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  Jan 2019 Zeynep Çiçek
Life and love and death and birth
And peace
And love
On the planet earth
   Is there anything that's worth
More than
And love
On the planet earth
Mi, fa mi mi, fa mi ti la
  Jan 2019 Zeynep Çiçek
Goodnight my love,
Even though the moon's
Greeting comes
to separate us,
I will always love you.
Our bond that was
Formed by Fate
Can never be broken
Because with each
Setting sun
You enter
My dawdling mind
And my heart begins
To sing songs
Like the birds of
early morn
Zeynep Çiçek Jan 2019
You deserve someone
Who’ll bring down the stars for you

Intelligence is just another
Set of instincts
Don’t ignore your intelligence

You’re better than you think
You’ll be better than now

Trust your eyes

You made mistakes
You learnt
That means you were successful

Step to step

If you feel
Like you’re slipping
Maybe you just need to slip a bit

Take your time
It’s your world

Is a form of

There are problems
You won’t be able to-
(allowed to)
And that’s okay
It’s not your fault

It’s okay to close the doors
Let’s find some peace and quiet

Does it feel hopeless?

Sometimes you can’t help but feel helpless
It’s okay
You can’t be confident all the time

Sometimes we achieve
Unexpected things
Things I told myself when there was no one to comfort me
  Jan 2019 Zeynep Çiçek
i touched your soul
and scribbled my name on it
love, you’ll never get lost again
Zeynep Çiçek Jan 2019
It’s our love
It transcends time
A title of my fanfic. Thought it would make a nice poem
  Jan 2019 Zeynep Çiçek
Ally Ann
A friend asked me
how to be a writer.
I wanted to say,
lock yourself in a room,
scream until you have
a poem and no voice.
Open your veins and bleed
until you know that your bones
are pure words and sorrow.
Act as if you slit your own throat
and all you can bleed
are your own regrets
and all of the darkness
you boxed up for inspiration.
Write your mom a letter,
tell her you're leaving
and you won't be back for awhile
Because being a writer is traveling
through all seven layers of Hell
and denying anything is wrong.
Forget loving yourself
when all you have is a pen and paper
fused to your wrist
and Jesus is tapping at your skull
saying turn back now.
Warn the neighbors that if they smell burning
It's just your soul
clawing at the front door trying to get in.
Learn how to be alone.
Learn how to lose everything you have
in order to feel release,
learn how to only feel deceased
from now on.
A friend asked me
how to be a writer.
All I said was
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