The eyes wander in search of knowledge As the butterfly flutters between flowers in search of sweetest nectar Skipping the pitcher flowers And the spider’s ornate dew soaked webs
The tongue and the heart Enriched by the nectar Know no thirst, wordless Meditate, all sated
The mind of all Knew the taste The nectar of life Experiences every day That come your way
Somewhere, I've lived you. Enjoying the lensing of solitude, the breeze, trees, figures surrounding the dark grey moisture-laden clouds; All of these ingredients, must've been tasted before-- For you to rinse the sweetness in them Again.
Know them Know their objectives Know their modus operandi Factor in fanaticism of the insanes
Expected effects nullified No undue emotional responses raised Rope -a- dope strategy working a treat. . Laugh at absurdity Pity ignorance Pity their pointless antics and acute delusions