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Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
Today, it is crippled with all its nerve strands, and the Man as the official heir to the throne of the evolutionary chain is weaving into itself; Who can still be alive and the victim in the grinding mill wheels of weekdays? With his scary, huge injection needles, he wounds every day like a wounded Sun - punching my face for a long time or tram in a bar-leaning shop. ***** stings, teasing spits and howling blood

stools drowned in themselves as addicted to themselves as the ultimate hopeless: expelled from their homes! But the Hearts, the proudly lion-drawn Hearts, the clean, unclean, spotless consciences: Cared for and well-kept spiritual gardens, still flutter. - Century is powerful, indomitable

crocodile-willed wake-up Jancies, diva-matrons, fleshy cups - they are leaning over flesh pots for fat snacks. On the ground, the main editors dig traps, hard-pressed piles -

there is nowhere to flee the stoic masses of despised manuscripts - There could only be at last a sounding, cymbalized human word, Chairs and sermons without preaching on Goodness, Truth, Morals, that we are one-hearted in our humanity, and we are no longer strangers!

Those who help with self-will, and with unbridled compassion, hold upon us the easy mercy of their alms. Has the development of the world begun with modern means of mass communication? Are the long-awaited fortune-tellers of immortal castles in theaters, theaters - thunderstorms - still lit?

- That's how they live downstairs: The one who swallows a lot of food is fine and spends on himself. Anyone who helps will be deliberately oblivious - the anti-horror of cultural ignorance infects everyone! "Now the world is pitifully petty and hateful." Luck dancing on the hands of pecking-down little kings, luck and honor or humanity may no longer have a shelter here - because a exploitable, grabbing marionette puppet in the delicate hands of the Man's Boys is stuck in the air of job interviews:

The gorillas gnawing at them, like the Adonis on the mallard kittens, giggled, "Mobile phone! Buy artificial nails! " - That's left! "No longer need immortal confessions on the dragon pillars of wounded-hearted sunsets, nor any universe-lovers." - no brainwashing stupid - Morals! The power of human hearts, understanding on earth, Peace in your hearts! Between the Aggastyan Mountains I stretch my bow like a bow and whisper my voice!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Abandoned harbors in cherished bays but it would be nice to return again! A vortex storm, an unnecessary reef rupture could not be a barrier in the Sea of Being! You may be able to help through a measured series of scapegoats: Good luck s Will! The gaping deep calm is often not always given this way; and I often sink as a volunteer at the cost of swearing and shame! It will not be predictable long this life path!
The learnable cross-section of my human destiny is first knotted together and then intimidated by a killing harpy Squirrels! Savior Ariadne, where are you to help? It became a perforated heart-petal, and in my chalice the eternal comet lights of the Universe also light up exceptionally! Career knives that warn you in my throat and command you to “stop” are lurking!
My cherished dreams are mowed by wounds! Breathable in purple Time-nights stretch out the veils of diamond stars over my head! In me, a face sketch is often confronted with overwhelming reality; secret, mystery and obscurity weave your careful network if you want others not to know you Really! I’m also learning lessons from rehearsals: I’m a Konok like a piece of stone thrown into the water - so I can’t afford to fall apart!
The walnut-hard Loneliness has long since found its sacrifice in me, it is just waiting for the Dear to create a garden of Eden that invites every day instead of the miserable Golgotha district! Maybe I'm afraid: Hurt the immortal edible of forbidden bodies? The laughing amazement of flirting eyes? Should we have a refreshing handshake of lady laughs, a good-tasting shake ?! - I'm not just sorry about that! With my hesitant, stumbling footsteps I communicate to an uncertain Future - I should not give up uninhabited, desires, painted dreams yet…
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
I don’t even know an impenetrable Silence will break my spiritual peace, or will it just equalize it like the language of a moving balance? Words from deep are knocking off the reefs of landlessness and they are still struggling for new goals! My closed eyes are asleep: plenty of stone blocks, even the lunar night of huge dreams falls on me! I may soon be lifeless, even on the cliffs of my mortality, the restless Nothing!
In the great current of Being, I cannot want to drift any further! As a well, I will immerse myself in selfish-stubborn growls! I really want to trust in the devotion of Redeeming Loves so that I will forget forever fear and fear; the crested waves of heart-sounds under silence stir and destroy at the same time! Through the alley of shady crypt-faces, I stumble as a shadow that is already shattering myself and I can't even find the sure way out!
Greedy and Fragile The puffing of people immediately subsides and strikes back into Nihiles Nothing! How can I stand up to the challenges of Being when Survival also comes into paid laws ?! - The star fire of bombing eyes holds me many times, it also killed my eccentric will and I died on the ladder of opportunities: into ancient mists!
In the gaping traps of annihilation, I had time to delve even further into myself! In my self-pity, in order not to lose myself once and for all, I always needed someone who was an understanding, protective Angel, who bowed his angel wings over my head. I don't know yet that I was constantly let go, but the feeling became, "I may not be absolutely alone!"
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Heart murmurs are done with the People of Golgotha! Every survivor-day is a day more scared! They know every second can count, and that they can always pluck Tomorrow! Uncertainty is also consciously terrifying our senses! Even the crisis of continuous existence that we could not learn the rules of survival enough times! We can only be perfectly free if our beating hearts rest in the arms of our Beloved and are redeemed! In every silent knocking True Pearl, a singer of a rain - like curious explorers, attracts People with unattainable post-Happiness!
In the stubborn Time, all Shadows depend and Life lives on until then, we deliberately deceive ourselves! - Sea-deep beats in the content-excited Spirit; the Desire can preserve and preserve if the eternal present star shines in the other's eyes! Forced on stairs, you step on it, even if they are constantly hooking, and by the time you get up you will realize: Your career, if it had, has long since sunk, because you have been held accountable for the blunders of others! You’re still just proud and yelling like an immature child, instead of making an exact plan!
What opportunities did you have left? When your dreams are finally shattered, you can find out all the calculated dimensions! Wolves are still troddenly selfishly snarling at you; you could be happier with every moment of happiness - even within you, a built World shakes and hurts! Your trouble: self-incense World follows the ornaments of a sensationalist, phlegm! Pessimism always takes root in your thirsty soul! In days spent waiting forever, when can you finally learn to thrive on your own and grow up to the task of staying alive?
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Life is tiring more and more tired in me: there can be no lasting way out of nowhere! My purple anxieties in my loneliness are flourishing! It would be nice to tear down the massive walls with which I deliberately encircled myself! The creepy desolation of the cellular grids, in which you can’t hold my trembling hand in my hands, dear no matter how hard the compliments try under my tongue! "In my bones a cold of the Cosmos is guarding me, and the Silence behind creation is lurking in my ear!" I will live in the cliff corner of the Universe and I will be too complicated for myself too! With his bone fingers above me, Fate knocks the beat while always watching vigilantly and making sure to hook myself up for sure bagatell nothingness!
The visions of the creep of my dreams, when chimeras step into reality - come to life! Breaking down though my willpower believed to be solid, I voluntarily failed under Moonbeam loads! In me, a big kid with an unshaven face is searching for the value of true Friendships! - The dreams of the night, although I'm not talking about it, wear out a lot! The boring weight of my monotony is growing: who can balance his created life between alley pits and thin threads at the same time as an everyday burden! - I'm still alive and that's the biggest responsibility!
I have to be careful not to inhabit my Spirit Halls in preserved emptiness! Tears of rolling through the broken windows of my eyes can walk in and out! A treasure-plaster falls from my heart, and I still can't know who will be a donor and a savior who will pick up the fallen tiles with his swan hands?!…
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
You have already been left alone in love: Foolish, in your immortal emotions, where you never had the courage or the courage to enclose you in the lap of your imagined dream lover, and comforted you with your kissing dreams. On a slightly dusty wooden table tub, your poor objects will only yawn at you: Who you once called “my sweetheart”, your only photo on a spacious map of stars if you’re still looking at a terrace from memory!

You can no longer hug her fragile swan shoulders, and she won’t be waiting for you with a charming smile under your shelter blanket while you bring her breakfast. Do you ever remember the silly moods of the beautifying ensemble years spent together?

Along with his past dreams, this too was destroyed by oblivion! It was dawn, and the icy flowers on your window, like accusing, judgmental guards, silently criticized you as your window teared bitterly in the vapors of hot air. November, now you see for the first time maybe the remaining fragment of your life fell to pieces: The fate of the two of us has turned away and maybe there can no longer be a common connection,

there are no memories or footprints left in your heart! "It was impossible!" You believe yourself, the thoughtless, milky-mouthed emotion. And yet I believed in you and supported you, who could know what we were looking for behind each other's tense heartbeats! I would have brought down a shining comet from the gloomy sky to shine on your left finger always, and in your conscience a new paradise

kingdom to be born, - it was too beautiful, I know for a long time today, and it is unbelievable that we would have appreciated each other hand in hand: Invaluable yet tiny crumb moments of our existence.
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Volatile is the greatest thing in Life, whether it’s cigarette smoke or a three-day Universe kiss! Beating heart muscles ran out of mood; every beat is stuck and slow because this rusnya World has drowned in cocoa! The stunted petals of flowers are caressed by selfish prostitution! Our dry emotions die in the silences of symphonies! The only antidote to gigolines curling women is the current cultural defiance! Prove human indispensability with unwavering faith! Present, in gorilla-brain bodies and in the hazelnut brain of bikini fairies, the taoed extent has increased!
The charm flirting with the gods would hardly affect anyone anymore! The "pig-headed lord" has become money again! "Whoever looks wolf-eyed at the monotonous fall must have been a little engaged to Death, and he has put an end to his own cowardice!" "As a man, he falls into the cavities of swirling ravines that he also has a responsibility!" It stretches like a delicate leech in the life-destroying annihilation! Their rotting, spread-legged, lustful-smart foreheads are all driving you towards the economical business! - Waving with suicidal laughter, none of them break towards new-normalcy!
Winking invites those who make a lot of mistakes to a coup! Clinging to the crumbling fence cages of finite democracies is the second ordinary citizen who dreams of America! A dazzled, deliberately deceived, imperial market: whoever has more relational influence can rightly override the diminutive things of life with arbitrary despot rights! "I should take care of the petals of stolen, sorted roses, not tear them off like wild beasts."
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Volatile is the greatest thing in Life, whether it’s cigarette smoke or a three-day Universe kiss! Beating heart muscles ran out of mood; every beat is stuck and slow because this rusnya World has drowned in cocoa! The stunted petals of flowers are caressed by selfish prostitution! Our dry emotions die in the silences of symphonies! The only antidote to gigolines curling women is the current cultural defiance! Prove human indispensability with unwavering faith! Present, in gorilla-brain bodies and in the hazelnut brain of bikini fairies, the taoed extent has increased!
The charm flirting with the gods would hardly affect anyone anymore! The "pig-headed lord" has become money again! "Whoever looks wolf-eyed at the monotonous fall must have been a little engaged to Death, and he has put an end to his own cowardice!" "As a man, he falls into the cavities of swirling ravines that he also has a responsibility!" It stretches like a delicate leech in the life-destroying annihilation! Their rotting, spread-legged, lustful-smart foreheads are all driving you towards the economical business! - Waving with suicidal laughter, none of them break towards new-normalcy!
Winking invites those who make a lot of mistakes to a coup! Clinging to the crumbling fence cages of finite democracies is the second ordinary citizen who dreams of America! A dazzled, deliberately deceived, imperial market: whoever has more relational influence can rightly override the diminutive things of life with arbitrary despot rights! "I should take care of the petals of stolen, sorted roses, not tear them off like wild beasts."
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
On the last day, your immortal incarnation was confused in my heart. I would have flown into your arms carved into a swan wing like a raging and yet silent volcanic eruption: A lava river fluttering with laziness. The university corridor was a squeezed fish canned smelter. And meanwhile the monotonous rain fell in a downpour! I look back and forth at the more infamous portraits in the history that have been served, and all the way through his cheap, heated brain tufts: I will escape from here, and you will be greeted with a set of kisses!

You bit your sponge into each other's lips like leeches, greedy carnivorous flowers in silent fulfillment, and you, already drunkenly squinting, jumped into the arms of your cavalry as a bakfis chimpanzee girl: The sober connection between your brainwaves was lost. I can't remember every detail anymore - it was so long ago! Silent, wounded tears welled up from my desperate eyes: You saw everything. And you may have felt it, yet you didn't do anything redeemable!

In the course of your raging passion, as a betrayed annihilated, I didn’t even look at you — I just started flipping through the ruins of my lost happiness: What could we two have ruined? Then you left as the ever-renewing Prometheus mermaid because the message of your kisses was stronger, your wounded, judgment-preaching heart! - No one cared about my annihilation, and I felt

that I am involved in a Janus-faced deception, and in the depths of my soul an offended scarlet-bill is burning with ever-raging frenzy! When you parted in your kisses and faced the shock, I couldn't take your flaming hands anymore - I had to consciously break up with you alone as if both rainbow keys were perforated!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Every partying party gives birth to a fanatical bachanalia! Dip their juicy stomachs into the liquid rivers of hysterical canary warblers, collagen kittens and chocolates carved with round, shaped figures and let them be immersed in lustful pleasure. If pounding belief proves to be a burden, and the fate that can be taken over, will force the babysitters into handcuffs, they will soon exchange their emotions and the ******* will be made vulnerable by love!
Carrying the One-Choice in the Loyalty Hall of Hearts is still harder than going to bed with cultured stallions in a variety of ways every day! Fairy person s and commonplace furies in one person are also prima donna; friendly-acquaintance phrases are only offered to break-up businessmen or bored billionaires!
Whose heart is a donor, an invaluable treasure like a coral island forced to exist in the interest-driven jungles of big cities! Life cannot provide its own coniferous plans if the other does not dare! The idea of goodness is revealed today instead of helping us in it! In a self-destructive closed-shell, one can only remain oneself until he listens to the Deficiency! Fracture symmetry is also increasingly lacking due to formal deficiencies!
The selfishly terrified person seems unprotected! - It is difficult for the profiteers to transfer to the secret frequency of human wavelengths! Exaggerated, confidential contacts can further damage the wise experience!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
A self-grinding thought of a hesitant train at night; only the Heart can guess the eternal secrets! He clings to the infinite desire of the Universe in hopes of kissing, and the desire for a sparkling phenomenon dissipates in the sadness of Finality! We are full of Eternity and as a pure contradiction we lie to ourselves! The blade edge of Kanganó Time boldly cuts off its possibilities for aspirants, and in the crossfires of lost gazes you will find the only precious Treasure hard to find!
Even so, our existence is a flutter of fire, a creation of fire-flame; we want to rise and rescue from the ground with will! In extended tranquility, it would be so good to relax even to slip into endless seas! I would accustom my heart to joy if I still had, and if my friends, who believed me eternal, could stay by my side in my difficult times! On the collapsing wall of Being and non-being hangs the renewing Being by the swirling Nihil-nothing; where will the coffees of Grace stay then ?! Frozen Solitude as melted darkness settles on the inner self to proliferate the Apocalpic culture!  
You should learn to trust again in a rainbow of joy! The feasible could still be dreamed back into the waves of reverie, and in the immeasurable night the broken Plans can only be understood by your immortal Beloved as a nurse wishing to rock! You would be wondering more and more about the holy moment for Someone to be saved from this earthly hell where you have always been left with a pathetic shipwreck! Don't let Maya's veil tempt you once and for all and bring her to death
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Curled up in a sweltering darkness, in a half-cut pretzel, an eternal-child man chuckled innocently! His superstitious sweetheart was desperately trying to calm the heartbeat of a harassing volcano! The sweaty pearls of his skin testified instead; like an orphaned little child moaned so that the vicissitudes of his wounded soul could be heard! "The universe-feeling *** guest play with its lily-bodied lily body on balmy scorching nights was the immortal Dear as a Mother babushed her teddy bear boyfriend growing up in Eve's costume, and she didn't mind if the all-pervading honesty fell to the surface!"
In the twinkling moonlight, they fell asleep side by side, even in their allegiance, innocent and heart-touching children, who became one in the protection of selfless caring love! Her raven-black hair fell on the petal face of her sweetheart, and her audible rest was soaked by her babbling heart; his apple face shines in caressing whiteness so many times he was open to kissing and the hesitant knight had to concentrate strongly, in the heat of their immortal lips, to be able to breathe evenly!
When they wake up together with forgiving mischief, they wash away: they cherish our nasty, naive-childish secrets! Their faces: An open hollow wound in which it is as if they are both looking in a mirror, the heart-touching and eternal minutes of the night that has happened shine! - Romantic emotions were not forced to their knees by lies or overwhelming interest! “Like a conscious shadow born of a snow-white wall — apple-white-pounding heartbeats in silence!” Two soul-petal rooms opening into each other
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
I should take a lesson from resignation. Then, with a fresh start, I could continue my self-pity Calvary. I’ve had so much tangle, deliberate filth hung on boards as a target, like dropping, valuable prey for the hunter! "It should have been realized sooner that revolving luck is always on the side of profitable, mitigating and consciously avoiding the simple, humble helpless!" And the chains of bonds - if really strong and indestructible - will never be torn! Yet out of a begging drop of hope, a precious piece of crumb remains in the yard of the heart! Now the stars are getting blacker and blacker.

Sunless is wrestling murderously, unfriendly with the sun. A lot of meaningless consolation is still more than no one visiting the patient! How good it would be to calm down in your mother's lap to find comfort here, to seize a new opportunity! To recharge with Hope - fear has grown my spiky bushes and I only move out when absolutely necessary! And no one can hurt you!

What we said to each other's hearts; breaking the barriers of inhibitions, bubbling tears of wounds out of ourselves, we considered rich and purely just the words of our hasty youth and only unbroken, real emotions! "And yet, when I stared at the earthy, halo copy of your face at the speed of light at the speed of light, your smile immediately electrified, and now the end-bump is in the swamp."
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
I should take a lesson from resignation. Then, with a fresh start, I could continue my self-pity Calvary. I’ve had so much tangle, deliberate filth hung on boards as a target, like dropping, valuable prey for the hunter! "It should have been realized sooner that revolving luck is always on the side of profitable, mitigating and consciously avoiding the simple, humble helpless!" And the chains of bonds - if really strong and indestructible - will never be torn! Yet out of a begging drop of hope, a precious piece of crumb remains in the courtyard of the heart! Now the stars are getting blacker and blacker.

Sunless is wrestling murderously, unfriendly with the sun. A lot of nonsensical consolation is still more than if no one is visiting the patient! How good it would be to calm down in your mother's lap to find comfort here, to seize a new opportunity! To recharge with Hope - fear has grown my spiky bushes and I only move out when absolutely necessary! And no one can hurt you!

What we said to each other's hearts; breaking up the barriers of inhibitions, bubbling tears of wounds out of ourselves, we considered it rich and purely just the voices of our hasty youth and only unbroken, real emotions! - And yet, when I stared at the earthy, halo-copy of your face on a bamboo with the power of the speed of light, your smile immediately electrified and now the end-bump is in the swamp.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Female Eden smiles sparkle toward my wounded Soul; in the depths of my purple heart, tamed monsters purr obediently! In the jungle of my dreams, I remember the superstitious play of mischievous eyes laughing at the subconscious night inside! His eyelashes fluttered gracefully like the wing-dance of night butterflies; the earthly, classic Beauty flew like a pillar! My empty evenings are buzzing around wasp stars! I never tore up the superstitious fruits of forbidden gardens, but I wanted to caress them kindly!
I was attacked by jealous, flame-burning Cherubim who could only flirt overnight with the immortal crumbs of Happiness while wasting the treasures of the beautiful Universe! "Lions and tigers farm under our gardens, while deep-seated beasts are waiting for their prey!" How can we stay again Humans if in this Age of barbaric usa the idiot Stupidity alone thrives ?!
The sadness of the passing Being is therefore torn to us at every moment and the cranky Time is mercilessly swept away! "I'm a spark, and yet Alien forces can smash it at any time!" Yet my soul embraces the changing Universe and vibrates with it for a single beat! Space statelessness often rumbles over me and makes me account! Can all finite human stories be heard, or are celebrities just remembered ?! - Graffiti crashing into a sensation-hungry society!
The stimuli of escapes in the soul must have already infected the deeds of the Prophets! The phlegmatic stupid indifference is grouped into unconditional reflexes.
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
Female Eden smiles sparkle toward my wounded Soul; in the depths of my purple heart, tamed monsters purr obediently! In the jungle of my dreams, I remember the superstitious play of mischievous eyes laughing at the subconscious night inside! His eyelashes fluttered gracefully like the wing-dance of night butterflies; the earthly, classic Beauty flew like a pillar! My empty evenings are buzzing around wasp stars! I never tore up the superstitious fruits of forbidden gardens, but I wanted to caress them kindly!
I was attacked by jealous, flame-burning Cherubim who could only flirt overnight with the immortal crumbs of Happiness while wasting the treasures of the beautiful Universe! "Lions and tigers farm under our gardens, while deep-seated beasts are waiting for their prey!" How can we stay again Humans if in this Age of barbaric usa the idiot Stupidity alone thrives ?!
The sadness of the passing Being is therefore torn to us at every moment and the cranky Time is mercilessly swept away! "I'm a spark, and yet Alien forces can smash it at any time!" Yet my soul embraces the changing Universe and vibrates with it for a single beat! Space statelessness often rumbles over me and makes me account! Can all finite human stories be heard, or are celebrities just remembered ?! - Graffiti crashing into a sensation-hungry society!
The stimuli of escapes in the soul must have already infected the deeds of the Prophets! The phlegmatic stupid indifference is grouped into unconditional reflexes.
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Female Eden smiles sparkle toward my wounded Soul; in the depths of my purple heart, tamed monsters purr obediently! In the jungle of my dreams, I remember the superstitious play of mischievous eyes laughing at the subconscious night inside! His eyelashes fluttered gracefully like the wing-dance of night butterflies; the earthly, classic Beauty flew like a pillar! My empty evenings are buzzing around wasp stars! I never tore up the superstitious fruits of forbidden gardens, but I wanted to caress them kindly!
I was attacked by jealous, flame-burning Cherubim who could only flirt overnight with the immortal crumbs of Happiness while wasting the treasures of the beautiful Universe! "Lions and tigers farm under our gardens, while deep-seated beasts are waiting for their prey!" How can we stay again Humans if in this Age of barbaric usa the idiot Stupidity alone thrives ?!
The sadness of the passing Being is therefore torn to us at every moment and the cranky Time is mercilessly swept away! "I'm a spark, and yet Alien forces can smash it at any time!" Yet my soul embraces the changing Universe and vibrates with it for a single beat! Space statelessness often rumbles over me and makes me account! Can all finite human stories be heard, or are celebrities just remembered ?! - Graffiti crashing into a sensation-hungry society!
The stimuli of escapes in the soul must have already infected the deeds of the Prophets! The phlegmatic stupid indifference is grouped into unconditional reflexes
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Only laughter is cherished and preserved by the eye! A good, hearty, mischievous little laugh! The prayers of griefs, of pearls clutched in melancholy, The bleeding soul keeps shut, and we consciously fear to show Our vulnerability to our loved ones! In the walled, honeyed skies, The graceful heart-shadow hides; Like a mouldy cloak a shadow sings, at our backs! In our dizzy world there is less and less responsibility!

Like the blood from a vulnerable locust-body, something conscious oozes from me, instinct fearful of all that I feel and want to believe! Doubt and despair keep on teasing and dividing me! My boyish anguish is all gone, In a robe of stolen laughs I rather willfully weep! - The sordid layers of the unknown, wicked Future are gradually laid upon me!

The assembled biology of my body is threatened with a clattering, timed death! - The cunning, insidious supremacy of the well-informed has long since left me wanting: it would be fitting to scrape together the ruins of courage within myself, so that I may be able to Will and survive as a Man in an unknown existence! In a shower of boiling tongues of boiling catacombs, boiling in a shower of pissy bargains and betrayals, already indebted to assured career advances! The pouting vice of disguises Seems to be embodied in bargaining, selfish interests; The fierce, bickering vultures with murderous grins The bickering war of the Hienae, The bickering Mooching wars of the vultures, Drive to playable naivety!

The foolish ***** of my disadvantages! I wonder when we shall learn the selfless laws of man again, so that we may see the essence through the veneer of superficiality!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
It only cherishes laughter and keeps the eye! A good-hearted, heart-wrenching naughty laugh! The prayers of sorrow, beads of treasure trapped in the humility, are kept closed by the bleeding soul, and we are consciously afraid to show our vulnerability to our loved ones! The grimy heartbreak is hidden in the brilliant, dark skies; in a moldy coat sings a shadow behind us! There is less and less responsibility in our dazed world!

As a vulnerable locust body, blood is leaking from me, something that is conscious, instinctively afraid of everything I feel and want to believe! Doubt and despair keep hugging and sharing! In the digestion of my little boy's anxiety, in the robe of stolen laughter, I tend to cry deliberately! - Layers of polluting the unknown, dumb Future are gradually loading on me!

The ordered biology of my body is threatened with a clicking, timed death! "Well-aware, your charming, insidious superiority has long been a shortage of me: it would be a good idea for myself to scrape the ruins of bravery to enable me to remain an unknown being and to remain human!" ***** bargains and betrayals in the boiling tongue of boiling tongues, which is already a debt of secured career promotions! The stinging stench of deceit seems to be embodied in self-serving interests; fierce, poisonous vultures with murderous-grin The poignant wandering war of hyenas is playable naive!

Foolishness of my disadvantages! When will we be able to re-learn human selfless laws so that we can see the essence on the plaster of superficial things ?!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I watched her! He was there every day and stared with enchanting roe deer eyes, and there she always stepped one step in front of me, as if he were secretly leaning towards me: he was leaning gently on me with his amber curls and wishing for shelter beside me! "There's always some cracked vulnerability left!" The stern eyeballs were also amarra: Execution squads, murderers, examined the unfortunate speaker, while in his awkwardness he failed, failed, or somehow went down. "But where might He have looked, where did a burst of nimble clouds step?"

In the emptied and worn summer maturation, his cold and warm atmosphere stretched his temper. Only loneliness is what left me with loyalty, as an acquaintance. Where a camp of preachers aged in the valley-cauldron of mountain giants represents moral values, as in their words faithful orator-prophets represent Unity daily!

They look right and left and I can only examine why the troubled emotion could be completely ruined in short-minute shards, once it stumbled in front of the door of our hearts ?! "And how long will it be possible for us to conquer each other's indifferent lips with immortal kisses?"

We don't even know anymore! But from the dense image obscurity of memories, we often weep back the Eden drops of our still bitter love: Maybe our perforated wound hearts can be successfully divided and filled in a single moment? Maybe it just doesn’t matter just the thought?
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
I relied on my self-pity, my spasmodic despair, my rigid hesitation. I went to cover in front of all-seeing eyes, behind the stinky and contagious clouds of toilets, to the homeland of sticky dirt! I understood the solitude of the chipses bags crouching on the ground, the silent boycott of shrunken cola bottles: when I was a sick little child, I didn't want to get out of the cherishing shelter of beds!

The toilet, the dirt, the dirt, the filthy swear words together as a sworn enemy against me, none would have helped: ,, Fear not! Keep your head up! Go further! - I can guarantee it; was the skewering action of the innocent, our main catch. I am a loser adolescent! I can count on my doubts, I dream in the silence that carries the Universe - my cell room is silent, lousy-cold!

"How did the tormenting whips let the sufferer live for a while?" - Come on, come on! Vengeful, stubborn hatred flashed richly from their hyena teeth, and they spat out like infected, and strangers used to! "I should wake up permanently from the Night of the Nightmares!"

Insanely, like crazy, I talk to myself, to myself! An orphaned gaze comforts me - on the cosmic bridge of stars in the throbbing night I imagine: And it doesn't come towards me no, it helps, just the sound of a squirrel cheers, comforts! Uninterrupted in my cogwheels: I don't see a forest of open air from proliferating thorn weeds, tarragon bushes!

And I'm afraid that Hope will only be temporarily bribed as a negotiated travel companion!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
I'm a sore bunch of meat in the tidy mess! I would wake up from the daze if I could - someone will always be by my side! My brain is constantly filled with disturbing memory; sparkling self-awareness can often help you come up with more ideas! - Transient nothingness in the night and yet where the deserved pleasure of the Universe can make a nest, the immortal moment elevates to itself! They are attacked by bitter cold winds and the cheerful sun heat only permeates their heart-smiles!
The plucked lashes of the wind wave my face with their icy breath; in the smoothing of its water, the cold lack of Being often shines! Does everyone who became eligible for Death at birth fatten Human Death as a cancer ?! - Even now it transforms Experience s Time; deep well stars are blinking in my eyes could only come Someone who really wants to get to know me! A frozen dawn is shaken by my confession: "Do I have to cry out to the depths to be taken seriously ?!"
The footprint of Loyalty-Sworn Loves can still be discovered in the ashes of rock blocks and snail shells! The shakiness of Finality torments you many times! In every waking dream I try my selfish Death; after tomorrow, no more laurels can be created for me, and the happiness that can be found does not drop its only petals for me either! One could already silence my anxiety that surrounded me on my apostate days; where neither star nor light penetrates the primordial bottom of my ignorance: when can I rise again so that I can learn to believe in myself ?!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
When I look at my pathetic, chubby, anti-body, reddish spheres glistening on my face - something strange desolation flies over me and settles on me. Why couldn't I be worthy of you? - are you asking this? How could I have built a glass palace for you from the tears of my pure, hopeful heart? I would just sit with a sure, warming awareness that your angelic being fills all the essentials, and while our two hands: A kindly watchful swan hand intertwine their dreams with my oak and rugged hands.

Now, with a stifled, bitter, self-hatched mood, I think of how you ended up on the island of desire of your dreams, and I stay here now like a lost person left in the woods, whose heart is bleeding from several wounds! My intellect is now still weak with pity and broken will for your pity, and he begs: Oh! How much I wanted to whisper only to you, softly and softly,

so that only your fairy-ears can confidently listen to my secrets, all that is sweetened, attracted like an electromagnet to you. you stood before me and bewitched me with your unquenchable desire, always my tutyimutyi mood, and I tried to feed my fire consciously, boldly, so that the proud and one-time cop of our passions would never go out,

juror chained to the kisses of your love like a prisoner, and I couldn’t, in my desperate, vulnerable pain, even give up on you forever! "At that time, they're still guarding with roaring light, staring at my dreams with rhinestones." I would run away if I could but I am with you in your mind too!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
Tiny ***** hairstyle and a pair of pensive bamboo-calf eyes: That's all we can observe at first! My wounded and squandered prepubertal years, the unarmed lion claw battles of adolescence. The gliding ghost and mourning robe of family therapy clinicians exposes the fluctuations of moods, the cherished mood pessimism!

Her hamster-tucked son as he poses in a Latin suit for graduation is consoling in the lens of research cameras. - The immeasurable glamor of a beautiful writer after a chosen love is a flattering romantic charm in one of the back seats, because he has always dreaded the front seats and the competitive strigulation of performance! And finally, the destructive, haughty day of atomic radiation on class trips, while the bikini sisters might even comfort you!

I believed in myself that I didn't need more - and maybe I could have had a more saved, decent life if I had let and allowed the immortal Emotion to be chained! Desperate sorrow still carries its grace selfishly - the conscience of my life, the confident Brave's courage could not have been mine, and now that our age is morally submerged in filth, and empty in the knowledge of vertebrates, it is even harder to live a real life, recognizing true values. under the sun!

In the end of culture, it would be so good if instead of hysterical plaza kittens, delicate wildcats, and blonde cyclones: Angel-women, deer-eyed fairies who like compliments and romantic confessions would rejoice in the happiness felt by the existing soul.
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Gaggling gaggles are bluffing, and they can imagine being immersed in screens in five-minute positions; they burst like imaginary greats with low IQ! They're shrewd! Navel peeps and self-appointed snowmobile self-propelled! “They maniacally print little-known relationships as they turn from *** lovers to consolations! The World puffing on stilts stands for hijackers of hope!
The pumpkins of grandparents swim like yellow rotting fruit in the buzzing idiocy! S rhinoceros-brain gorillas boldly stab their fangs while it lasts a night of artificial seance! Only the suddenly attacked lizard millionaires and fake Predators still bask in the golden sands! For every other livelihood, an enduring creature is dying with its wind-lined wind cramps exploding daily into an arrogant phlegm-like!
World-beautiful mermaids also all pass out; thirsty intellect has already escaped the conversion and another stumpy **** is being made in electric brains! Man stands as a selfish carnivorous pond and the Executioner's Time Index also returns! The constantly functioning Brain is constantly shrinking and cannot feed more Estonians; the outrageous free thinking thickens on a pinhead! Airborne dirt poisons the drying up possibilities!
In the lap of lasting Peace before Man, the suddenly attacked, crowded camp of penniless caresses clings to, while thinking intellectuals can shovel fu… diligently after others!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
For a lifetime, I have deliberately fled from you, the ruthless carrier of my cowardice: Vulnerable fear! You have haunted me every day with the intention and orphan tears of end of the world to surely win your victorious battles against me; lately, I have managed to hide from you many times, and you, as a hard-working killer-hand, have always been away - and you have found it!
You stabbed your willful spikes in my heart forever and prepared to be an innocent victim in the jungle of revenge!
I already know you well! And yet I did not collapse: your confusing campaign with the uncertain Future could not succeed! Disgust s
Indifference competes with each other if I just feel it and I want to get out of you by all means! I would cry with a voice and sobb I would drop my falling Pearls of Truth if I knew I could alleviate the wounded presence of my grief; Why do you have to keep up with you all the time? I will not give myself to you! And you better remember: lost dogs can snarl at my life and then even you are threatening me all the time?
I prepare for you and if I could stand by me Someone who would squeeze my sweaty hands in sweat during self-marching demons and hear his attentive Angel voice: “I am by your side! I'll never leave you!" "I could dream of Happiness in the blinding uninhabited Land of Darkness!" "In the midst of destruction, you were a predatory, bloodthirsty hyena: you marched at my hesitant soul, and you could be full, but if I could find the Companion, who would still embrace me with eternal fidelity and wouldn't let me down every day so that the content of My Being could be fuller!"
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The Universe's balmy blood molecules, its invigorating growl, are fading. Two loving hearts beating as one are echoing secretly even silently in the stifled silence. Like a glass, a zealous, greedy Being, like tiny glass beads on the sacred surface of waters, s form rings of years from solid, advanced thoughts to a massive imagination! The dusk-dark purple cloak of the descending, like the blood-red holy drink of the Gods, embraces the bodies of immortal loves with a petal touch! "You know, they're still asleep awake, and yet the benign, buzzing dream sickness gently surprises them with their aimless deception!"
They can no longer see each other in the confessional mirrors of superstitious moments - but two sentient souls who, as the bride of their secret vows, have forever engaged the Universe among themselves! The darkness is knocking from the outside, approaching, and from the chasm of shadow-depths a new candle light is still guarded by a happy-satisfied gaze on the radiant unwillingness; they also gift each other’s pleasures like this!
- Intoxication and torture seem to be tensed and washed in harmony, even as the ice melts! They can only trust themselves and hope! In my horror-filled soul, the hurricane voice of horrible, raging despair deafens and destroys even the fragments of my common sense! Apocalyptic storms have long taught us a human lesson: "Be afraid of anyone who only hurts or speaks to you!" "The handcuffs of my incidents surround me!"
The light of laughing Executioner lightnings shines in unison and sinks deep into the cell! With a trembling mouth, I wanted to murmur a prayer for True-Faithful Love! His doomsday trombone freezes my beautifying words of compliment into my shipwrecked soul. Closed with my miserable misery, I listen to the bloodthirsty groans of my often pounding, perforated heart as a final judgment: where could I have mistaken my broken life?!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In the loneliness of the four walls deliberately fenced, he is unknowingly attracted to a dream: my breath rumbles in and out like a hammering heart rhythm disorder of hero lovers; tiny finely tactile swan hands search the chested jungle hair of their chests, even with the curious diligence of the dear-loving head of the Dear tender lily, he is constantly searching to beat many millirads of diligent, pumping blood molecules pounding for him!
We murmur cherishing, little secrets into each other's ears, we call each other even with immortal tenderness! We talk to each other through secret, telepathic channels; our breathing heartbeat, which can be safely guessed from the superstitious music of the gaze-filled flirtation movements, can complement one another! In our love nest, even boredom is evolving, saturated with new content!
Gradually, a consciously composed emotion-catharsis spiced with romance is embedded in our flesh: inside and out, we gossip with well-intentioned naturalness like lurking little animals, watching where the other half disguises itself in unearthly sacred beauty! - As a re-created Phoenix miracles, we still rotate in the fertile desires of fertility on the scales and petals of true pearls! We greet each other in each other's immortal radiant eyes!
The superstitious sight of sunlight makes our childlike souls, even in our innocence, mature! In this tyrannical, shattering world, we would expect secured redemption from each other so that we could no longer tremble in the yawning, gaping clutches of tomorrow
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
In my heart, the clicking, dropped beat of your golden heart will remain for life: something you could still be justifiably proud of today! In your vicinity, I feel, again, a child can be left shipwrecked, my dear soul, and I don’t have to hide if I want them to see my true self! Our expanding distances between each other seem to not even exist - they only bring us closer to the wedding of the Earthly Universes of immortal buds!
My fossilized memories like well-meditated muscles preserve the ashes-tender sketches of your superstitious, angelic body! And while I often see from the captivity of mirrors that I am graying and balding from the ever-galloping Time, your winged creature is reflected in me! The army of killer lymphocytes in Ordas-destroying snowstorms is growing in my blood molecule and you can stay away from me and be by my side because your work, which constantly requires glow and creativity, cannot tolerate the formulas of loose dilectantism!
My kid's heart longs for a harbor, a proud rock of your proud lap, while your cosmos shortage fills you up! Surrounding me are the ever-insidious spikes of small worm-tongues: let the Hermit-Alien also learn the servile order! My sense of defiance calling for flags is fairly angry with very many of them; sincerely disguised as useless with their promises led and deceived instead of real job opportunities! - In the sleepless craters of my eyes, the laughter of tear-stars for hesitant-secret joys shines even with a persistent flag!
On their sun-faced mornings, I could still write in your heart to bloom the Garden of Eden field, but only if you think of me!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Like a neck-thief, falling with razor-hands razor-sharp buttocks Death to the throbbing chambers of my heart; to discard the impending Execution and repeated daily for eternity In tomorrow, the trampling story will become more and more like a murderous hair! With the nauseating vomiting of vomiting in numbers like a hanging rag doll - on a strangling rope, I tension into the ******* of the present moments and I can't understand: how far have I been able to survive when I needed Friends to help me with the laws of survival?
I am troubled and offended in the Present: Those who have made good jokes out of my peculiar eccentricity will carve me out because I will again hide from the target of their envious and petty eyes! "As a testifying fugitive, it was my scapegoat's sin to leave the brainwashed, burning lines early!" - In vain did their hyena teeth, their jackal nails being smashed against me by crushing parasites against each other, revenge-thirsty, word-of-mouth hussars: I rebelled and in me against the eternal Child who was craving humanity and would have bowed to Differential Compromises!
Even between scander-brains, gorilla-biceps, and hand-bandaged mouths, the wiser Man may not have enough to bake to escape the exaggerations of hellishly cultivated Idiots that carve a gallows to undermine the independent, valuable personality of the thinking individual! For perhaps he will come even when the fallen Man wished he could learn from his mistakes with discreet responsibility, and not only could he have had a cracked mouth — he would not bow to the waterfowl, holy as a compromising birch tree, they would respond to spider minds with witnessing redemptive reason!
Norbert Tasev Aug 27
I wonder what it will be like in the future, standing in the ring of what can be called polite handshakes believed to be respected, among the profane self-seeking attempts, groping glances, when everyone already thinks they can do whatever they want. While the inner soul sheds its rain-smelling crocodile tears and finally moves out of this earthly existence?!

After repeated compliments, the sole, insidious goal of which is the all-encompassing bed scene, the unconditional culmination of Everything. Even the golden and heroic ages - if they existed - are exalted only out of habit.

Among the raging daily grind and inhuman hunger wages, what will the miserable life of forty-year-olds, which they tried to scrape together for themselves, be like one day?! – What kind of cast will there be among the familiar faces?!

Again and again, everyone repeats the pathetic dog comedy around themselves for their own petty and hypocritical amusement. Self-important, boasting, and licking Alamus *****, he climbs the donkey ladder, jumping over the curses of successful and unsuccessful generations of donkeys.

And each of the babies stares at him, bewildered, in a barrage of brainwashed obsessions. Will the earthly metamorphosis of the vulnerable, human-smelling calvary and immortal lovers be recognisable? A cosmic comet-sphere beaming in the rose-scented holy glow of dawn, which got stuck halfway and then finally fell to earth?

Can we still find our way after so many self-inflicted, painful disappointments? In the manner of obsessed emotional frenzies, we even cling to the last straws, which we once approached with a humble heart!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Others even now only laugh, while your self-pitying triumph slowly collapses and buries you under yourself! Blinding narcissism may haunt the luxurious pink-mask syrupiness of tabloid media, and today, even the self-conceited halal scientists, the planning suicides, are not asked on the wise altars of tolerance: would it have been better to know psychological processes or the chaos formula of brain convolutions?! - Every exibitionist, superficial moment flirts with illusion; the onion skin of the human soul is still always on itself, while the number of days is bargained with itself as a freeloader!

Our pressed confessions of love are often lacking in self-satisfying, passionate romance. Mutual congratulations in an evening of spotlight and rainbow that lasts until midnight hold traps and murderous daggers for each other! Lost in the midst of so many muffled grins, even solidly-supported reality is scrubbed by reversed, pathetic, grotesque roles! On made-up faces like wax-glowing larvae shine fake-measuring emotions and emotions! While the common man queues for autographs, clinging to Golgotha-ridden friendships!

In the hopes of his bogus expectations - honest-to-God friendships - it is a pity to cling on running; it is impossible to escape the arrogant, phlegmatic slogans of publicity - all the falsehoods of the past can be further fixed! Chocolate left out in the sun, like the exaggerated tanning-bed orange-skin, soon melts and is ruined! - Every filling-heart seems to crack sooner or later, when surrounded by rings of sincerity!
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
With Seherezade desires, cherished human-centered fairy tales, we believed and deceived ourselves: We instilled the instincts of our senses, our internal biology, and our brains clung to us as oat-executing, executioner sympathies and protections.

It was easy to catch the inquisition of examinees: The daily temptation of suicides. To imagine the misery of knowledge, imaginative promotion and our brains, devouring madness, and to imagine ourselves as some redeeming, Dalmatian, crusader! - My friend, how are we today? - We exist as a sticky, slimy, sticky syrup,

clinging to our bodies with sponge stubbornness, lost morality hangs from our shoulders like an old law: There is no responsible, forward-looking role model, a personality for whom you would give up your life as a pawn - and if you speak responsibly and still have humanity, you dare to persevere, persevere, The strings are on you. And almost every nerve has exploded: they are not threatening - this is not their style! Only

they **** and oblige. Are you a no-man's eye? She's in a dogfight! ” “And yet our intact and rotating fortune lies at the waist of coffins in one fell swoop. How long can the washing pace of your washing machine heart, the pigeon sermons of modern tyrants, endure the murderous pace tired of working twelve hours?

And is there still an honest and uncompromising deceiver with immortal conviction? - Here too, an “omniscient” Jani scientific janissary to the news - they all roar one-wheeled truths in people’s ears, - they think they like it in the images of conscious saviors because they weren’t sluggish and made Spanish wax a commodity. It is in my interest to greedy for power here with greed: And with murderous insatiability he loosely shatters all future refuge. This is how our enemy became our most direct friend and neighbor -

and our destiny to serve the Adonis Monkey Choirs! Or in the depths of our souls, free moral will can still show new paths, and our ******* is rocked only in the lap of our love: for new prophetic words, immersed in the pleasures of sure redemption. And I don't care what the bigger smart people say.
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
The afternoon dream, as a selfish, inner corridor, always connects the deep dissolution, the remorse that begins to take root! The hell-fatigues of daily cramps torment the formula of a writhing-throbbing body! On the catacomb pitfalls of awake consciousness, the man of Sisyphus easily falls! It is guarded by a hidden, childish creature that is also deliberately hidden by the shade of balsamic sunlight! As an eccentric passenger of a spiritual shuttle, Nirvana's flower gaze is strained by Man every day!
Slowly, you can only thrive in a world of tumbled tabloid shows! In declining days, it would have been better to weave butterflies from rainbow butterflies and preserve the Hearts of Loyalty as silk of throbbing petals! "In the colorful collection of button-pounding, wretched miserable, modest cabbage butterflies are drawn just like the traitors!" The mind, like a hot volcano, is constantly swallowing, grinding the weight of our thoughts to itself, as the waste **** is already accumulating in all of us!
Magma under construction is in danger of explosion! You've tensed to gnashing your teeth so far, when they're just tossing you with curse words and unworthy deeds! "We should be weightless in the air, even when others are chained!" Being, as a faulty, eternal restraint, devours itself in moderation! Weekly swallowing tolerance is already a nasty refraction: in the craters of your ears, silence drums at melancholy beats!
Your creature trembles, panting, while your rattling machine brain is already clicking! We explain the neck-breaking hairpin bends of our lives with the traps of our own traitor! A weak, hesitant toddler in a watchful pear light always took me aside
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Our fallen footsteps are hesitant! He is always behind us and can hardly find the eternal no-arrival! Judgment also sounds honest in your language, because whoever could learn to walk once will break his leg with insidious intent! The fall of knocking True Beads nails to the landscape while the pitfalls pull towards the depths of spiral swirls!
Invisible scratches hurt my budding, exploring eyes: invisible veins of fidelity! Bruising in the incised sinus! The moon's eyes are also a flashing yellow ulcer!
Brutally tearing proud, poisonous precious artificial nails on this earthly night from butterflies to a swinging fairy! In a single spasm, the body trembles naturally! "That's how our unfolded lives bleed by punching ourselves!" Our feet hesitate to stand on the truthful pieces of our broken ****** stumps! We should still reach the worlds of Atlantis that are immersed in ourselves on the backs of tamable waves! In our souls, hissing to himself, an angry sower stands clean, alone! He deeply condemns the superficial indifference of today's world, the fame of being famous for five minutes!
Our instincts will be overwhelmed as soon as possible! With his argument, Death is slowly felt; from the deserted body of our lovers, the hope of a new Life can hardly be born
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
And when one sins a little and falls into sin: He gurgles chocolates down his throat with unauthorized methods, giving one-person cakes the ultimate honor of such sublime and sublime passions as being in love! To become one: Flour, water, eggs with an immortal yet metaphorically changing dough body, mouth-watering, bohemian distillates, can be created for rebirth! - One can and feels conceived, the subtle, superstitious details do not yet form - only at the cost of hard work -

the whole and thus the re-created Universe is sanctified: A bite of only tastes, smells, and thoughts - a redeeming noble task: To rename people into unity, a common wavelength, if possible!

In the rumen of abundance in the furnace, on the wedding bed of flame-caves, the flame gave birth to millions: diligent yeasts again, they could recreate even man-made dough. How many uplifting and special miracles does it hold, and how many more can the waiting, the well-deserved fruit of our patience, unfold?

And how the dough shape fills and swells: it resembles the condition of blessed mothers, while its waistline increases in a curved curvature, and it is exciting, as if only the Sun was caressing. You see, there will be plenty of good, and the dated universe will be carefully highlighted, with due maternal tact; be careful not to crack your existing cartilage,

and they are dressed in a heavenly garment of sifting powdered sugar, which is falling like snow, and it sweetens as many tiny ***** of true pearls as the sieve sifts! "We're still waiting with a scurrying worried stomach." In the attic of our mouth, in the meantime, the charm and the fried bride were served directly to our table!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
The order of power has long been established in the world! The One should have been protected from the dangers lurking in it; in the depths of his soul he is still quite stubborn, defenseless! As an exposed, orphaned child, all his pathetic pain was already felt inside: the stigma slogans of serial humiliations, terrorsita threats, as well as the permission of the majority to be ******! His dream sediment, his filthy gossip, would keep him awake, and yet he would always wake him up!
Troubled forgetful killer-accomplices also betrayed their Comrade Loyalty, and in the crossfire of trusting gazes there was always a series of body anxiety and self-confidence shrinkage! The same hardly forgettable complicity can be found in joke-telling; there is also a festive, ceremonial intimacy among the humiliating beatings, and with their sacrifices bleeding during murderous-joking awakenings, they grinned on their lips with a hyena grin on their lips! "I'll change my little fingers three times before I cling to them!" I would still be stuck in a chubby wall stuck in a mousetrap if I left it still!
The touching series of chatter-stumbles is repeated several times a day; my little track bothering is already pathetically disappointing at the same time! Where do they have preservable, eternal Friendships who could once be counted on?! Selfish error rates have already skyrocketed! It is still easier to smile on the side of all-time superiority than to make suggestions for changes! - You can consciously suspect traps who are seduced by the underworldly smell of gigs: nowhere's whims can be defended even more easily if the methods provided are taught! Someone upstairs is still having a great time…
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
It would have been good to be tired from behind the expanding back of Times just to watch the nesses of the creeping vibrations! My worried fears Sisyphus chubby sat right on my face! Waste of time evokes the past even when we have deliberately fled the escaped distances! Light mercy also feeds on silent contemplations! There are many times sobbing beeps in my child's soul! It is still lucky to cling to knocked shreds with both hands!
Killing silence repeatedly calls to himself, "Do it, because it may be too late tomorrow!" "Expelled, fearful Loneliness in my aging, anxious members, and I am afraid that the eternal Beloved, who has given me shared, throbbing heartbeats, will never know me again!" "White sweaty, superstitious sunlight first scans, then loses its strange rings in the cracks of my face: something very strange is happening now!"
As a strangled embers, proud mundane romances would still be on fire; as successful prey-sneakers, lowly net throwers shrink their teeth! - In my silences, the echo sounds doubled, and even now I don't feel all my organized thoughts fluttering, and it's getting harder and harder to find their real place! The presses that create desires have all turned against me too! Executioner-Time-grated straitjacket is waiting for human lives to be wasted! They are called by the tiny, treasure worlds of nothingness and all memories of a sizzling, snow-capped door slam; if you call your conscience you often back down in front of your face - back is rarely listened to!
The connection of known beings was made up of petty nuances of silences! Being only three steps away, if I dare - they would break up if I let them be small-style grabs!
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The stripped-down, monologues are already without costumes: bare prison cages without mattresses! The junk legend is becoming a deceptive educator! The enchanted charm becomes a volatile reality: tears lurking in deer stars! - The deep-jerking destruction of Decayed Twilight frees up the distorted darkness! The underworlds banding as carnivores are showing off and I should be themselves! I would try to believe, with childlike confidence, perhaps the Goodness present in everyone, the urge to come to the rescue — on the wings of the merciful Angel! If there could be a secret tunnel that would not seem so complicated to go through the Trials of Being! For a single moment, I could see the petal-hearted dear Lady comforting and healing with her gaze!
Unconditional love, involuntary devotion is merely the crumb of fairy tales; my palpable half-anxiety reigns in the depths of the well of my wandering soul and makes a sound countless times when interrogated! The mystery of restless Shadows can promise neither salvation nor reassurance! Secretly lurking ghost worms chase and chase each other through the bars of nights even bump into blind walls themselves!
Perhaps, if I could have more time left, I could endure it more boldly, how could it be possible to be loving my conscience broken down into parts?! "In the swan's lap, the hope of the angels could rock to a redemptive dream: in my narrowness, the lost child, who could not grow up, could be sniffed into a sniffing game!"
As another survivable option in the night, a bat-flying dawn always rips itself through with new life; look at my soul and see with your heart, that you may understand what is still moving?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
As a airscrow-tied, tender chubby clown, it was better to remain ourselves than to shape a mortal body into a kneaded, gorilla-brained Adonis titanium! The difference is still striking and undoubted! Even so, your lack of self-confidence can get over quickly! Just as celebrity monkey gingerbread jammers are proudly proud of themselves, their vest tearing is the culmination of their enjoyment - it is probably not a salvation to be overwhelmed!
If Man does not make sure of his formable flexibility! A trumpeting child terror tensed everyone if it only appeared in the whirlwind of V.I.P. parties wishing to rampage! Behind the mixing desks, the exotic ***** ladies were mixing a noise machine and the perfect cocoa could be ready, like the appearance of ****** wishing to rampage: pocket Stallons with phlegmatic frills texts had just boasted quite a few times among the bumpers!
Moods go down in the rampant ramparts of overheated ***** games and the bride is still an ideal place to make peace! - The radical exile of the personality in the face of totally crowded pop culture! Man's artificial Beauty is often unheard of to see with his heart! In quarreling fun, they are already there that the intentional poisoning of happiness has also become a pleasure! Life in perpetual party-baron invasions and raging diesel noises is not enough life insurance!
A single, lively, tiny sparkle leap is enough to get naive chirps losing their minds into a cheap series of overnight flirting adventures with male gorillas! "It will slowly come to pass that people who are easy to forget will grow out of each other in boredom, and they will have the only joy of rejoicing if they become back to ordinary!"
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
How could I have had a brain in some jagged skull? Watchful eyes, watchful gaze, watching in the autumn fog. The shadows of the night respond to terrifying souls with frightening wars! Shadows slid, and goblins snarled with a snarling smile between the house walls! A rare, broken piece of glass falls to pieces, and the meteor shards of street lamps are almost hurting the ever-tearful sympathetic eyes!

The consciousness of fear is not getting quieter in the corners of my brain, it is only growing more intensely! I would run to him, Yes: Who would take care to hug me, put them on my lap, - and caress my boxing head until I just fall asleep! Hiding as a survivor, I stealth, I move together, I move with the all-filling silence while I tremble myself! It would be nice now to return to Helion’s dazzling realm, where the sun rises every day for sure in eternity!

I would run away from magical nights, and yet involuntarily attract something to it! - And the warm clothes made in the muddy era follows. If we took everything as lightly and lightly as ice-cold indifference! The rusted leaves of the worn trees suddenly turned to gold,

the season stretched out, and as King of Mides he eagerly preoccupied streets and squares! The trees instead of me sobbed with the rustle of rain: You can never be yourself again because fear has moved into my heart - the thrifty Avar is already gathering: In reddening twilight, volcanoes are sacrificed in flame as a favor, with its final redemption in Autumn, but this year I have seen enough! The torment of penniless is often tempted, though pocket money as an alleged adult, I still get! I can only rely on what I need!

The treasure of the golden apple of the seasons, still useless, yet their aesthetics are inseparable, with a message of eternity ...
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
It imposes itself on everything, and everything becomes a rotten ***** because it has seen itself. Beneath the surface, moving, cocktail-drinking, bubbly V.I.P. exclusive evenings, insidious snake hisses, double entendres, universal sunken rot. Career graveyards at a loss become compulsive shapeshifters in pursuit of larger goals, looting dreams. In addition to a carefree lifestyle, it is necessary to take on grief and dirt with a toaster. Sooner or later, even the absolute winners are driven out of the race.

Only Death can bring comfort and consolation. To body and soul alike it offers a semblance of equality.- Daily shedding their reptilian-veined skins are the Janus-like Angels, saints, pretending prophet-greats. Whose daily ruined lives they ruin, They notice nothing but the virtue, if it pops, or if they lack the necessary sum To preserve the ruins of their sham happiness.

It may be that everything has long since been decided according to the suggestion of self-interest. Perhaps, with a little effort, petty kings and loyalty stooges could stay afloat in economic life-and-death struggles, bargaining even at the cost of their miserable lives to serve the legitimate institutions of cheap lies like prodigals: to dream is folly.

But for now, surely, it is better for many to bellow, to bend their heads and shout, to bang others' heads against the wall, shouting democratic slogans - the respectable historical chronicle will also record this in a falsified form, but people will have no trace of it when the moral balance has cooled down!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The fear-tension in my heart is growing to literary proportions! My eternal-childish self is constantly fighting battles of existence between peace and eternal anger! I feel I cannot run away from the haunting dragon-demons of my uncertain future! However, if I were to ask friends to know with calm empathy the hidden reflection of my self, many would already give up their secret, cohesive relationships; superficial exhibitionism would hardly leave them any choice!

In my soul, there still exists a sinking, tossing, more peaceful Atlantis: a micro-macro Cosmos in the process of destruction! Sisyphus, disappearing on a bulldozer, whose pensive, otherworldly voice is for the umpteenth time deliberately distorted into nothingness! From a succession of memories, memories melt into smiles! - It seems triumphant annihilation when the Universe goes round and universally proclaims the universal naseous desire of blood molecules!

The trembling despair of rich shadows clinging to each other is like countless desert lives! The balmy evening breeze still circulates on high. The restless night, like a chill envelope, shivers and shivers the complex nerves! The honey-coloured sunbeams still cling like sunflowers to the scaly blood of cracked petals! A sky-high air, pregnant with proud light, is drained and dewy! - Unmerciful Being, like brown eyes, stares longingly at me: mortal minutes cease, for only the mischievous, pure curiosity shines like a sizzling magnet in existence!
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
The off-line state of inhumanity follows! The silly era of toast shame is long gone! In the depths of every gaze spiced with enchanting exoticism, the tempting profit-seeking is curiously alert! Celebrity-infested retinas are now covered in a thick cataract: Spectacular charity is just fashion in front of the screens! Flirtatious cyber-droids, collegiate diva queens give each other V.I.P. parties on the corner of crowded, fluffy fork districts and rags with milk thrive everywhere!
Pacemaker performs a digital countdown no matter how many times the Live One clings to his throbbing heartbeat with all his efforts! Even in constant ******, we can no longer be completely self-centered and ostentatious to the core! “Self-seeking, fleeing queens enjoy the public life of shop windows while not even noticing: they have become public prostitutes with the promises of prosperity! Even in the plasticized vibrations of faces that can be predicted over time, we cannot safely navigate and recognize the essence of a child's party, who was once protected by a guarding-protecting, caring conscience!
In Kripa-larval gazes, the twilight darkness fits just as well as the gaps in the gaps left behind! Even a burning forgotten lamp; star myriads are scattered superstitiously by the human eye, while the inner values of the other are finally found! For the last time, we could embrace proud shores built from our memories to feel like we were once Humans and not just acting, pathetic wrecks! "As if everyone had pathetically forgotten where he came from and his bitter struggle, which it all involved."
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
The biological part of immortality swirls in the heart with the countdown of death. Its final countdown is crashing with unbridled, fast-train speeds - when we come to the surface from our cavernous placenta-deep captivity with our creaking orphans - eagerly demanding hunger and caring! Out of the captivating light of the Universe, it is a crying toad

from the resurrection of liberation, we would all like to cry out for the one-sacred moment, to demand a chain of rights: In our mother's babysitter's arm, we can breathe deeply into our consciousness with perfect harmony, and hold eternal and immortal faith

the indulgence and the blessed peace of the babysitter indulgence and the hugging swan kills! How clear and simple the formula is in our thirsty love-hunger: Let's stay in our Time-Laced Face: beyond the ravine: Unforgettable, eternal smile, eternal gleam in the nuts!

Fulfillment of the Celestial-Earth Universe, moving to heart-home! - The process of our existence: the lawful order of our eternal cycle - if we couldn't stop it. In our hearts, as a calculated, timed bomb, the virtue of immortality, and death-beaten death swirls, while our heartbeat, like a raised alarm clock, clicks and tickes.

drumming into bars! As a high-speed train even today, with its unstoppable stubbornness, the gall is our Perc: Our caring concern only to our legal age! - We Can't Get Rid of the Game of Souls of Shadows That Lead Our Souls, ******-Eyed Laughs: The crater gap of our absence is still piercing, expanding into a gaping, dark hole - if we can't have someone to cherish our dreams with cherished self-discipline!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
Between four walls, the whispering moonlight tattooed monster figures in my heart! From him I am so difficult and often speechless! Filled to the brim with the words of the Prophet, I deliberately trip myself from the pitfalls of obstacles! In my entrenched loneliness, I often associate with my memories! The eternal Child who could have stayed seems like a split mind! Defend and indict everywhere! The world has extended above my head! my true face would donate to the immortal Beloved with the true pearls shattered into many pieces!
There is an eccentric smile and a quiet song! Between the cages of my ribs, the pulsating throbbing of the World can be heard crystal clear! The broken tidal wave rumbles in the place of my heart attack and I am often afraid to live and hope! It is unbearable for people to often become more phlegmatic! "Perhaps it would have been better if I had made a separate emergency exit while there was still room to escape!" Celeb centrifuges to be vomited to fainting in feline-mouse ***** of V.I.P. party faces; as if this Age were constantly experimenting with those who have a dot of hazelnuts in place of their brains!
Many are just vulnerable puppets in a sphere of crosshairs! Renegade self-pity is already captured; The philosophies of death circle and often threaten! Above all chance, webs of secret connections float; scratching the wounds of the earth who really wants to plow! With the burdens of the world on my wing-shouldered shoulders, with the smile of posterity! I can't bathe in the shower of lukewarm rays, the cell grids are richly needed to shock me with a sure mind!
As a flock, this present society can be captured and driven at any time; As a shepherd of the stars, it would be good to endure more tolerances and humiliations
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I lived in my scaled rectangle room right opposite Budaörs from eighty-seven until now! Infinitely strangling Time has become a slave. Crumpled, curved-waisted bachelor. Ladies - with a good number but exceptional abilities - I even call him Norbus. There was no air, no deprivation of vacuum in our country at that time, and no enough fake, rumored chords reminiscent of anti-Orpheus. Romantic, meaningless compliments of lost confessions of love.

He was chained to the corner of the proud city by a desire for independence, an emigrant-loneliness consciousness! With my Enkidu body too hairy, no one drilled his lily head into my shaggy fortress chest, only He! My Sisyphus, my foolish figure, the blunders of my hesitation, stared all the more in Calvin Square on the way to the baroque library castle: Our lips caressed love messages like young fools, we ran away from our eternal emotions!

If I had been the conqueror Don Juan or the colonizing Adonis, he might not share his feelings with confidence, because I wrote a poem many times that brought the pearl of his face to a flaming flame like a rose bush of flames: Chinese buffet!

I have always had a living conscience; a proud descendant of flirtatious amazons who could never confess his defeat to my chubby chubby face. Maybe he trusted my hamster holster better than Ponty from the philosopher! - Voice-successful couple: I would often have taken a ton of glazing to the proud hills of Nógrád, and I was angry with my parents that there were no pearls in her cherished moments.
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
My feet are swaying to the extermination next to the bird-mountain, studded with the rivets of surgical scars, where the old forest once dreamed of an even fuller and calmer harmony, a happy fulfillment: At most a grumpy bush, if you look at me! Offended, pregnant Sisyphean gorge resumes their orphaned tears with offended clouds: Abandoned, heavenly continents. Twilight's red blood kiss is still haunted by a dying, pisla sundial!

Semi-rich pasture, half-built concrete Atlantis — plenty. I continue to walk and take my feet, the attention that has moved far away involuntarily wanders, and it hovers here and there in the shadows of pasts: I have seen a beautifully decorated celebratory girl. There was an immortal emotion on his red lips, like a ripe and irrevocable cherry!

But now, like me, the departing one is moving away, because he himself is certainly a conflict avoider - he looks at my beautifully, understandingly barren, magpie-legged face, the year rings of my suddenly silver-turned hair. The unfaithful lover, by saving himself, makes a bargain, betrays him.

And between the vague crossfires of exploratory glances, two pounding, innocent hearts dream of the risk of a rechargeable, earthly universe! - Twilight haze is still simmering and struggling on a soft hilltop; The time of the singing birds may have been sacrificed forever, and the beautified Time will not deceive either - but in the solid and uncompromising captivity of the valleys there, the immortal transcendence still remains patient, secretly longing for Someone!
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
Beautiful, Shameless Lover Love: He lurks, rubs against you, sweetens the best of his ****** abilities, and pleads with determination for you: Then the Universe is already in flaming sensual hell, and the Heart is full of golden fire, and the Heart is trembling! Budding immortality appears in kisses-crossfires! His smile is disarming intoxication, and yet you know: his honey-glazed words

like the tangled winding of amber tendrils surrounds him, strangling him with his senses! It is absorbed into the secret concealment of blood craters, vascular networks and bone domes, the visionary disappointment of the senses is completely absorbed! Who has not appreciated the crumbs of minutes dedicated to the eternal, the fractions of glances, he can no longer know when the spark of the found Heureka first ignited with a secret flame at that time!

Perhaps they are already mature and old kobak for the decision: Mulya should always be honest with faith, ready to show the ancient secrets of the heart! - Two orphaned fountains of the Eye: From the richly springed craters of the Eye, angels and saints sometimes sin with tears of blood! The robbed flesh of old, truncated fingertips is eaten and eaten by the robber.

Demonstrable skepticism is already knocking in the minds of my head: can there have been once again an immortal, unrepeatable, and eternal Spark that can ignite our deceptive dreams, sincere emotions, hidden in the open gates of hearts? "I already knew, I guessed from the beginning that we hadn't talked in a long time - and yet with selfless zeal, you always are in it and you exist!" What can a vulnerable soul do if there is no stranger beside Someone to heal?
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Who could have been a non-original voice that couldn't bother anyone and who heard a quiet killer on the night sobbing on the wall of the room of the dying, drunken Shadows? He could have uttered in Human Hearts, "Let there be Sun!" - A dark call crushed him every day and called for a fight: This is how the crying, over-noise child became more and more savage, more crazy!
For in every sentient Spirit a Shadow looks back upon us, as if we were looking among shards of mirror tiles; He stares at us staring like a grimace and sobbing! Executioner Time is rapidly leaking like nourishing breast milk into the poles of bodies and when they were called, Dark Despair of All, flirting with death, is inviting more and more! So far away from the brainwashed camp of scavenging sheep, lone wolf breeds can hardly be reared!
This is how the roaring Stupidity threw his serving minutes into the ranks! A sure recipe for smiling idiots and charms! - Doom may be dark! He was kneaded with sure hands from China and Death: where else can this bottom of the earth create true signs of consolation? Even today they often deny each other and certainly cannot notice their most precious Souls;
The tear ducts of true pearls swirl from the vessels of melted crater eyes as the melody of streams! Stumbling Yourself Carving Man Wreck! When do you notice yourself being able to live ?! "You were a dream of another era, and this now silly thing, how can you no longer learn to thrive in the Present?" "The right half of your being would constantly steer you in the right direction!" Stay on your feet even if a camp of lollipops is sure to trample you or lay you down
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