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Vanessa Marie Feb 2016
Is this reality?
The raw emotions
The oceans falling down my cheeks
As my blood flows in my veins
delicate hairs on my head
Stand on end
As lazy fingers
Grasp for answers
With no hope of reply
Fluttering eyes
Search for what is the truth
When what is sought after
Is trapped within
A cruel world of loss
Vanessa Marie Feb 2016
I look and look
But to no avail
The seasons are changing
And so is your mind
I tried and I tried
For you my loved
But you've betrayed me
Like none of your kind
Promises broken
Lies told
Holding on
Can hurt too
Vanessa Marie Jan 2016
A gold dipped world
Still decays beneath
With a grotesque air
Of loss and death
As the wars wage through
The bombings ensue
How much hate can they take
With guns to pierce their loved
What a lovely place.
Vanessa Marie Jan 2016
Oh what music
Hides behind
Such rosy puckered lips
Such sin in a smile
But the secrets kept
Cannot be seen
While we're both
Wrapped into a failing scene
Vanessa Marie Jan 2016
How sweet and stirring
Are your humble eyes
They graze my skin
Like the shore and land
And fill my lungs with
Sweet breaths of summer
Whilst perfumes of past spring flowers
Entangle my spirits
With deep serenity
Vanessa Marie Jan 2016
I felt the sun dip down
As the moon arose
And every pale streak
Of orange purple and pink hues
Clashed through my skin
And danced in my sins
Just a fun one (:
Vanessa Marie Jan 2016
How the satin essence of glowing white
blankets the chilling night
with such warmth
and such love
does the wood feel
as animals lay tonight
in a deep and peaceful slumber
caressing the deep wood
in effortless affection
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