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 May 2014 Samel Yugalin Emrys
if somehow, i forgot who i was;
do not remind me.
if i cannot swallow down my food;
do not tell me that it is because of the weeks i have starved myself.
if i feel this sudden guilt but do not remember why;
do not tell me why, say that it'll pass soon.
if i cannot fall asleep;
do not tell me i have insomnia, kiss my forehead and lay next to me to soothe my soul,
because i do not want to remember who my past self was.
i wanted to forget.
and i did
so do not tell me who i was, let me re-live.
2:38 AM
When I was lying on the ground
Feeling I was too weak to stand
There you came with an open hand.

When I was there crying in vain
And what I felt was only pain
Only your words had kept me sane.

When I was hiding in the dark
And my presence just left no mark
You reminded me I'm a lark.

When I was there to keep my song
Hide them safe where they belong
You came to prove me I was wrong.

That's when I thought that I am weak
When only pain's the one that stick
And when I hid like I'm so sick.

You're the true light that guides me through
My path's now clear because of you
Now I can show what I can do.
you are...
I do not want to fit in, and I do not want to stand out.
Because I can be who I know I am.
And you can be what they want you to be.
Change takes time, or no time.
You do not need, you want.
Destiny or fate, it happens or it doesn't
Because you can choose or you are stubborn.
Love and happiness will find you,
And you will be blind or see.
Another interaction; another memory.
My story for your story.
Because I learn from you and you learn from me.
And when our paths go their separate ways, they will meet again
Through nature or through nurture.
Because when you care I care too.
There are many reasons why I am loving you.
This distance that's keeping us apart,
Making me feel blue deep within my heart.

I miss you each minute that passes,
Imagining your gentle caress.
Wishing you were here with me,
Wrapped in a cuddle with thee.

How long would we be like this?
I wish I had a goodbye kiss.

Without you, I feel so alone,
Can't talk to you even on the phone.
Have you already forgotten me?
I hope not, sweetie.

'Coz I am still hoping that one day,
You'll be back and forever in my life you'll stay.
Product of my boredom :D I was able to make good use of my time by writing poems.
Thanks for reading! ;)

Thanks to Amitav Radiance for thinking of a good title for this :)
Anger is a ugly emotion
But anger doesn't hurt
So when you look at me
And I giving you that ****** expression
You hate to see
Don't ask me what's up
Don't get annoyed when I tell you I'm fine
Because anger blocks my ability to talk
Just look at me and smile
And tell me I'll be okay
And hug me till tears fall down my face
Every day we see them,
passing by them without care.
It comes as quite a shock to some,
but trust me, they are there.

They come in shapes and sizes
just the same as you and me;
their colors range from black to white
and all the shades between.

They're just like us in all respects;
they've hopes and dreams and fears.
They've been with us through spans of time,
from young to old in years.

Some of you may notice them
but most go by unseen,
and lest they let their secret out
a person's all they'll be.

But should they step beyond the veil
they've hung to hide their truth,
it's rarely welcomed with embrace,
and often with dispute.

It's a shame to see how some
could treat a human being
merely for the way they are,
or even how they seem.

Patronized for their beliefs,
or preferences declared.
Victims born of senseless crimes
are left to reap despair.

Stop the violence. Stop the hate
before there's nothing left.
Your ignorance gives wake to see
them all to pointless death.

Intolerance gives wake to war,
of which we're on the brink.
Love them all for who they are,
and not for what you think.
Writing is my most
Selfish act

I don't write for anyone
But myself

I don't write because
It's a want
I write because
It's a need

But I did once write
To bring you back
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