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I was always worst in the morning.
Burnt out hungover and in need of something to eat and a few strong aspirin.

The phone. rang and its normal intrusion always gave me the knee **** reaction to smash it into the wall.

But being i couldnt afford to live let alone replace **** i answred it instead.

Collect call from Austin will you accept the charges the operater asked ?

In her mock happiness from sitting in one spot listening to people for which she probaly held as much regard as i did.

I didnt need to ask from who only trouble and bill collectors call me in the morning.
Usally the bill collectors dont call collect.

I excepted .

What is it Cheryl?

The timid voice came through as she always did whenever she wanted something.

Hi baby how are you?
I'm sorry i had to call you this way i know it costs .

Don't sweat it I wont pay the bill anyways .

I hated phones and pretty much wasnt a fan of human contact altogether.
Well minus certain ocassions .

So what you need kid?

You always have been a blunt person.

Have to be when it cost me by the second sugar.

I wanna come home baby.

Yeah thought you left me to go home.
What happend didnt go to the right home?

Please Jack I need to be back with you this time apart made me realize just how much i truly cant be without you.

It had been over two weeks since Cheryl had packed her **** and had me drop her off at the bus station .
She just took her bags turned away and walked out of my life.

She was a pure ***** maybe thats  why i liked her so much .

I hit the bottle and she hit the highway bound to the state she called home to the life she claimed to have thrown away for me .

That last fight had been a glorious shouting match I usally took.the sarcastic smart *** route but i had enough of her ******* and lies .

I was a ******* but least i was a honest one.

Jack please i'm coming home either way.

I took the last of my money to buy this bus ticket .

Yeah so why call me if your coming back anyways?

I knew full well why she was returning.
Cheryl was the type that required far to much maintance for anyone to handle let alone people who werent getting something in return.

Baby i just wanted you to know i ****** up I cant live without you im coming home to you.

I paused for a moment thought about that perfect body and the nights it layed against me in the calm of a harsh summer night.

I thought of the nonstop chaos .
The fights she was a woman of great passion maybe thats why she was so good in bed .

I was hungover like hell lonley but i would heal the strong ones always do.

Baby are you there ?

Yeah well thanks for the warning sweetheart .
I said as i simply hung up the phone and unplugged it from the wall.

Yeah i needed alot of things.
A new liver ,Maybe a job that didnt drive me insane .
A good bottle maybe a meal inbetween.

I needed more than a few things .
But a hurricane of emotional horse **** i did not .

I took four asprin and returned to bed to sleep it off

It was silent in the room dark and empty.
It was the most peace i had known in a very long time.

It was what I needed.
How those we care about must feel so neglected !
For we live our lives like a rambling whirlwind, and only the whispering tail ends brushing past through theirs momentarily reminding them who we are, and how much we mean to each other, this whispering wind that softly rustles through the bulrushes and reads making sweet music from nature itself is no less important than its great big brother, but if we slow down we can hear their sweet music if we'd just listen,
Make time for those you care for! Even if it's just a quick hi or a silly joke let them know you there and haven't forgotten!
Before our lives are gone and and we just memories to be blown away by the whirlwind TIME !

 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
How may I help ?
Seeing all these things on web
On different parts of the net
The feeling I get is just blue
There is so much I want to do
But , here I am stuck with no clue

Tell me , how may I help ?
These things break my heart
I want to fly and go where they are
I want to try and be a healing star
So I could heal you all from this pain
Or just take it away like the rain

For I am seeing these things in vain
And praying lord to take away your pains
Because I am no healing star to help
Please , how may I help ?
It's heart breaking to see all these things happening all around
I hope I could help them all
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Some dead things just won't lay down
We keep walking
Long after we've died
Wreaking havoc upon the living
what little of ourselves that remains alive in
Tears and shame
Throwing up on sidewalks
Bringing the occasional young stranger home
To get that little drip of pleasure
From his heartbreak at dawn
But apparently
This kind of "self help"
Isn't working
Tomatoe juice with celery sticks
And people behind desks in
Ugly polyester suits with framed papers on their walls and a prescription or two
Is now
Rehab for the dead
I love my little garden Lord
Which you have given me
I thank you for this heaven
Where I can feel so free

I pray each night to give me strength
To sow more wondrous seeds
And for you to bless the birds
Who fly right in to feed

I bless you for my sight and smell
To enjoy the flowers so
And all the bees and butterflies
Who gently come and go

So bless my little garden Lord
It gives me peace and joy
For I have prayed each night to you
Since I was just a boy

Keith Wilson  Windermere. UK.  2017.
This is a rewrite of an older poem
from  Jan 1st  2016.
All my
Who I am
Not bad for me

Tick, tick and tick
My all is everything
In which I rise
Above the mountains

Times will be lesser
Of the decade
To decide everything
In between the horizons

Stars gotta fall down
Without the use of memory
In which I think all my

There is a circle of chairs in this room.
To my left
a man reads "Watchmen".
Red converse, superhero jacket.
Behind him,
a red haired girl squeaks
high pitched moans
at her cell phone.
On my right
three pill bottles exchange philosophy
on how to wake up
Only one considers taking
the advice.
In front of me is a bulk of man, farm tattoos, blonde crew cut,
Wife back home watching their two kids.
He's building rapport with a lanky indie chick
Knit cap & OBEY hoodie, viynal record brain, paper coffee cup hands
By the map of America sits a quiet girl
Trying not to be noticed
Hoodie three sizes to big
Grey, no coffee, no eye-contact
Beside a blur of neon pink camoflauge
A blob the shape of school bag
packed for an overnight studying
a dead body

Smack center of all of them?
Like IM the one that needs attention.
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Through spirit realms
Through lover's eyes
Invisible doorways
Where secrets hide

I seek the unknown
As chill bumps rise
I seek the truth
Of her and I

The points in time
We leave behind
The keys
To love unknown
By the brilliance
Of the poetic mind
Envisioning streets
Of gold

Holding on tight
To the breath of life
To sustain me
one more mile
Beyond this darkness
Into her light
If only
For a while...
Traveler Tim
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