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if you can't feel love
you are only breathing*

not living

to live
to love
  Jan 2016 solEmn oaSis
Ayush B
When the gravity around had lost its pull,
And my universe was falling apart,
Stars they led you to my heart,
The best thing that ever happened to me

Nostalgic of something I am yet to loose,
Melancholy is the companion love would choose,
The ephemeral nature is what I refuse,
Of the best thing that ever happened to me

The pain is real and the wounds they bleed,
Time is a witness of everything I feel,
Only my pillow has seen me weep,
'Coz of the worst thing that ever happened to me

Eons to forge, moments to fall apart,
It's something that aches, something that is,
The way It was never supposed to be,
That is the worst thing that ever happened to me
solEmn oaSis Jan 2016
Allegedly white, so clear and clean
Anointed space allotted for a sense of place
Answers the questions-what, to whom and when
Absolutely no spot, couldn't stop those painter's pen full of grace
Beautifully colored by their rational brush
Bravery and angst may both consist out of that abstract
Bitterness-inspirational expressions might include to make some blash
Better viewing too once the master piece is being construct
Captivating such attention
Culturally trades tradition
Cultivating mixed emotion
Centrally concealed attraction
attitude Behavior character
has now
a Bridge connection
created by art
or should i say?
" art By creation " on and off
a Blank canvas !**

© solEmn oaSis
my tribute to all
the poets and writers
here and outside
  @ Hello Poetry
By analogy with artists having
a blank canvas
and thus being able to do
what they want with it!
  Jan 2016 solEmn oaSis
~~~~~^♥^[hugs n kisses]

O how can I express
My gratitude and happiness?
O how can I convey
My feelings for you all today?

O what can I do
To make your support up to you?
What amazing words
Of greatest praise... do I deserve?

I feel so *very
My heart swells in my chest
I have no longer doubt...

Hello Poetry is GREAT!!!*

With sincere and humble *thanks
For your tremendous support...

Catherine Jarvis
This was written after
BOOKS VS MEN became a Daily Poem
a few months back.
It still applies! Thanks for all your
continued support!

I was off site for a few days due
to workload regarding my parents.
Come to find when I returned that
I had Poem of the DAY !!!!

MY FIRST ONE!!!! Thanls SO MUCH!!!

I want to ask a favor. Please repost
this poem... I want people to read
why I haven't gotten back to them.
I will do my best to read the poetry
of all you wonderful writers and
Respond to messages...


solEmn oaSis Jan 2016
" the left and the right "**

daughter, i am always here.
Never fail to obey my command
so i can make you stronger!

son, be matured enough
at your age, always listen to me
for i am your beloved father

both of you knew what i am
going through being a husband again
it's alright,don't you worry
i'm okay! wish me luck, have no anxiety

remember:  i have two hands the left and the right
hold them up high so clean and bright

kids: someday you will realize a poem of mine you are about to pick
just like this one i would like not to end it up yet so it could be an epic
Lorenzo and Noemi, love each other! Inherit from me those legacies of ethic!
Do actions speak louder than words until my words act powerful than speak!
meet my son and daughter guys.
Happy Happy 7th birthday to you Noemi
wishing you to have a wonderful love of wisdom in life!
from your daddy solEmn and Kuya Lorenzo
January 14,2016 thursday
  Jan 2016 solEmn oaSis
Dead lover
Be sincere, oh friend,
Before you reach your end.
Your aim is to live your life,
Don't depend on afterlife.

You have plenty of time, my dear friend,
Live your life happily,
Help the needy ,
Don't be greedy.

What comes, that goes,
Same with your money,
Same with you.

Keep smiling my friend,
And I know, You know how to!
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