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 Jul 2020 Soloy
When society rejects you
Nature will open its wide arms
And let you in
 Jul 2020 Soloy
Alan S Jeeves
I gazed down from the water's side
To see a silver gleam
And standing staring looked and tried
To see beyond the stream.
The clearest water sparkling, pure,
Below me stilled and calm;
Its cooling, soothing, fooling lure,
Seductive in its charm.

I saw a young man peering on
With eyes that conquered all.
But in a moment, he was gone ~
Uncanny, I recall.
Beneath the surface he was there,
A soul of twenty-four,
Then vanished in the swell somewhere
And left me by the shore.

Again, he came when it was staid
And braved another glance.
Yet, had I his acquaintance made
Some long by-go, by chance?
He spoke and told me in a rhyme
He yearned that he was me;
Though musing swept me back in time ~
I longed that I was he.

 Jul 2020 Soloy
Alan S Jeeves
A darkened room has no sorrow
No today and no tomorrow;
A darkened room has no sadness
It has no pain, only madness.

A darkened room has no light
Has no moon or starlight bright;
A darkened room has no shine
Has no lustre, yours or mine.

A darkened room has no good
Has no heartbeat, has no blood;
A darkened room has no breath
Has no life but only death.

A darkened room has no style
Has no simper, has no smile;
A darkened room has no grin
Has no easiness within.

A darkened room has no day
Has no notion, has no say;
A darkened room has no eve
Has no reason to believe.

A darkened room has no PC
It has no he or has no she;
A darkened room has no view
Has no me and has no you.

 Jul 2020 Soloy
Alan S Jeeves
 Jul 2020 Soloy
Alan S Jeeves
I had so much to tell you
A while ago away;
And, although our tidings few,
There seemed so much to say.
When you were old ~ whilst I was young,
I might have listened when
A weave of words, together strung,
Were tendered now and then.

But note!  the hour has wandered late
And dulls the muse of mind;
Time and tide for no man wait ~
Ago remains behind.
So, words unspoken, not to know,
Are words that time forgot,
They mattered to me then, ago,
But now they matter not.

 Jul 2020 Soloy
Cold Flame
 Jul 2020 Soloy
The intoxic flame framed phrase, burned my heart.
The unholy sin was unspoken, foreshadowed in the words.
Her captivating silky hair were surely not washed of fain, but of something more cleansing something more, concentrated.
Soft silence on her tongue, emphasised her words because the rose she spoke of was never found anywhere, but smelled in her books which had no bookmark.
The brightness that highlighted dark, was traitor
It represented her unkindliness with grace,
What looked in her coy, was actually pride
And her trap shaped in a window to good times.

Her scent was morphine, her smirk another shot, her plead an order, her wish, motive.
With guilt formed wrong thoughts of her, with pleasure her image.
But she was someone wise, who carried a knife and killed with smile.
 Jul 2020 Soloy
blood flows like dreams
settles a wriggling fate
in fields of grass
evaporating with the morning sun
fulfilled in its creation  
fulfilled in its dissolution
formless virtue  
the final verse
being folds back to non being
 Jul 2020 Soloy
Carlo C Gomez
Exiled to dusk,
Fractions of the sun
Begin to lift away,
In concealment
We shudder,
Casting our reels
Into a pond of uncertainty,
Clock hands bend
With advancing shadow,
And speak of time
Only in past tense.

I so want everything
I ever felt for you
Preserved for posterity,
Even should forever
Be far less than
We imagined.
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