I gave up so much for you.
My love for my job.
My love for a lot of music.
My everyday sanity when I clock in.
Just so we could talk everyday.
So you could put a smile on my face when my phone went buzz.
When I logged in so I could see your little picture say "Good Morning, how are you today?"
The littlest things I wanted, I was so willing to give up big things.
I just wanted to send you a clip of this, a sample of that.
But in return, I paid the price.
Now your little picture drives me to the bottle.
Can't stand the idea of my name in your head.
Plotting ways to escape seeing your name everyday.
But there's no way out.
And it's all your fault.
Yet, you couldn't even handle the guilt.
Poor excuse for a man.
Yet, I miss you.