting up the sky.
How silly we were.
To have loved like we were sixteen again but with minds knowing that we're not sixteen anymore.
And that summer will end. Bills have to be paid. Work has to be done.
Love is not a priority unless you're sixteen.
But everything feels so real floating down the river in the Arizona summer.
Even dreams.
 Apr 2014 Kia
Ming D Liu
 Apr 2014 Kia
Ming D Liu
You can fall in love
with the way
someone pours milk
into their cereal,
listening to the things they speak about
when they sleep talk
at three in the morning,
and by watching them untangle
earphones, which somehow
seems to be their biggest challenge
of the day.

You can fall in love
examining the face they make
when they try to hold back laughter,
if they put their head or their arms
through a sweater first,
and the way they shiver
when it is 23 degrees outside
and they are only wearing
a leather jacket
while drowning in a
thick red scarf.

You can fall in love.
You can fall in love.
You can fall in love.

And you will fall in love
with all of that.
 Apr 2014 Kia
 Apr 2014 Kia
In That Moonlit Night Standing In The Abaft,
Watching The Towed Flaccid Wooden Raft,
I Thought That I Saw An Angel Resting,
Lying Exhausted There In That Craft.

I Call The Girl Out Unbeknownst Of Her Kind Name,
"Hey Young Lady!!" To Which She Didn't Much Respond,
She Looked Up Towards Me Once In Anguish & Collapsed,
I See Desperation In Her Amber Eyes & Resolve To Help Her.

The Crewmen Had Now Been Doing The Paddles After Resting,
I Summon My Captain & Ask, "Do You See That Girl In The Raft?"
The Captain Now Smiles To Say, "Commodore, Better Get Married,"
I Look Just Clueless To Which He Simply Replies, "There Is No Girl."

True He Was As She Had Simply Disappeared,
I Started Thinking Of My Sleep Needs That Day,
I Looked Around Again In A Hope To Find The Girl,
I Had Compromised My Routine As The Commodore.

Then I Immediately Realized It Was My Wild Phantasm,
Now This Was Just A Plain Illusion Of A Tired Sailor's Mind,
No Mermaids Could Have Ever Existed In Reality & Were Fake,
I Turned Towards The Deck To Go Back To My Bunk For Sleeping.

As I Climbed Down The Stairs To Enter My Room Amazed & Dazed,
I Saw Her Standing And Waiting For Me By The Side Of My Bunk,
I Accepted That Delusion Of My Mind & Started To Lie Down,
She Said, "I'm As Real As Your Thoughts, Don't Fear Me."

She & I-Me & Her, Had The Best Time That Night,
In The Morning She Was Gone & Was Just Gone,
Disappeared Into Thin Air While I Was Asleep,
Each Day I So Dearly Long For Her To Return.
November 28, 2012 poem.

7 Stanzas Of A Beautiful Open-Eyed Dream Written In A Lonely Evening Reflecting Upon What I Lost Due To The May 7, 2010 Accident.

Read the entire Angel Saga by me, Atul Kaushal.

My HP Poem #19
©Atul Kaushal

I thank you all so much for the overwhelming response that this poem has received.

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